CCP Refuses the Burmese Refugees
The conflict between Burma's army
and the Kachin Independence Army escalated.
Using covert ways, Burmese refugees swarmed to Yunnan
province along the China-Burma border to seek asylum.
Yet the Chinese Communist Party' (CCP) regime
claimed not to offer aid.
The regime explicitly stated not to intervene in the issue,
for it is Burma's internal affairs.
So far, these refugees' living in Yunnan are all relying
on local churches' assistance.
The armed conflict between Burma's military and the Kachin
Independence Army still keeps going since June 2011.
Huge fluxes of Burmese refugees entered China's Ruili city,
Longchuan, Yingjiang, areas along China--Burma border.
Mi Bingxing, Christian priest in Yunnan province, reveals that
about 70,000 Burmese refugees are gathering at the border.
Yingjiang County has experienced influxes
of 10,000 refugees, said Mi.
Mi Bingxing: "So far, the number of refugees keeps growing.
Lots of people are staying at Burma's border, around 70,000.
About 60,000 of them are flocking at China--Burma border,
another 10,000 have flowed into our region."
These Burmese refugees are in a really difficult situation,
homeless, without food and clothing, said Mi Bingxing.
Yet CCP's regime did not offer any help to them, all aids
they have gotten so far came from local churches.
Mi Bingxing: "They (the regime) said that's Burma's
internal affairs….saying they cannot intervene with it.
The refugees still need a lot of help, mainly food.
The Christian church I stay with helped a lot,
other churches also offered much to some of them."
Mi reflects that some of the refugees have contracted
infectious diseases, like dysentery and tuberculosis, etc..
They are in urgent need of medical treatment.
UK's Financial Times reported that the CCP' regime seems
to restrict the refugees' influx this time.
The regime even blocked related news reports.
UK's reports quoted local aid workers that the CCP' regime
attempted to seal off the border in February several times.
Cheng Weimin, Thailand branch director of Democracy Party
of China, says it is expected that CCP will keep refugees out.
Cheng Weimin: "It (the CCP) found that Burma's
government is making a political shift recently.
For example, under the long-term impact of US and EU,
the Burmese military government and the opposition forces, especially Aung San Suu Kyi, are gradually joining paths.
Step by step, they have headed for the path
of transition to democracy and peace."
Cheng Weimin mentions about the oil and gas pipelines,
a joined venture by CCP' regime and Burma's government.
The joint project is located in Kachin's base area.
In Burma's Kachin region lives China's Jingpo ethic group.
Yet the CCP' regime did not provide
any humanitarian relief to Burma's refugees.
Cheng reviews the reason behind it – CCP fears offending
Burma's authorities politically.
Cheng Weimin: "This time, Burmese army initiated attack
in the area of ethnic minority.
The CCP' regime realized the trend is unlikely to turn back,
so it dared not openly challenge Burma's government.
For its vested interests and political reasons, it naturally
ignores ethnic sentiments and the ethic group's safety.
CCP' regime only concern is its own political interests."
Professor Sun Wenguang from Shandong University,
uncovers the CCP regime's deceiving mask on the issue.
CCP's handling of Burmese refugees is in reality different
from its propaganda, Prof. Sun said.
Prof. Sun: "The CCP regime's acts belied its words.
It always touts to implement international obligations.
In this case, it should've welcomed these refugees to China.
It should've offered aids to these people for settlement here.
But now the regime is exposed that doesn't care about them.
All its claims are just propaganda, nothing is put in practice.”
Burma, a population of 57 million,
consists of 135 ethic groups.
The “agreement” about independence reached in 1948,
diverged thereafter among the different parties.
The concerned parties include Burma's government
and the ethic groups.
Some issues like autonomy triggered decades of armed
conflicts between ethic groups and Burma's government.
The Association of Chinese Christian Journalists called for
immediate agreement for ceasefire between both parties.
The US and EU stated one of the key conditions
to lift sanctions against Burma.
That is, Burma's government should resolve the conflict
with independent armed organizations.
NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Li Yun and Li Ruolin


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