1988年5月19號,中共撤銷了「中央政法委員會」。1989年6月24號江澤民上臺後,他聲稱黨政分家等於取消了共產黨對政府的控制能力,於是在1990年3月,中共又恢復了「中央政法委員會」,並在中央、省、地、縣各級相繼成立「社會治安綜合治理委員會」,特別 是江澤民決定「鎮壓法輪功」後的1999年7月,中共將「維護穩定工作領導小組」辦公室與「政法委員會」合在一起辦公。
Wang Lijun’ Case To Bring Down The Legal System?
Wang Lijun’s incident attracts the world’s attention toward
the power struggle within Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)
This also puts under the spotlight the issues of stability
maintenance, fighting gangland and abuse of power.
The phenomena of CCP’s “political and legal system”
violating laws and abusing public power are said by the media to be already “out of control.”
Wang Lijun was in charge of the “political and legal system”
in Chongqing from September 2008 onwards.
He held a concurrent post of chief police of Chongqing
Public Security Bureau, collaborating with Chongqing’ Party Secretary Bo Xilai to “fight the black,” referring to the mafia.
In order to fight the black and maintain stability, CCP’s
“political and legal system” quietly expanded their power.
“Political and legal system” is the law courts, procuratorates,
Government's Bureau of Justice and Public Security Bureau.
In actual operation, the Politics and Law Committee
is a “party committee” organization of the CCP.
It oversees the Public Security Bureau, prosecutors,
and law courts at all levels of the government.
The power of control over the Public Security and Police
are mainly in the hands of the “political and legal system.”
Current China’ issues expert Heng He said, CCP’s “political
and legal system” is overseen by Politics and Law Committee to carry out “CCP’s policies, rather than the laws of China.
Heng He: “In fact these three, public security, procuratorates
and law courts should be separate and independent.
In any country, they should be independent.”
In China the Political and Law Committee oversees
public security, procuratorate and law courts.
Or they have the final say on sentences and arrests.
It is the Politics and Law Committee that plays the key role.
On May 19, 1988, CCP revoked the then existing
Central Committee of Politics and Laws.
After Jiang Zemin came to power on June 24, 1989, he claimed
that the separation of CCP and government is equal to CCP’s losing control over the government.
So in March 1990, CCP reinstated
the Central Committee of the Politics and Laws.
It established "social security comprehensive management
committee" at central, provincial, regional and county levels.
Especially after Jiang Zemin decided to "persecute Falun Gong”
in July 1999, CCP put offices for "maintaining stability leading group” together with the Politics and Law Committee.
Heng He: “Later, during the persecution of Falun Gong,
they set up Office 610.
In fact, all branches of Office 610 were located inside
the offices of the Politics and Law Committee.
Many people say, the cases of persecution of Falun Gong
practitioners in Chongqing are rather a lot and notably cruel.
So in the persecution of Falun Gong, before any trial starts,
Political and Law Committee steps in and decides the case.”
Heng He said that there are no laws, nor Heaven,
above CCP’s Political and Law Committee.
They are above the control of any laws in China.
However, with this Politics and Law Committee’ system
of the CCP, anyone can become a victim or be sacrificed.
Falun Gong practitioner: "I was persecuted in 2000.
At that time He Guoqiang came to power in Chongqing.
The miscarriages of justice are everywhere. There are
true miscarriages of justice everywhere. So many!
In fact, there are also a lot of ordinary people suffering
unjust imprisonment and being cruelly tortured to death!
But indeed such things could not be heard,
being firmly blocked.
They are all manipulated and managed single-handedly
by the Politics and Law Committee.”
Chen Yongmiao, Beijing constitutional scholar, believes,
Bo Xilai’s “singing red, fighting black” helped the “political and legal system” in Chongqing expand their power.
Chen Yongmiao: “The worst miscarriage of justice is not due
to judges’ corruption, but to the high officials’ pressure.”
However, this situation is not only unfolding in Chongqing.
In the past 10+ years, the Politics and Law Committee system
was controlled by Jiang's men Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang.
Their power expanded unlimitedly.
According to witnesses, since 2001, CCP is involved in organ
harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, gaining sudden huge profits from the transplants’ operations business.
Analysts pointed out that Wang Lijun infighting incident
will reveal the evil inner secrets of CCP’s Politics and Law Committee controlled by Jiang’s men.
Thus Bo’s and Jiang’s forces are on their way
to complete elimination, experts think.
NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Zhou Ping and Xiao Yu

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