台灣「旺旺中時集團」董事長蔡衍明,最近在接受《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)採訪時表示,六四「天安門事件」中只身阻擋坦克的那個畫面讓他震驚,那個人「居然活著」,「說明『大屠殺』之說顯然不對,並沒有真的死那麼多人」。
Controversy over Tycoon's Words on Tiananmen Massacre
Wang Dan, a Tiananmen student movement leader, has
condemned Tsai Eng-meng on Face book on January 23.
Tsai is chairman of Taiwan's Want Want China Times Group.
Wang Dan said Tsai's words about China's democracy
and the June 4 incident confused right and wrong.
Wang would refuse China Times ever since.
Wang's words were largely supported by netizens
and caused media attention.
The chairman of Taiwan's Want Want China Times Group,
Tsai Eng-meng spoke recently to The Washington Post.
Tsai said that the picture of stopping a tank using one's body
in the June 4 Tiananmen incident shocked him.
But that person is still “alive”, “which indicates the
『massacre』 is untrue, since not many people died.”
Facing Tsai Eng-meng's words, one of the Tiananmen student
leaders, Wang Dan, expressed strong dissatisfaction and anger.
Writing on his facebook on January 23, Tsai claimed not to
buy the China Times anymore.
Early morning of June 4, 1989, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) dispatched tanks to the Tiananmen Square.
This resulted in a bloody suppression.
The pictures of the massacre took by foreign journalists
shocked the foreign world at that time.
Another Tiananmen student leader, Fang Zheng, was also
shocked by Tsai Eng-meng's words.
Fang Zheng was a former student from the Beijing Institute
of Physical Education, who lost his legs in the massacre.
Using his own experience as evidence, he claimed
that Tsai's words are distorting history.
Fang Zheng: “a real fact during the June 4 Massacre, which
cannot be obliterated, was what I experienced in Liubukou.
Tanks rushed toward the crowd and many people
were injured.
Such a solid fact has been undergoing constant concealment
and distortion.”
Fang Zheng said that the well-known picture of Wang
Weilin's “stopping the tank” mentioned by Tsai Eng-meng has been abused by the CCP to clear itself.
But actually, Fang saw tanks rush toward people quickly from
behind, and many people were crushed before seeing the tanks.
Zheng Cunzhu, another June 4th victim, told NTD that the
massacre took place on the evening of June 3 to early June 4.
But Wang Weilin's stopping the tank happened in the
morning on June 5, in broad daylight.
Zheng Cunzhu, a June 4 victim, said: “We all know that the
CCP dared not in broad daylight.
This was because many foreign journalists were on the spot.
They dare not kill people with tanks under such
But it doesn't indicate that the CCP wouldn't or didn't
kill people at that time.”
Wang Dan's refusing the China Times is supported
by mass media.
Zheng Cunzhu said, as the chairman of the China Times,
however, Tsai Eng-meng is distorting the history.
Tsai is defending the CCP's massacre to please the CCP,
by using such a ridiculous logic.
Zheng Cunzhu: “Media with such a boss, who is subjective,
jaundiced and even concealing the truth.
It cannot be objective or report the reality. So as to refuse the
China Times, we will all support.”
Many netizens also responded by refusing the China Times
or Want Want food.
They believe that by saying those words, Tsai Eng-meng sold
his conscience for money.
Tsai Eng-meng is the founder of Want Want.
Want Want purchased China Times Group in November 2008,
for approx NT$20.4 billion (US$621million).
This includes China Television Corp., CTI Television,
China Times, Commercial Times and China Times Weekly.
It also includes online media subsidiaries of China Times
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Zhou Yulin and Wang Mingyu


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