新唐人記者常春 李元翰 孫寧採訪報導
Wang Lijun Involved in Live Organ Harvesting, Bo Xilai
Steeped inBloody Crimes
After Chongqing chief of police Wang Lijun was fired from
his position, it was revealed that
Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai had used abuse and torture to extract
confessions during their “Sing Red, Fight Black” campaign.
They committed even more bloody crimes in the
persecution of Falun Gong.
Foreign media have revealed that the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP)'s Central Command has sent Hunan party secretary Zhou Qiang to replace Bo Xilai.
At the same time, news of strange movements
by the Chongqing military has also appeared, it's possible that Bo Xilai will make a risky move.
Chongqing Vice-Mayor Wang Lijun escaped to the
Chongqing U.S. Consulate in Chengdu seeking protection.
On Feb 8th, he was taken by the vice minister of
state security and flown to Beijing.
However, the Chongqing city newspaper headlines on the 9th
still praise Bo Xilai for his “fight black” political achievements.
Boxun Network has revealed that the so called
“underground society” that Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun took out
were officials and entrepreneurs who were promoted by the former
CCP secretary of Chongqing He Guoqiang and Wang Yang.
The families of these officials went to He Guoqiang and
Wang Yang to plead for help, presenting evidence of torture used to extract confessions.
Near the end of last year, The Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection talked to Wang Lijun, and told him to hand over evidence of Bo Xilai's wrong doing.
Bo Xilai then arrested 19 of Wang Lijun's closest friends
and family members.
Two of the arrested were severely beaten, one person died.
This forced Wang Lijun to escape to the U.S. Consulate seeking protection.
The Head of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) Wang Zhiyuan explained that
Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai will not receive political protection from
any country, because these two have been tracked by WOIPFG for their part in the persecution of Falun Gong.
Back when Bo Xilai was still the Minister of Commerce,
he was already being sued by Falun Gong practitioners in
10+ difference countries for genocide, torture and
crimes against humanity.
These countries included the United States, Canada, Britain,
Germany, Spain, Russia, Japan, among others.
The Court in Australia announced in 2007 that “torture charges
against Bo Xilai were already established.”
U.S. diplomatic messages published by Wikileaks revealed,
that before the CCP's 17th People's Congress,
the Minister of Commerce, Bo Xilai ,wanted to be promoted
to Vice-Premier, but Wen Jiabao strongly opposed this move,
saying that Bo has been sued in many countries for his role
in the persecution of Falun Gong.
Bo was demoted to Chongqing City Party Secretary on the
last leg of his political career.
In 2002, when Bo Xilai was the governor of Liaoning,
live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners at the
“Shenyang Sujiatun concentration camp” reached a peak.
Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang, spent 500 million
yuan building a “Prison City” in 2003, which held 10,000+ people.
It was a “devil's den” for Falun Gong practitioners.
Liaoning became one of the regions with the highest number
of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death.
Before the Olympics in 2008, Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun
issued orders that resulted in 240+ Falun Gong practitioners in Chongqing being illegally arrested.
While Wang Lijun was the Chief of Police at Jinzhou, at least
500 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested, dozens were tortured to death.
A Jinzhou police officer told WOIPFG in an audio testimony,
that while he was serving as a guard,
he saw two Liaoning military doctors harvesting organs from a live
30+ year old female teacher who was a Falun Gong practitioner.
The Jinzhou police officer said: “At the time, I experienced this,
she was interrogated for a week, tortured and severely beaten, beaten with electric batons.
It might have been Liaoning Police Bureau that sent two (doctors),
who sent her to a surgery room in a mental hospital.
They took out her heart, they then took her kidney.
At the time Wang Lijun, the Chongqing Chief of Police,
had issued orders to "exterminate all" (Falun Gong practitioners).”
Wang Lijun served as Chief of Police from the year 2000.
His official record shows that: Wang Lijun was the first to
conduct “organ transfer after medical injections research,”
he also headed major research into “noninvasive autopsy”.
The Head of WOIPFG Wang Zhiyuan has revealed that
Wang Lijun was also the director of the “Chinese Psychological Research Center,”
this institution is also related to organ harvesting.
Wang Zhiyuan says that, “All this evidence shows that, Wang Lijun
was involved in live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.
Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai worked hand in hand, upgrading the
persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Chongqing under the name of"Fight Black."
According to incomplete statistics by Minghui.org, over 300
Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and persecuted in 2011.”
Wang Zhiyuan has pointed out that, Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun's
“Sing Red, Fight Black” is a Cultural Revolution type of movement.
Their persecution of Falun Gong was for gaining political position.
Now they face a "Fight Black" themselves, this also shows that
all those who were involved in the persecution of Falun Gong will have a sad ending.
NTD Reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Sun Ning

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