Obama's Policy on China: More Trade Disputes Expected
US President Barack Obama gave his State of the Union
speech before this year's presidential race.
The speech mentioned about China five times,
all about trade related issues.
Obama announced to form a new Trade Enforcement Unit,
to investigate unfair trade from China, among others.
Scholars say Obama' attitude on China is clearly toughening,
the US-China trade disputes may thus get more intense.
US President Obama's State of the Union address
covers the important topics of domestic and foreign policy.
Obama pledged to take actions in areas of employment,
education, immigration, energy, health care reform, etc..
With 8.5% unemployment rate, revitalizing the weak economy
was the focus of Obama's State of the Union address.
Obama clearly stated the goal of "economic justice."
He slammed problems like financial fraud, government's
obsolete regulations, and disparities in wealth.
He announced the rich should pay at least 30% income tax.
Obama said, “Now, you can call this class warfare all you want.
But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary
in taxes? Most Americans would call that common sense.”
The two leading candidates of Republican presidential
primary Romney and Gingrich, criticized Obama.
They called Obama's words "left-wing ideology," and said
the US$ 787-billion economic stimulus package had failed.
Moreover, the increased taxes and excessive governmental
interference with enterprises' development will be counter-productive.
Obama mentioned “China” or “Chinese” five times
in his speech, showing an attitude toward a tougher line.
He said, “We've brought trade cases against China at nearly
twice the rate as the last administration - and it's made a difference.”
BBC analyzed that Obama will seek this year's presidential
re-election, this maybe an important reason for his toughness.
Ming Xia, Political Science Professor, City Univ. of New York,
says China issue is a hot topic for US presidential candidates.
Prof. Xia Ming, "Clearly Obama prioritizes the revival
of the US economy, the key is to create jobs.
That relies on the US manufacturing's revitalization.
So, it'll face an important challenge.
How to deal with competition from China?
He passed some protectionist trade measures.
Meanwhile, he wants to press China's protectionism,
for free and fair competition."
Obama announced to form a Trade Enforcement Unit.
This will help stopping unfairly subsidized and infringing
products imported from China and other countries.
He gave an example, "Over a thousand Americans are
working today because we stopped a surge in Chinese tires."
Since 2000, annual US exports to China have risen by 15%.
China has become US' fastest growing major export market.
With China's inflation, rising wages and RMB appreciation,
doing business in China is getting more expensive, he said.
On January 25, the IMF said that over the past three months,
RMB has appreciated by 19% at annual rate adjusted for inflation.
In 2011, RMB appreciated over 8%.
China is facing slowing economic growth, rising inflation,
shrinking exports and manufacturing, plus the EU debt crisis.
Beijing-based economist Feng Xingyuan and some experts
expect RMB's exchange rate fluctuations to improve in 2012.
Feng Xingyuan: "China's inflation is so high, RMB in itself
should also have a trend in depreciation.
But internationally, the political pressure requests
its appreciation.
Considering the forces from these two different directions,
I expect RMB will still show a trend of appreciation."
The US Dept. of Commerce announced anti-dumping
investigations on wind towers exports from China.
Earlier, the same probe has been carried out
on China's wooden bedroom furniture, among others.
In contrast, China levied anti-dumping and countervailing
duties on some US imported cars' brands.
Xiao Lian, director of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Research Center, expects changes for Obama's China policy.
The US has shifted its strategic focus toward the Asia-Pacific,
thus more US-China trade disputes can be expected.
NTD reporters Qing Xue, Li Yuanhan and Sun Ning

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