在北黎巴嫩的敘利亞難民。(EID/AFP/Getty Images)
Syrian opposition visits China, why is the CCP inconsistent?
On February 4th, at the UN resolution the Security Council
voted to “stop the Syrian government's massacre of Syrians"
However the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cast a veto.
But after less than a week, CCP Foreign Ministry said that
the Syrian opposition recently visited China.
Then, why are CCP's actions so contradictory? Let us look at
the analysis from the outside world.
On February 9th, CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu
Weimin spoke at a regular press conference.
He said that, from February 6th to 9th, Syrian Opposition Sea
Sam Mak, Deputy Coordinator of "the national democratic
forces of change national coordinating body", visited China,
together with a delegation.
However, a few days before, the CCP had expressed support
for the current government of Syria.
They rejected a UN resolution to stop the Syrian Government
of the people. The CCP's actions are so inconsistent, why?
Ma Xiaoming, former Shaanxi TV reporter, analyzed and
pointed out that this is the usual double-dealing standard.
The CCP does this for diplomatic propaganda and
Ma Xiaoming: "Their feet occupy two boats, because dictators
can't be long-lived, it will not last long.
I think (the CCP) also wants to build relationships with the
Syrian opposition."
After CCP cast veto in UN, it was strongly condemned by the
The Australian Prime Minister accused the CCP of
Irresponsible behavior.
The French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe believed that the
CCP casting veto was the "moral stain" of the United Nations.
On February 9th CCP Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai
argued that,
on the issue of Syria, the use of veto power is based on CCP's
"principle”. They used the veto because they could.
Lan Shu, commentator of "Sound of Hope radio”, pointed out
CCP carried out the Tiananmen massacre on June 4th, 1989
In 1999 CCP launched persecution of Falun Gong. Massacres
just like the Syrian government's massacre of the protesters.
So the CCP, as an authoritarian government, essentially
supports the massacre of the Syrian people.
Lan Shu: "Beijing and Moscow cast veto on this issue. Both
wouldn't condemn Syrian government's bloody suppression.
It indicates the current leaders of Beijing and Moscow, with
the same values, are helping Syria's totalitarian government."
Lan Shu stressed that CCP's support for the Syrian government
suppressing the people stems from the CCP's actions in similar
circumstances as they will adopt the same means to suppress
the ordinary people in mainland China.
Last year (2011), former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi
massacred protesters, and his military strength was far more than the opposition.
The CCP was secretly selling weapons to support Gaddafi.
When NATO forces were involved in the protection of the
Libyan people, the CCP fiercely opposed NATO's intervention through its media.
France, Britain, Italy, Australia and other countries
formally recognized the Libyan opposition known as the
“National Transitional Council” as the legitimate government
of Libya.
So the CCP turned around to support the Libyan opposition
and invited them to visit China.
In this regard, commentator Chen Pokong again pointed out
that the CCP is a "Chameleon".
CCP's inconsistent and contradictory actions show an
extremely wretched image to the international communities.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Tang Rui and Zhou Tian

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