新唐人記者陳漢、李韻 王明宇採訪報導。
Tsai Eng Meng apologizes for June 4th Massacre Comment
Wang Dan is a former June 4th Tiananmen Square student
movement leader.
Tsai Eng Meng is Taiwan's WantWant Corporation CEO.
The two have been in confrontation regarding Tsai's comment
during an interview with American reporter.
Tsai denied the existence of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Tsai Eng Meng has recently stated the Washington Post
report twisted his words, and he is willing to apologize.
Tsai clarified that most overseas citizens know about the
Chinese regime's Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Tsai left a message on Wang Dan's Facebook page, clarifying
his previous comment on the June 4th incident.
He claims the Washington Post distorted his words, and
twisted the content of the interview.
He wants Wang Dan to help prove his innocence.
He also expressed, if his June 4th comment was disrespectful,
he is willing to sincerely apologize.
On Feb 1, Wang Dan responded to Tsai's message, “Mr. Tsai
Eng Meng proposed to clarify, I express my welcome.
This shows that the reported comment was opposing the
known facts, I think Mr. Tsai made a right decision.”
Wang also said, if Mr. Tsai thinks his words were twisted,
then he himself is the best person to prove his innocence.
Wang Dan expressed, freedom of speech is built on the
foundation of speaking the facts.
As a participant in the June 4th incident, he can't stay silent
to any comments that violate the facts.
He hopes to see the results of Tsai's interaction with the
Washington Post.
Chief Editor of Beijing Spring Magazine Hu Ping commented.
Tsai Eng Meng says the Washington Post twisted his words,
then he should show proof of that.
Hu Ping: “Tsai Eng Meng must show proof that those were
not his original words.
He needs to make a clear statement regarding that.
I think regarding the June 4th incident, most Taiwanese
citizens know the facts.”
June 4th incident witness Zheng Cunzhu believes Tsai
is looking for a way out.
Zheng Cunzhu: “He might feel that his words are not logical,
and he is looking for a way out, a logical excuse.”
The Jan 21 Washington Post interview with Mr. Tsai said
that Tsai Eng Meng has a lot of China business interest.
He is very close to the Chinese regime.
He also bought Taiwanese media.
When discussing June 4th incident, Tsai was quoted to say
that the video of the person blocking the tank was shocking.
However, “We saw on TV that the man who blocked a column
of tanks was not killed [at Tiananmen Square]…
“If the Chinese government had wanted, it could have killed
so many. Therefore, you cannot call it a 『massacre….”
After this interview was published, Wang Dang protested
Tsai's comments on Facebook.
He wrote, “I will refuse to buy China Times from now on!”
Many netizens also responded saying they will stop buying
China Times and WantWant food products.
They say that Tsai's comments are out of greed and against
human conscience.
Taiwan's liberal professor and scholars also criticized Tsai.
Zheng Cunzhu, “Wang Weilin blocking the tank was on the
morning of June 5th, many foreign reporters were there.
The Chinese regime does not dare to crush someone.
However, this can't show that the regime didn't open fire
on people.”
June 4th victim Fang Zheng, “The June 4th massacre
is an undeniable fact.
I personally experienced it, tanks madly crushing into the
crowds, causing a large number of injuries and deaths.”
On Feb 2, Wang Dan wrote on his Facebook that he will wait
and see.
He will make a response after he has seen an article in the
Washington Post clarifying Tsai's interview.
Wang Dang also said, Chengshe, which he is part of, has
contacted China Times, hoping to discuss with Mr. Tsai.
NTD Reporters Chen Han, Li Yun and Wang Mingyu

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