李莊:「認罪是一種策略和計謀。因為寫的藏頭詩裡面寫的很清楚。那藏頭詩不就那麼寫的嗎?第一個字連起來,『被逼認罪緩刑』。最後一個字連起來『出去堅決申訴』 」。
Mystery of Li Zhuang’s Guilty Plea Unraveled
State Security police seized Former Chongqing police chief,
Wang Lijun, after he fled to the US consulate on February 6.
Coincidentally, on February 7, Beijing-based lawyer,
Li Zhuang, sued the Chongqing police.
Li accused the Chongqing police of illegally restricting his
personal freedom with the near two-year imprisonment.
In contrast to Li Zhuang’s freedom, Wang Lijun—
who sent Li down—is now missing.
Li reveals the mystery behind his unexpected guilty plea.
Li Zhuang shows mixed emotions about
Wang Lijun’s defection to the US consulate.
Li Zhuang posts on a micro-blog: He is willing to offer
free legal advice and defense to all “patients” taking
“holiday-style medical treatment” and reminded interrogators
not to use torture to extort confessions.
Li Zhuang, aged 50, was a former attorney
at Beijing Kangda Law Firm.
In 2009, Li acted as defense counsel for Gong Gangmo,
an officially touted "gang leader" in Chongqing.
However, Li himself was arrested by the Chongqing police
on suspicion of "forging evidence and obstructing evidence”.
Li Zhuang claimed he was innocent and meritorious in the
1st instance, yet suddenly pleaded guilty in the 2nd instance.
Reports say Li’s confession statement was in the form of an
acrostic poem. Li Zhuang was finally given a jail term of 1.5 years.
Two years later, Li Zhuang, released from jail, unravels
the mystery to NTDTV.
The police used corporal punishments to compel Li Zhuang
to plead guilty after he was arrested, says Li.
This includes sleep deprivation for three days and nights,
no food and no water.
Li Zhuang: “My guilty plea was a device.
In my acrostic poem the first word of every line can be linked
into one sentence—‘Forced to plead guilty to probation’.
And the last word of each poetic line forms another line—
‘Firmly appeal when released’."
Chongqing police had gone to Beijing to capture Li Zhuang.
Li hid the videos of his 3 meetings with Gong Gangmo
and his 2 cell phones, which held proof of his innocence.
In jail, Li Zhuang knew that being freed from jail to retrieve
this evidence was the only way to prove his innocence.
The police had reportedly set up over 300 task forces
since Bo Xilai reigned Chongqing.
Groups of private entrepreneurs and the rich became
“gang leaders” overnight; Gong Gangmo was one of many.
Li Zhuang: “For example, the murdering of 4 people,
the 10 kg of narcotic drugs and the 7 guns with 500 bullets,
all these had nothing to do with Gong Gangmo,
but were done by others who didn’t know Gong at all.
So all these criminal cases were imposed on Gong Gangmo,
who was the richest, and he was labeled as a ‘gang leader’.
If the public security’s plot had been followed,
Gong would definitely have been sentenced to death.”
Li’s arrest outraged the public across China.
A group of Beijing-based lawyers went to Chongqing to
safeguard the dignity of the law.
Li Zhuang became a prisoner unexpectedly,
after Gong Gangmo squealed on him.
Li Zhuang: “Gong was ranked 1st among 30-40 defendants.
From the 2nd to the 6th, all were given death sentences;
Why was the 1st one free from the death penalty?
Because he squealed on me.
The Chongqing Public Security Bureau mobilized Gong to report on me.
That is, one could stay alive only by denouncing Li Zhuang."
Li tells the reason behind the Chongqing police framing him.
The police were preventing him from exposing
the use of torture on Gong Gangmo to extort a confession.
Why was Gong Gangmo framed by the Chongqing police?
Li Zhuang is reluctant to talk about the reason.
Lots of things are left for history to review, says Li.
The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice revoked
Li Zhuang’s certificate for practising law, in February 2010.
After being released from jail in June 2011,
Li Zhuang appealed to the Supreme Court.
Li requested a rescission of criminal convictions issued by
the Chongqing Municipal First Intermediate Court. Li also requested Case-filing and a retrial.
NTD reporters Qing Xue and Xiao Yan

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