2月29號,代表「六四」事件死難者家屬的「天安門母親」群體,在《中國人權網》上發表公開信,要求政府「公開、公正」解決六四問題。信中說:「二十二年前的那場六四屠殺,致使數以千計的家庭失去了親人,數以萬計的民眾致傷、致殘,是中國百年來和平時期發生的最殘忍的暴行。」 她們要求「政治問題法律解決」。
2月27號,河北保定高碑店市的中小學老師共五千多名,全部罷課,抗議工資太低和被長期剋扣。罷課教師在「致廣大學生家長的一封信」中表示,他們現在「真的是走投無路了。」信中還提出8點訴求,教師們表示,若得不到正面回應,他們將會不斷抗爭,甚至遊行、上訪等。 28號,罷課已經漫延到了鄉鎮的中小學。
休息一下 繼續收看今天的時事禁聞
Citizens Protest Before The National People's Congress
The Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) "Two Meetings"
will start in early March in Beijing.
Before the meetings, the authority which is normally strict
on maintaining so–called "stability" is not surprised by people anymore.
People disregard the meetings' proposals, which are
like a showcase.
However, before the meeting, activists speak out via
various channels.
On Feb.29, Tiananmen Mothers, who represent victims
of the Tiananmen massacre of June 4, 1989, posted an
open letter on Human Rights in China online , calling for
the authorities to "openly and fairly" resolve the June 4 issue.
A letter said, "The massacre that happened 22 years ago,
caused thousands of families to lose their loved ones.
Tens of thousands of people were injured and
many were disabled.
It was the most brutal atrocity of the past century in China."
Mothers urge the "legal settlement of political issues."
On the same day, human rights lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan
posted an article on the internet.
He urged National Congress representatives to publicise their
contact details.
He said that according to Article 7 of the Representative Act,
before attending congress, they should listen to people's
comments and suggestions.
This is the appropriate preparation for the meeting and
fulfils their role obligations.
Without publication of contact details, how can a
constituency make comments and suggestions?
Instead of writing, many express their views by direct action.
Such as workers going on strike, schools being closed,
such news items come out one after another.
In the North, Beijing taxi drivers have protested for two days,
Sources said that 5000 teachers went on strike in Hebei.
On Feb.27, over 5000 teachers in Gaobeidian of Baoding,
Hebei Province, protested against low wages and embezzlement of wages .
They wrote an open letter to all the parents, which said that
they are all "really desperate".
In the Letter they mentioned 8 issues, they said that if they
didn』t get positive answers, they would continue to protest to demonstrate and to petition.
On Feb.28, town and county secondary school teachers
joined in the protest.
Meanwhile, In the South, in Dongguan there are also
several thousand people protesting.
On the afternoon of Feb.28, over 1000 workers of the
Taisheng furniture factory in Dalingshan, Dongguan were on strike due to their wages being withheld.
Sources said, this furniture company is well-known in the
world, having 2000 employees.
A similar protest happened in Feb, 2010, when this factory
stopped operating , and workers demanded a pay rise.
Let's have a break, we will come back to watch today's
Forbidden News on current affairs.

【禁聞】藏人炸毀政府機關 中共急維穩

【禁聞】保18大新招 萬名維穩官全省大排查



【禁聞】邀人大 政協探望陳光誠

【禁聞】人體器官黑市興隆 一條龍作業


【禁聞】程翔出新書 揭「千日文字獄」黑幕

【禁聞】兩會前 中共打壓維權 《新浪》刪號

【禁聞】傳上將章沁生停職 涉18大權鬥


【禁聞】中國體壇爭獎金 教練汪成榮被停職

【禁聞】兩會前夕 黨校教授杜光挑戰吳邦國


【禁聞】中共國防開支續增長 達6702億
