張凱臣:「 他擴大自己影響的目地,出外文版是向中國人民展示,也是向世界人民展示,江氏勢力還存在,實際上他並不是說擔心甚麼人民的幸福,國家的方向,他主要是擔心人民的抗議和人民革命的發生,然後推翻他們,審判他們。他們最擔心這個。」
政論家胡平:「 胡溫肯定都不喜歡薄熙來,所以對薄熙來的麻煩抱著幸災樂禍的態度,只是胡他考慮到馬上任滿,他只求平安下車,另外也就是希望他下台之後呢,新班子的人不去搞他和他家人的麻煩,所以在這種情況下,他樂於通過王立軍這個事情,讓薄熙來沒法進入下一屆常委會。但是他是不是願意把這件事情比較嚴厲的清查下去。恐怕他沒有這個意願。」
政論家胡平:「 薄熙來就是盡量在拉攏各方面的人來保護自己,因為現在他處境很不妙,但是顯然最高當局還沒有達成一致性意見怎麼樣來處理這個問題,所以他要趁這個時間,用各種方式來保護自己。」
Hu & Wen Urged to Resolve Bo Xilai Case: Jiang Intervenes
“Bo and Wang incident” has brought repercussions in the
political situation of the 18th National People's Congress.
How to deal with Bo Xilai has become the focus of power
contention from different CCP factions.
People's Daily published articles, pushing Hu and Wen to
resolve the event before the next leadership.
“Wang Lijun case” has exposed inside stories about how Bo
Xilai has been fighting for political power.
The CCP already reached a consensus to penalize Bo Xilai.
However, how to penalize him has become a “hot potato”.
People's Daily published an article on Feb 17th.
It says the current leadership is playing games by not resolving
problems now, but trying to delay them to the next leadership.
Some political analysts think that the article is a warning
from the next CCP leadership.
It meant to warn the Hu and Wen leadership not to bring
the issue of Bo Xilai to Xi Jinping.
Meanwhile, CCTV broke rules of reporting news by
reporting six-year old news as a headline.
The news referred to the publishing of English version
of “Selected works of Jiang Zeming”.
It iss interpreted as a signal that the political faction centered
by Jiang Zemin is trying to intervene in the current situation.
“Bo & Wang incident” might reach a solution under the
control of the political faction centered by Jiang Zemin.
Zhang Kaichen, Former CCP Minister of Shenyang
Propaganda Department commented: “CCTV reported the news on Jiang Zemin.
It means that Jiang Zemin still has some power
and influence in CCP.
It also indicates that Jiang and his followers are certainly not
willing to resign themselves from the political stage.
They still try to intervene in the CCP political situation.”
Since Wang Lijun was controlled by CCP senior leadership,
9 members of the Standing Committee reached a consensus to penalize Bo Xilai.
This has shaken the interest of Jiang's faction.
Zhang Kaichen: “Jiang tried to expand his influence by
publishing foreign language versions of his book.
He's trying to show people in China and all over the world
that Jiang still has some power.
In fact, he is not worrying about the happiness of people
or the direction of development of the country.
What he is worrying about is that the resistance against him
and the democracy revolution from people will overturn them and bring them to trial.
What they are worrying about are those things.”
It was disclosed that the conflicts between Bo Xilai and
Hu Jintao have lasted for a long time.
In 1985, when Deng Xiao and Hu Yaobang tried to promote
Hu Jintao to Deputy Minister of the Central Organization Department,
Bo Xilai disagreed the promotion of Hu with the excuse
that Hu Jintao didn't have enough experience yet.
Political commentator Hu Ping: “Hu and Wen definitely don't
like Bo Xilai, so they gloated over what happened to Bo Xilai.
However, Hu's term of presidency is expiring and he only
wants to resign peacefully.
By using “Wang Lijun incident” he'd love to prevent Bo Xilai
from getting into the Standing Committee of next session.
However, whether he wants to dig out further on this event,
I am afraid that he doesn't have this intention. ”
Since the “Wang Lijun incident”, it was said Bo Xilai has
sought for help from everywhere.
He even talked to former followers of his father,
the Yunnan Corps. He even talked to the children of Deng Xiaoping.
Hu Ping: “Bo Xilai has been trying to win over people from
all factions to protect himself. This is because his situation is really not optimistic.
It's obvious that the senior regime haven't reached a consensus
on how to deal with Bo yet.
Therefore, Bo is taking advantage of the time to look for all
means to protect himself.”
The power contention among different CCP factions
keeps escalating.
The insider stories about Bo Xilai, of being corrupt, having
relationships with gangs have been exposed more and more.
However, on Feb 19th Chongqing Daily has published
a piece of ironic news.
It reported Bo met officials of Communist Party of Vietnam,
and emphasized construction of the communist party.
Bo implied that party members and officials should be full of
justice and integrity, quoting an ancient Chinese lotus story.
Zhang Kaichen pointed out that power contention among
different CCP factions has been escalating.
It reflects that all factions of CCP want to stick with the
Communist authoritarian regime.
NTD Reporters Liu Hui, Xu Min and Ge Lei

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