Where Are the Proofs of Guilt Surrendered By Wang Lijun?
Wang Lijun's covert visit to the US consulate, incurred
a big political earthquake like that caused by Li Biao's defection in 1971.
However, Wang's incident has been put in cold storage
in the last few days by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The CCP's unusual response has aroused more public attention
on the 3 packs of materials that Wang took along with him.
What are the details of these materials?
Why has the US government not revealed anything yet?
Will these materials be helpful in saving Wang Lijun's life?
Can the CCP live on borrowed time by concealing the truth?
An unconfirmed online message said that Wang Lijun had
handed over 3 packs of proof of Bo's guilt to the CCP's National Security Police.
Sources have said that the deputy director of Sichuan
Public Security Department pulled the strings.
The "3 packs of proof of guilt” taken by Wang have now
become the latest focus of public attention.
The US House of Representatives has repeatedly asked
the Obama administration to reveal the truth behind the incident.
A Chinese who lives in the US wrote in his open letter:
“The Wang Lijun incident is not simply infighting.
For Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang, Hu Jintao or Xi Jinping,
the incident shows that they view the people as their common enemy.
What they fear most is social unrest that will be triggered after
the people know the inside story.”
The letter called upon the US government to make public the
content of 3 packs of materials that Wang had given to the US Consulate in Chengdu.
Former CCP intelligence officer Li Fengzhi analyzes that
Wang Lijun should have made multiple copies of the materials.
Li Fengzhi says: The CCP will evaluate the priorities in dealing
with the case due it was aware of by both U.S. Consulate and public.
As for the materials in Wang's hands, I think in China
some other people are keeping materials for him. And he has some people at overseas, too.
His driver should have one copy inside the car, and
another copy should be in his own possession.
Because if he failed to escape, he would certainly need to
be able to cope with it in China. ”
All foreign consulates in China are under the CCP's close
surveillance, Li Fengzhi reveals.
Yet Li feels it is really puzzling that Wang Lijun could enter
the US consulate but could still come out of it on his own.
Li Fengzhi: "Every foreign embassy in China is under
24-hour monitor by the CCP public security organs.
The gatekeeper is an armed policeman.
The name lists of all of these gatekeepers are reported to the CCP Ministry of State Security.
Phone calls in foreign consulates are intercepted 24-hours per day, especially incoming calls.
Wang Lijun made a phone call before he entered the consulate.
His call was definitely transferred through a call platform,
which absolutely must have been intercepted and recorded."
The Voice of Hope radio commentator, Lan Shu, says that
Wang's 3 packs of proof may not truly secure his life.
These materials can only be a bargaining chip during the
CCP's infighting, or so Lan thinks.
Lan Shu: "If it all passes without world's the attention,
and if the CCP doesn't leave Bo Xilai any way out,
Wang Lijun will certainly face his end.
For him, no amount of materials can secure his life."
Lan Shu notes that the CCP's infighting is a totally
life-or-death struggle, with no-holds barred.
Only exiting from this whirlpool can save one's life, says Lan.
Lan Shu says: "For a CCP official, if he truly wants to stay alive,
the most crucial step is to quit the CCP.
Exit from this power struggle, take out those proofs of
the CCP's criminality that you have in your possession.
Hand those materials over to human rights organizations
overseas or to the UN and help to expose the CCP's evil.
This is the only way out in reality for all CCP officials to
secure their lives."
Li Fengzhi points out that the hatred between Bo Xilai and
Wang Lijun has become a mortal conflict.
Lifeng Zhi says that: “The (3 packs of materials) may be
related to a political struggle, or are very strong intelligence providing documents.
He (Wang Li Jun) understands that Bo is heartless and cruel,
or knows of Bo's various crimes committed, he himself even despises Bo.
On the other hand, except no protection on him,
there are some other deeper contradictions involved."
Wen Qiang, former Chongqing police chief, reportedly
warned Wang Lijun before his execution.
Wang would face the same fate as himself, Wen said.
Wen's words may have been accepted by Wang Lijun,
so he had begun early on to prepare for the worst.
NTD reporters Liu Hui and Sun Ning

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