呂進容:「 我們市公安局長怎麼說,要錢錢沒有,要人人長得太醜了,就這樣一句話回答我了。你說我怎麼辦,我們老百姓怎麼活?」
新唐人記者朱智善、宋風、薛莉 採訪報導。
Why Does Increasing “Maintaining Stability” Make It Worse?
Recently, an extension meeting to “maintain stability”
was held in Beijing.
Sources said that “2012 Maintaining Stability Responsible
Letters” were signed in the meeting by members.
Beijing “maintaining stability” group leaders state anyone
who fails to take responsibilities and causes major problems will “be strictly investigated”.
Why are Beijing authorities so nervous?
The meeting attendees included Beijing Municipal Police,
Procuratorate Court, Beijing State Resource Committee,
Beijing Internet Control Office and the head of the
Armed Police in Beijing.
Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing Constitutional Scholar said that
this security model can’t solve the fundamental problems.
Chen Yongmiao: “Beijing’ts security model is the continuation
of the Olympic Games’ security model.
Beijing’ts “maintain stability” goal is to guarantee Beijing
will not have a large-scale protest.
You can protest everywhere outside Beijing, but they do not
allow a single one to happen in Beijing.”
An Shaorong’ts home lies in ruins, and her family members
are scattered by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
She has legally appealed against these land issues.
She can’t understand why the CCP doesn’t arrest corrupt
officials, but suppresses and persecutes petitioners instead.
The meaning of “maintain stability” for her is to stop
It is to maintain stability in a specific period of time.
When the time passes the maintaining is over, however, it won’t solve problems.
An Shaorong: “On Dec.12, 2011, they paid 210,000 yuan
to the gangs to kidnap me from my Beijing home.
They sealed my mouth with tape, took away my cell phone,
and blocked any contact.
This didn’t solve the problems, they wanted to kill me.”
Lü Jinrong is a petitioner from Xinjiang. In 2000, her child
was robbed, so she has been appealing ever since.
She has been sent to labour camps for 2 years, and has been
detained many times.
Now she is wandering in the streets of Beijing everyday,
picking up food from a dustbin to eat.
Lü Jinrong: “What did the city police chief reply to me?
He said, you neither have money nor are you good looking.
Can you tell me what to do? How can we survive?”
Lü Jinrong said that many petitioners have been sentenced.
Some are beaten, resulting in mental disorders and disability.
Local judicial officials said that as she didn’t know anyone
at provincial level, or in Beijing, her case will have no result.
Chen Yongmiao pointed out that to reduce social disputes,
the social system needs changing.
He said the CCP is the leading cause of all these conflicts.
He said for example, the so-called “Xinjiang Independent”
and “Tibetan Independent.”
If authorities haven’t created problems, ordinary Han
people and Tibetans’ will not carry on life and death fighting.
Chen Yongmiao, “If political democratization can happen,
social disputes created by the political system and the rulers
themselves, will be reduced, as will the political conflicts.
Thus these conflicts will be suppressed in very small areas.”
At present, the CCP regime’ts “maintain stability” is not only
taking place in Beijing.
In order to let 18th National Congress open smoothly,
Lhasa’ts party committee secretary, Qi Zhala, visited Drepung and Jokhang Monastery.
The CCP’ts officials also live inside the Monastery.
However, the Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun’ts incident revealed
the most unstable and tragic struggles are inside the CCP.
Deutsche Welle reported Bo and Wang had turned their backs
on each other, exposing the CCP has fallen into a dead end.
An old saying is “gilded exterior, shabby and ruined interior. ”
The brutal and bloody acts are no different from the mafia.
Reports said Bo Xilai is the core member of a ruling group,
his corruption is no different from the rest of it’ts members.
Wang Lijun’ts incident implicated Bo, like throwing the
first bomb before the 18th National Congress.
This bomb destroyed a part of the ruling group,
and broke the so-called “maintain stability” plans.
NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan,Song Feng and Xue Li


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