李鳳智:「很多人都是派到國外來了的, 所以給一些人士提供了一個機會:跟你若即若離,實質上就不跟你幹活了,這樣的比較多的,很大比例。真正的在最後堅持為中共服務的是極少極少的少數。」
Socialist Zhang Shujie Forced to Spy, Escaped from China
Zhang Shujie, a writer for 'chinaworker.info', exposed that
China secret police forced him to work as a spy.
Zhang collected information from Hong Kong Workers
Union group. Zhang fled to Sweden to escape.
Zhang was recently accompanied by Hong Kong parliament
member Leung Kwok-hung at hearing in Swedish parliament.
Zhang spoke of the persecution he suffered in China.
Zhang Shujie, writer for chinaworker.info website recently
fled to Sweden.
On Jan.26, he was accompanied by Hong Kong Legislator
Leung Kwok-hung, attending a hearing in Swedish parliament.
He revealed that China secret police forced him to be a spy,
arranging him to go to a meeting in Hong Kong to collect info.
Zhang Shujie: “At that time China was affected by Tunisia's
Jasmine Revolution.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was frightened,
arresting many people secretly.
Police came to my office and home, confiscated my computer
and identification.
As I left my passport in my parents' house, the police didn't
get it.
A week later, police called me in, returned my computer for
the purpose of cooperation or keeping in touch with them.”
Zhang Shujie, 24, is from Chongqing.
He was a correspondent for Socialist magazine,
which reports workers' strikes in China.
He also actively supports chinaworker.info website.
Last February, shortly after the Middle-East Jasmine
Revolution, he was arrested by Chongqing secret police.
Chongqing secret police threatened him with up to ten years
imprisonment unless he agrees to be spy.
With no alternative, Zhang agreed their demands.
Police funded a trip to Hong Kong, including airfare and cash.
They then paid 3000 yuan (US$474) via his bank account.
Zhang took this opportunity to attend a Hong Kong meeting.
Secret police asked Zhang to use a mobile phone to take
photos of individual attendees, and their personal information.
Zhang Shujie: “Secret police sent me to Hong Kong
attending the meeting and collecting the information.
I went to Hong Kong just for such spying purpose.”
When Zhang came to Hong Kong, he received help from
Hong Kong legislator Leung Kwok-hung.
Zhang escaped to Ireland, and later to Sweden,
with the help of these countries Embassies.
During the hearing, Leung Kwok-hung, Sweden's Amnesty
International, and a Swedish leftist MP gave speeches.
Former secret police Li Fengzhi said, spies have realized
the CCP will soon be eliminated.
Most spies don't work for the CCP anymore. Some are
starting to go against it and are exposing the CCP.
Li Fengzhi: “First group of spies is related with national
security force, second group is to suppress anti-communist.
The first one as I know, has few people who really want to
do the job, and the second group is even less.
Li Fengzhi said that the CCP makes a large effort on
spying issues, which is related to their power's stability.
It is related to whether they can exist or not, so they treat
spies generously.
But CCP can do nothing if overseas spies abandon their job.
If the CCP gives them hard lives, they will hurt the CCP more.
Li Fengzhi: “Many spies were sent abroad, being provided
an opportunity.
Keeping ambiguous relations with CCP, actually they
abandon the spy work. There are lots of examples.
Only an extremely small minority are adhering to their role
as a spy.”
Li Fengzhi stated that now many people support
Zhang Shujie.
Li hopes more people stand out to expose the CCP
Lee Cheuk-yan, chairman of Hong Kong Alliance in Support
of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China commented.
Lee said that is is an open secret that the CCP sends spies
to Hong Kong to collecting activists' information.
But sending a socialist activist to Hong Kong is a risk.
He stressed that the Hong Kong's pan-democratic parties
and socialism activists' identities,
what they stand for and how they operate are all open
to the public, so there is no need to be spied on.
NTD reporters Xin Ling, Song Feng and Zhou Ping

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