Diagnose Wang Lijun with “Mental Disorders” to Release Bo Xilai?
Wang Lijun, the Chongqing vice-mayor, fled to the U.S.
Consulate in Chengdu , stirring up one wave after another.
How is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dealing with the
Wang incident, which has attracted the world’s attention.
Recently, there have been rumors saying that
Wang’s case will be closed
due to his “mental disorders”, then Bo Xilai may perhaps
be lucky enough to escape from this disaster.
However, analysts point out that this rumor
reportedly was spread by Jiang Zemin’s faction.
Wang Lijun, who was removed from his position as Chief of
Chongqing Police Bureau earlier, fled to the U.S. consulate in Chengdu.
Then the CCP Central senior officials took him to Beijing
from the Consulate for investigation.
Rumors are continuously spreading regarding how
the CCP central leaders will deal with Wang and Bo.
The Hong Kong “Ming Pao” quotes relative news that
the Central leaders have had an initial theme,
which is that Wang has been involved in “serious political issues”.
However, not long ago, Chongqing media reported that,
there is a “doctor’s diagnosis” being spread on the internet
that proves Wang is suffering “severe depression”.
It is dated February 4th with the stamp of the Third Daping
Hospital of the Third Military Medical University.
However, it doesn’t have doctor’s signature,
or a registered number.
Radio France Internationale quotes Beijing political
commentator Li Weidong on Weibo’s posts,
“It has been confirmed that Wang has been diagnosed with
intermittent fantasy psychosis.
The posts said that, therefore Wang’s case is an individual
incident, and that there will be a smooth transition.
The worst that will happen is that Wang will lose face and
will criticize himself. In addition, Bo will no longer have a chance to join the Standing Committee.
Zhu Xinxin, an independent writer told NTD that, the CCP is a
Corrupt group which acts as a mafia and fights like a mafia. They have similar basic interests.
In order to avoid its collapse, the CCP will try its best to
deal with Bo Xilai’s case internally.
Zhu Xinxin says, “There certainly will be a negotiation process.
Transferring Bo from Chongqing, arranging him a symbolic post.
Sending him away to remove him from public view.
However, he has no chance of joining the Standing Committee; this is a major blow for him.”
Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing Constitutional Scholar said that
the authority most likely will not take action immediately
because its first priority is that the 18th National Congress
must be allowed to progress smoothly.
Chen Yongmiao says:”I think that (the authority) will announce
the decision on Wang Lijun after the 18th National Congress.
Whether Wang’s action was avoidance of arrest, or a defection,
or a serious political mistake will be announced later.”
On February 9th, the Third Daping Hospital of
the Third Military Medical University said to media that
the “Diagnosis Certification” that alleges that
Wang Lijun suffered “Severe Depression” is forged.
Another report said that after Bo Xilai had prepared
the “Severe Depression” diagnosis,
he planned to let Wang Lijun “be suicided” on February 7th
when Bo himself was to visit Yunnan Prov.
But he hadn’t foreseen that Wang Lijun would flee to
the U.S. Consulate in advance.
So Bo’s plan was brought to light, and the Chongqing authority
had to announce that Wang was in “vacation-style therapy” on February 8th.
About the rumor that Wang’s case will be end with
a statement that Wang has “mental disorders”,
the political commentator Zhang Tianliang has said that,
this is clearly false news spread by the Jiang Zemin faction in an attempt to mislead public opinion.
The Hong Kong “Mirror Network” reported on February 16th
that Bo Xilai has very likely escaped from this incident with luck.
There are online rumors as well that are saying that Bo Xilai
will most likely have a “soft landing” in the Wang lequan mode.
But ultimately his political life is basically over.
Zhang Tianliang has pointed out that Wang’s case has become
an international incident.
The case has exposed the dark actions committed by Bo Xilai,
Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin.
The current situation can’t be controlled or shielded by Jiang.
The U.S. “Washington Times” has disclosed that Wang Lijun
unveiled awful facts to the U.S. that Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang have worked together secretly to topple Xi Jinping.
Recently, U.S. congress has asked the Obama authority for
the documents which were used to deal with Wang’s case.
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Li Qian and Sun Ning

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