今年倫敦奧運與殘奧吉祥物是溫洛克(Wenlock)和曼德維爾(Mandeville),外貌結合電影《怪獸電力公司》的獨眼怪「大眼仔」與電玩主角「刺蝟音速小子」。2010年8月英格蘭的「金熊公司」(Golden Bear)中標得到生產合約,隨後轉手承包給中國江蘇省鹽城市的「彩虹公司」。
Olympic Slaves in Mainland Sweatshops
People admired the two one-eyed mascots of the London
2012 Olympic Games, but British media revealed that the
Chinese toy factory which produces the mascots is a sweatshop
with poor working conditions that are draining workers.
The London Organising Committee has announced its full
Many Chinese said that sweatshops exist all over China,
with longstanding poor treatment of workers.
British "Sun" published an exclusive report on January 19th.
It stated that the mascots for the London Olympic Games are
produced by a Chinese sweatshop.
The report said that the factory named Rainbow, located
in Yancheng city Jiangsu province, exploits workers.
The workers have a very low monthly salary, only
a little bit more than 900 yuan RMB ($142 USD).
The report noted that no holiday time off is given to workers.
They work for 385 hours per month,
which equal nearly 12 hours per day.
The report also quoted Zhang Qing, a 40-year-old female
worker, who says she is exhausted but has no other choice.
The "Sun" report attracted the concern of the London
Organising Committee.
They say they have ordered an investigation and will
publish the result upon completion.
Li Xiangyang, a Chinese lawyer and activist, said that China
Exports 30% of light industrial products to other countries,
which is one of the pillars supporting the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP)'s economic system.
If they increasing compensation to workers, a large number
of Chinese businesses will bankrupt.
CCP implements an unspoken rule to maintain benefits from
its vested interests, which are depriving workers ruthlessly.
Li Xiangyang: ”China has a big population, and the chance of
an employment opportunity is relatively slim.
The migrant worker will lose its job if he asks for fair
The farm workers, especially, have to work for survival
which means they pay in with 100% sweat, but only get 1% or 2% in return.
It's the common situation all around China.”
Wang Chengzhi, a Jiangsu businessman says the CCP has
used repressive policies to control China for many years now.
The workers don't have the right for the opportunity to
speak out about their needs.
Controlled by the dictatorial regime, China has too many
Wang Chengzhi: “The wage is very low.
There's too many sweatshops, too numerous to mention.
If you visit a city government, or a county government, or
a province government, you will find they are under dictatorship.
If the factory uses money to make the 'No. 1' happy,
there's nobody to listen to you.
They will even arrest you if you sue the factory.
They can find an excuse such as you disrupted public order,
then charge and arrest you. It's no use to sue.”
"Chinese Workers Union" reported, “Wuzhou Yongwei Toy
Factory is a subsidiary of a Hong Kong owned “Zhongkuo Yongwei.”
In the afternoon of January 4th 2012, the workers went on strike
because the factory didn't pay them on time,
and didn't pay them overtime for work during the new year.
The authority sent out a large number of police to prevent
the workers from taking to the street.
Last year, the Hong Kong based "China Labor Watch"
released a survey reporting that the working conditions
in well known electronic companies with factories in China
are very poor.
The workers are forced to work overtime, which is inhumane.
The survey investigated 10 global companies.
The mascots of the London 2012 Olympic Games were
named Wenlock and Mandeville.
The design combines the one-eyed monster Mike Wazowski
from the cartoon movie Monsters, Inc. and Sonic the Hedgehog from the video game.
In August, 2010, the England based Golden Bear Company won
the production contract, but subcontracted to Rainbow, the Chinese factory in Jiangsu province.
NTD Reporters: Tang Rui and Sun Ning

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【禁聞】推特將自我審查 艾未未「罷推」

【禁聞】中共的核能 人民的炸彈?

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