CCP's Central Bank Reduces Deposit Ratio to Ease Market Liquidity
Following last December’s cut on deposit interest rates, the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Central Bank will lower
its deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points starting Feb. 24th,
and is expected to invest 400 billion yuan of market liquidity.
After this adjustment, large financial institutions and
small and medium-sized financial institutions will perform 20.5% and 17.0% of the deposit reserve ratio.
Some scholars believe China’s reduction of bank deposit reserve
ratio is not a sign of comprehensive monetary liberty, but to ease the shortage of market liquidity.
People's Bank of China announced it will lower its deposit reserve
ratio by 0.5 percentage points starting Feb. 24th.
This cut is less than three months from the last one, and the
first time the People's Bank cut deposit reserve ratio in 2012.
Economist Caoan thinks the goal to lower deposit reserve ratio
is to increase the flow of money.
Economist Caoan: “Not long ago, the Chinese regime believed the
economy is overheating, so it raised the central bank’s reserve ratio.
But at present, it shows a problem that China’s economy is going
downhill, and there are huge problems on funds.
A clear manifestation is the fracture of underground funds rising,
causing cash flow problems for private enterprises.
At the same time, China's major real estate enterprises and
other factories have shortage of funds”
Caoan said that on top of that the CCP is facing a three months
decline of foreign investment in China.
This has resulted in the deterioration of China's economy and
a substantially increased unemployment rate.
For this reason the CCP took the approach of increasing
the flow of money.
Economist Caoan: “It's not doing it on a large magnitude.
I think it (CCP) will lower the rate in the next several months, for at least half a year to ease capital control.”
This reduction on deposit reserve ratio will release
more than 400 billion yuan of liquidity. But lowering the ratio does not mean ease of control.
Heilongjiang economist Liao Cheng said that the chain reaction of
the Chinese real estate bubble will lead to economic tensions.
The CCP authorities certainly hope to drive the private deposit
interest as low as possible, and the lending interest as high as possible, because it is a kind of monopolistic behavior.
Helongjiang Economist Liao Cheng: “It (CCP) squeezes all the
money to the monopolistic enterprises, the state-owned enterprises.
Then it can use the money and profits to solve some urgent issues
and ease its own crisis. It is unscrupulous.
Whatever it does, it is to ease the financial crises caused by
the real estate bubble and its corrupt image.”
People's University Finance and Securities Institute Director
Wu Xiaoqiu suggests two reasons for the bank reserve ratio cut.
One would be that the February CPI (Consumer Price Index)
figures may not be optimistic;
and the second that the not well-off inter-bank market fund
is once again tight. And so the foreign reserve might decline in the long run.
According to CCP authorities’ data, the foreign exchange has
declined for three months consecutively.
In December 2011, the foreign reserve declined $39.8 billion.
Scholars believe China’s economy is facing a double pressure,
that from the economic downturn and from the price hike.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Huang Rong and Bo Ni


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