Wang Rather Defects than Trusts the Party
Wang Lijun's life is in danger after he turned his back
on his boss Bo Xilai.
Wang rather trusts the "enemy" than the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP).
Reports said that Wang Lijun's case has been classified
as "top secret" by the CCP.
However, seven senior officials who escorted him to Beijing
have all "disappeared".
Former China National Security Officer believes that
Wang was obviously well prepared,
he knows clearly how the CCP system works and its
like being along side tigers.
The Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
reported that Wang's case has been labelled as "top secret".
It is said that seven senior officials who have taken Wang away
have all "disappeared".
Their colleagues have tried to contact him,
but couldn't find him.
Li Fengzhi, a former CCP intelligence officer, said that
Wang's case has involved the highest level leaders,
his life is in danger.
Thus where he is being detained must be very secret.
Li Fengzhi, "National Security has many secret places,
Wang is not missing, but was transferred to another place to be investigated.
It will be difficult to see him in the public from now on,
unless the police need him to reveal some news.
He should be protected now, as Wang's case has involved
many high-level officials."
Li Fengzhi said that National Security has many yards
without public registration.
From Headquarter of Ministry of National Defence to provincial
level, city-level and even some county-level defence bureaus. They all have a so-called "safe shed".
Li Fengzhi,"The places where he is being held,
will be a hidden place and was carefully selected."
Wang Lijun used to be Bo Xilai's right-hand man.
Wang played a significant role on Bo's campaign of "Red song
and anti-mafia", eliminating dissidents and securing Bo's power.
Thus Wang has been labelled the "black hero".
However, Wang risks, being considered as having betrayed
his country by fleeing to the US consulate seeking asylum.
His action is a great irony to the CCP high-level officials.
Li Fengzhi believes that Wang is clear that working for
the CCP you are always in danger, like being alongside tigers.
In order to protect himself, he carefully planned his moves.
First he tries the US consulate, if it doesn't work out,
then he will go to National Security.
Li Fengzhi,"China's existing political system lacks stability.
Today you are in charge, tomorrow you won't be the same.
The infighting, especially at a certain level, is a life and
death struggle. Wang should be familiar with this situation."
According to Boxun.com reports, Wang Lijun was taken to
Beijing by the CCP State Security vice Minister and his men.
Wang was later placed under investigation conducted by
senior CCP intelligence officers.
These investigation officers were dispatched from the Ministry
of State Security and the 2nd General Staff Department.
Wang seemed quite relaxed during the investigation process.
He displayed a sense of relief, said the reports.
However, Wang Lijun was tight-lipped at questions from an
investigation team of the CCP Central Discipline Inspection Commission.
Wang reportedly told the investigation officers, I'm willing
to be investigated only by the Ministry of State Security.
as they can guarantee my personal safety,
but you all cannot do it. "
Lifeng Zhi: "If he failed to flee, he had to deal with the issue
in China.
He would definitely select a person who is most favorable
towards him to handle the case.
He would try his best to get his case handled by some specific
department in his mind. And he would also show great friendliness."
Senior editor of Freebeacon.com, Bill Gertz, quoted
the U.S. official news about the Wang Lijun Incident.
Wang entered the U.S. Consulate at 10 pm on Feb. 6,
and stayed there for the whole night.
Wang told some stories about Bo Xilai's corruption and
collusion with the mafia. As well as the crackdown of public security organs over the dissidents.
Gary Locke, the US Ambassador to China, was inclined to
grant asylum to Wang at that time.
Yet the White House feared harboring the CCP senior official
may impact Sino-US relations and Xi Jinping's recent US visit.
Wang's asylum claim was thus rejected by the White House.
Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy recently
disclosed that Wang Lijun's wife and daughter are missing.
Earlier on, Wang's wife and Wang's younger brother inquired
about the truth of Wang's incident.
They went together to some concerned official departments
but were rejected.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Song Feng and Sun Ning.

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