London Hosts Chinese New Year Celebration
By Daniel Chen, David Lee
1. Festivity /fɛst'ɪvəti/ n. 歡慶
2. Pole jump ph. 撐竿跳
3. Lend a hand ph. 幫助
4. Testimony /t'ɛstəm,oni/ n. 證據
5. Immense /ɪm'ɛns/ adj. 極廣大的
6. Spokeswoman /sp'oksw,ʊmən/ n. 女發言人
7. Popularity /p,ɑpjəl'ɛrəti/ n. 名聲;受大眾歡迎
8. Nowadays /n'ɑʊəd,ez/ adv. 當今;時下
9. Symbolism /s'ɪmbəl,ɪzəm/ n. 象徵
10. Mythological /m,ɪθəl'ɑdʒɪkəl/ adj. 神話的
11. Zodiac /z'odi,æk/ n. 十二宮圖
12. Fortuitous /fɔrt'uɪtəs/ adj. 偶然的
13. Eventful /ɪv'ɛntfəl/ adj. 多事的
14. Reign /r'en/ n. 執政
15. Diamond Jubilee ph. 第六十週年慶典
On Sunday, thousands of people gathered in Trafalgar Square in London to celebrate the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, which officially began on January 23. London is home to the largest Chinese New Year celebration outside of Asia.
The festivities featured 100 world-class performers, including the Chen Brothers, who currently hold the Guinness World Record for the highest pole jump in the lion dance.
The London Mayor Boris Johnson was on site, lending a hand in the Dotting of the Eye Ceremony, which traditionally brings the lions and dragons to life.
[Boris Johnson, Mayor of London]:
“The incredible crowds here I think are a testimony of the immense contribution of the Chinese community to London.”
London Chinatown spokeswoman Lucy Mitchell commented on the rise in popularity of the Chinese New Year celebration compared to when she was a child.
[Lucy Mitchell, London Chinatown Spokeswoman]:
“I used to sit up and watch the lion dancing come down the street and it really was about the Chinese community then, all the local shops and just bringing good luck for the coming year, but if you look around you today, 300,000 people are expected. It is truly multi-cultural now-a-days, not just Chinese but people from all different cultures.”
Mitchell also explained the symbolism of the dragon in Chinese culture.
[Lucy Mitchell, London Chinatown Spokeswoman]:
“The Year of the Dragon is very important because it is the only mythological animal in the Chinese zodiac so it is very fortuitous it brings good luck, it is very powerful and strong animal, so it is power, good luck and strength.”
2012 is an eventful year for London, which will host the Olympic Games and also celebrate the Queen’s 60-year reign, known as her Diamond Jubilee.
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
The incredible crowds here are a testimony of the immense contribution of the Chinese community to London.
2012 is an eventful year for London.
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