張凱臣:「這次,他跑到(美國)領事館,對中共來說他屬於叛國行為,他又背棄叛變了薄熙來,實際是背棄和判變中共政權,所以說他到北京,中共政權最高統治者也不會給他好果子吃, 他的生命隨時隨地都會被消失,被精神病,被自殺,被交通事故。」
Wang Lijun might be claimed as being “mentally disordered.”
After Wang Lijun ran into an American embassy for asylum,
Wang’s family went to related departments for information.
They were refused. Wang’s wife and daughter are still
missing, and Wang’s case is said to be closed.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used the excuse
of “his mental disorder”.
Analysts say history has proved that those who went against
the historical trend, working for corrupt powers, never had good ends.
Hong Kong Based Information Center for Human Rights &
Democracy said, Wang’s wife and daughter are still missing.
Several days ago, Wang’s wife and daughter went with
Wang's brother to related departments for information about Wang’s case,
but got refused.
Mr. Li of Chongqing City said, what Wang Lijun did to other
human rights activists is now exerted on his family members.
Mr. Li: “This is what Wang did to human rights activists before.
Blocking speech and social influence, to maintain the stabilization.
It was those rights activists and dissidents who
went missing, but now these officials’ wives are too.
Her disappearance indicates that nobody’s rights are
guaranteed under the current system.”
Zhang Kaichen, former Minister of Communications in
Shenyang Propaganda Department commented. Wang Lijun has only himself to blame.
Zhang Kaichen: “Even to Gao Zhisheng, such an
internationally renowned human rights activist,
the CCP can do whatever they want, exerting Fascism
like gangs, not to mention a stooge.
They won’t care for humanity or rights, or Wang’s individual
rights, but Wang has only himself to blame.
Also, it also shows that the CCP is becoming even weaker,
more decomposed and corrupt, under such circumstances.
This is their behavior before their end.”
Zhang Kaichen said, for political profit, Wang Lijun worked
for the CCP gang, and has killed many people.
Wang led the campaign against gangs for Bo Xilai, and
cracked down the former police chief in Chongqing,
Wen Qiang, promoted by the provincial secretary in
Guangdong, Wang Yang.
He also seized hundreds of billions worth of property from
many private businessmen and accused them of being gangs.
As to the persecution of Falun Gong, Wang and Bo killed even more people.
Before the Chinese New Year, CCP Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection had a conversation with Wang Lijun.
They asked him to confess Bo Xilai’s crimes.
Afterwards, Bo arrested 19 followers of Wang, 2 of which
were beaten to death, 1 committed suicide.
To avoid being killed by Bo, Wang went to the
American Embassy in Chengdu for asylum.
According to Boxun News, on Feb 8, Wang Lijun was
taken to Beijing by Qiu Jin, Deputy Minister of State Security.
Wang was to be investigated, and confessed his objective of
visiting the American Embassy and the facts surrounding it.
But he said nothing to another investigative team in the
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
It's said Wang knew about factions inside the commission,
among whom are many officials collaborating with Bo.
Zhang Kaichen: “He went to an American embassy. He
betrayed his country and Bo Xilai.
He actually betrayed the authority of the CCP.
Therefore, the central government won’t spare Wang after
he was taken to Beijing.
His life might disappear anytime, either because of
mental disorder, suicide or traffic accidents.”
Earlier, a diagnosis of Wang’s mental disorder by
an authoritative military hospital was spread online.
Boxun News cited an official from Beijing Police System.
It said Wang knew that once he was killed, the excuses would
be “schizophrenia” or “manic depression.”
This is because others have had news reports about his
suicidal tendencies prepared and ready.
Zhang Kaichen: “Since ancient times, those who went
against the historical trend and worked for corrupt powers,
never have good ends. It has been proved again and again
by history.”
NTD reporters Li Yun and Wang Mingyu

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