Wang Lijun』s Case: Hu』s Faction Takes Control
Recently, Wang Lijun, the former Chongqing
chief of police fled to US consulate for asylum.
He disclosed secrets of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang,
possibly including information on organ harvesting.
Upset by that, Jiang』s faction
offered to mediate the case.
However, signs indicate that Hu』s faction is starting
to domineer and take control over the situation.
On Feb, 14, Chongqing Daily reported that Bo was hosting
a municipal meeting on Feb. 12. The news was delayed 2 days.
The day before, People』s Daily published an article,
saying some officials were greedy, lying, and obsessed with pursuing higher positions.
Political critic Lan Shu thinks the article implied
Bo Xilai had been manipulating media, but in vain.
Meanwhile, the factions within Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) released different news and analysis.
Jiang Zemin』s faction said on Boxun.com,
that Bo wouldn』t be punished.
On mingjing.org, which has the same owner as dwnews.com,
they threatened that Bo Xilai and the military can finish off CCP』s higher officials.
Chen Xiaonong, former Integrated Research Office director
at China's Economy Reform Institute commented on the issue.
Chen said, although Bo contacted military frequently,
he didn』t hold any position in the army.
Cheng Xiaonong: “He doesn』t have the authority,
neither the security force nor military follow his order.
So, the news that Bo may lead a military revolt
is groundless.
I believe local Chongqing Garrison Command
is monitoring him now. He can』t escape.”
So far, 3 military heads, Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou,
and Li Jinai publicly expressed loyalty to Hu Jintao.
On Feb. 13, Xu Caihou, vice-chief of Central Military
Committee, addressed the Canton Troops, repeating that the military follows Hu Jintao』s orders.
Earlier this year, Hu Jintao started
anti-corruption campaign in the military.
Amongst the dismissed was Lieutenant General
Gu Junshan, who it is said to be Bo』s wife cousin.
Some believed that Bo』s challenge made Hu Jingtao
decide to get rid of his people in the military.
Hu』 Central Discipline Inspection Commission had a secret
meeting with Wang Lijun to investigate Bo Xilai, it was said. This positioned Wang against Bo.
After Wang ran to the US consulate on Feb.8, he was escorted
to Beijing by Qiu Jin from National Security Ministry, with a background of the youth league faction.
Source said, Wang will be replaced as Chongqing』 police chief
by Guan Haixiang who worked before for Li Keqiang.
And Zhou Qiang, Hunan Province』 CCP Secretary, who also
has youth league faction background, will replace Bo Xilai.
These replacements indicate that Bo』s and Wang』s cases
are in the hands of Hu Jintao』s youth league faction.
Voice of America reported on Feb. 14, that US official said,
Wang provided high-ranking officials』 corruption evidences.
The information involves
Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.
The US congressmen called for an investigation.
In addition, Wang has transferred many materials abroad.
The critic Lan Shu said, Wang is suspected of involvement
in live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.
The disclosure of these materials are Jiang Zemin faction』s
biggest fear.
Lan Shu, “CCP』s inhumane acts are maybe even more brutal
than Hitler』s way of using gas to kill the Jewish people.
If Wang handed those evidences out, as soon as it is disclosed,
who will take responsibility for them within the CCP?
Their impact would be far beyond Bo Xilai』s corruption case,
and can affect the power arrangement at the 18th congress.”
Lan Shu pointed out, Wang and Bo』s infighting
had burnt Jiang Zemin』s faction.
The possibility of exposing the live organ harvesting issue,
will place each group within the CCP against Jiang Zemin.
It also gives Hu Jintao a chance to remove
Jiang』s arrangement for a successor.
Once the live organ harvesting evidences are disclosed,
UN would respond with condemnation too.
CCP』s evil nature will be fully exposed to the world,
people will condemn it, which will lead to CCP』s collapse.
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Yuanhan and Sun Ning

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