11號,加拿大總理哈珀訪問重慶並與薄熙來會晤,但12號重慶當地報紙頭版一律使用《新華社》通稿,全文僅300多字, 報紙也不見薄的照片。
鐵流:「王立軍事件之前,大約1月份6號還是5號 ,我有一個朋友,體制內的,地位也不是很低,很高興的告訴我,說薄熙來沒戲了。」
Secretary Bo Xilai Fails to Show for Public Rally !!
The Wang Lijun incident triggered a CCP investigation in
to Bo Xilai, Secretary of the Party in Chongqing.
Mainland media reported on this issue, metaphorically
against any official censorship.
Recently, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
met with Bo in Chongqing.
The local media in Chongqing only published repeated news
from Xinhua News Agency, without Bo’s picture.
However, Feb 13 Chongqing media later released a report
on the meeting.
Bo seems unwilling to surrender, and resorts to the
publics support.
Analysis says, it is only a matter of time that Bo is
removed from office or detained for interrogation.
Feb. 11, Canadian Prime Minister Harper
visited Chongqing and met with Bo Xilai.
Chongqing newspapers’ front-pages, all used Xinhua News
Agency’s report, only 300 words, but no picture of Bo.
When Harper previously met with Wang Yang,
Party Secretary of Guangdong, local media released full coverage of the meeting.
The sheer contrast in the two meetings triggered
public speculation.
Xu Hong, professor of Journalism at Beijing University, said,
“CCP newspapers’ front pages are concerned about politics.
How shall we interpret (Chongqing) newspaper reports?”
Wang Ying, chief reporter of Southern Metropolis Daily
refers to the events as "rare."
Feb.13, Chongqing Daily unexpectedly published reports
on the meeting, with Bo’s pictures.
Mr. Li, “Now China’s domestic media, especially news media,
simply follows foreign media.
For example, only after NTD and Epoch Times newspaper
reports sensitive issues in China, do they come out to “reinterpret” the so-called "rumors."
Li pointed out that the Chinese Communist regime often uses
so-called "rumor" to deceive the Chinese people.
Internet news says, over 1 million Chongqing residents would
gather at the local People's Square on Feb.12, in support of Bo.
However, the news was soon deleted.
Pu Fei, spokesman of China Skynet Centre for Human Rights,
“On the night of 13th, the gathering hasn’t happened.
At least until now, it has not happened. "
On the morning of Feb. 13, a picture quickly spread on twitter.
On top of the building in the picture, there is a banner saying,
“Secretary Bo, you’ve been working hard!” it is soon deleted.
Pu Fei, “I have acquaintances living nearby to that building.
They have confirmed that the picture is a computer
synthetic image.
Li said, it is Bo’s typical strategy to make use of the public.
This scene is exactly like the previous one when he
was in Dalian.
January 2001, Bo left the position of mayor of Dalian to be
provincial governor of Liaoning.
Upon his leaving, 100,000 people came to bid him farewell.
Media reported, people competed to shake hands with him
and the scene was quite touching.
Li pointed out that that was a performance directed by
Bo himself.
Li, “Each year Bo distributed some fiscal money to the poor,
and then made the media report on his activities.
For the poor, a small amount of money could buy their support.
Wang Lijun, vice mayor of Chongqing entered the American
Consulate in Chengdu to seek asylum.
The CCP’s scandals of infighting would be released.
Boxun reported, Bo Xilai currently seeks shelter everywhere,
but his political life has come to an end.
Mainland writer Tie Liu says, it is only a matter of time that
Bo Xilai be demoted or detained.
Tie Liu, “Before the Wang Lijun incident, around Jan. 5,
a friend of mine who is a fairly high official within Chinese government, said Bo Xilai is “doomed.”
American political critic Zhang Tianliang, pointed out that Bo
Xilai has done too much evil.
To remove Bo Xilai from position is Hu Jintao’s best
opportunity to win prestige with no risk.
If skillfully done, such a punishment would serve as a warning
to all the other high officials.
It will greatly benefit Hu in his own personal arrangements
during CCP’s 18th Assembly.
NTD reporters Yi Ru, Li Yun and Sun Ning

【禁聞】薄熙來樹敵過多 習近平棄保兩難

【禁聞】入常已絕望 官媒開始敲打薄熙來

【禁聞】谷鳳傑落馬 傳與王立軍有關


【禁聞】習近平訪美遇抗議 內訌外困罩陰霾


【禁聞】紐約親共僑領福建征地 曝浸透黑幕

【禁聞】習近平訪美 中共人權記錄引共憤

【禁聞】學者:王立軍骨牌效應 牽薄砸周

【禁聞】家屬尋找王立軍: 「無可奉告」

【禁聞】王立軍揭薄延燒江派 胡掌控薄王案

【禁聞】薄周整習 江派大亂 迫害血債成焦點


【禁聞】美宗教自由特使訪華 中共延簽證


【禁聞】外媒:中共內鬥激烈 改革希望不大