1月20號,司馬南在赴美前發微博說:“美國是全世界人民的「敵人」,剝削世界各國,類似一個巨大的腫瘤,世界各地人民都質疑美國......”。 發完後,他登上了飛往美國華盛頓的飛機,準備和生活在那裏的妻兒歡度新年。
去年4月,司馬南針對「著名藝術家艾未未事件」,在訪談節目中批評艾未未「拿國外的錢搞政治」﹔10月,他又針對美國要求中共停止迫害盲人維權律師陳光誠這件事,公開說,陳光誠是美國十年前布下的棋子... 是美國發動的意識形態戰爭,意圖羞辱中國。
新唐人記者李韻 、朱娣採訪報導。
Sima Nan Mocked for Having his Head Stuck in the U.S.
On 24th January, Sima Nan, an "anti-American fighter” of
China's regime revealed an unforeseen accident he met with in the U.S.
In his micro-blog, Sima Nan wrote that his head got
stuck in the escalator and the hanging wall at Washington airport.
He said he earned an unexpected experience of U.S.
full emergency treatment.
The message was soon quickly forwarded and commented,
yet almost no one expressed condolences and sympathy.
Netizens say he is the kind who are laughed and reviled by
people all over China!
On 20th January, Sima Nan's microblog said the U.S is
the world's people's “enemy” before his trip there.
He wrote that the U.S., like a huge tumor, exploits other
countries and is being questioned by people around the world.
After posting online, Sima Nan flew to Washington to
celebrate the New Year with his wife and children who are living there.
Unexpectedly, at Washington International Airport,
Sima Nan's head was stuck and fell unconscious on the spot.
He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.
On 24th January, Sima Nan updated his micro-blog,
however, incurring netizens' spite and curse.
Within a few hours, Sima's posting was forwarded over
10,000 times.
The posting also earned nearly 8,000 comments, almost
overwhelming mocking and reviling.
One netizen left a message on Sima Nan's micro-blog:
The Chinese people sent congratulation messages!
Another netizen wrote online that this is a bigger joke than
the CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.
The airport's passenger flow reaches tens of millions every day.
How could it be a coincidence that just your head was stuck there?
He who is unjust is doomed to destruction. What a truth!
Ma Xiaoming, former Shanxi TV reporter, reviews that
Sima Nan's “hostilities” to the U.S. is purely politically motivated.
Ma Xiaoming: "I think people like Sima Nan who hate the U.S.
have their own political motives.
Whether the U.S. is good or not, surely he knows very well.
But he insisted on saying the U.S. isn't good. Why?
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime is so hostile
towards freedom and democracy,
the remarks can help him gain political capital
inside the CCP system.
As well as help keep his position and seek personal promotion."
In April 2011, Sima Nan criticized renowned artist Ai Weiwei
in an interview program, saying Ai Weiwei “spent money overseas to play political games”.
In October, Sima Nan openly talked about the U.S.'s
appeal to end persecution of blind rights defense lawyer Chen Guangcheng.
“Chen Guangcheng is a chess piece planted by the U.S.
ten years ago...
and Cheng Guangcheng event is an ideological war
waged by the U.S., aiming at humiliating China.”
Sima Nan's remarks provoked a strong backlash from
Chinese netizens.
A Shenzhen-based female netizen went specifically to
a speech given by Sima Nan in Beijing.
The young lady questioned him why he gave nonsense talks.
A netizen exposed that Sima Nan started by objecting to Qigong,
and have long followed the CCP on whatever it opposes.
“A typical die-hard 50-Cent CCP commentator."
Ma Xiaoming: "Sima Nan is a political speculator,
a political clown.
His being stuck should be a punishment from the heavens."
Artist Ai Weiwei comments on the Sima Nan's accident,
"regarding Sima Nan, I should more care about the escalator that was counter-stuck by him.”
Ai Weiwei twittered, “The 'anti-American patriot' should take
the escalator in Washington, and instantly and accurately fill in the pig brain into the dead spot.
The unity of technical difficulty, emotional difficulty and
political attitude, plus one filling-in is perfect in form and content.
The presentation becomes the goal for CCP's 18th Congress.”
Gao Ying (Ai Weiwei's mother): "The Americans have beliefs,
over 75% of the population are Christians.
I believe that was God's punishment to him to go there.
Now that you have something on the ball,
don't go to the U.S. then. Why did you go there?
Just stay in China, enjoy your wealth, honor and pleasure."
A netizen mocked Sima Nan as the Chinese New Year's
top joke.
He verbally attacked the U.S. in the morning,
while was stuck in the country in the evening.
The whole country is laughing its head off.
Jing Chu (Internet writer), "This is exactly retribution.
He smeared the U.S., while rushing to go there.
A personal hypocrisy, you can imagine his moral standing.
A typical dual personality, liar, shameless without turning a hair.”
NTD reporters Li Yun and Zhu Di

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