【禁聞】道德崩潰釀執政危機 中共打雷鋒牌





「深圳當代社會觀察研究所」所長 劉開明:「就像過去幾十年,共產黨塑造的榜樣,從雷鋒包括孔繁森,這樣的榜樣。其中最重要的是他們都是脫離實際,很多謊言的代表,並不能夠跟實際民眾真切的日常生活感受相一致。所以,這種代表不能夠起到挽救的道德作用,也更不能起到樹立榜樣的作用、道德楷模的作用。」



《大紀元新聞網》時事評論員 任百鳴:「它(中共)現在是被動的來搞學雷鋒,它所謂的要搞這個誠信的缺失,它也看到了,看到一個現象,不光是影響平民百姓他們社會生活的穩定,同時也危及它的政權。」


「浙江大學」退休教授 夏瑰琦:「有信仰的人他能夠維持這個道德。比如像今天講到的林書豪,他為甚麼在打球的時候,會把功勞歸於球隊,不是歸於自己,因為他心中想的,我所做的一切都是神,都是獻給神的,所以他有這個信仰以後,才會有這麼高尚的道德去打球。」





Political Crisis Brewing Amidst Moral Collapse; Chinese Communists Play Lei Feng Card

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the death of

CCP’s moral example, Lei Feng.

The CCP has started its propaganda of Lei Feng’s spirit

around the entire country in anticipation of the Learn from Lei Feng Day on March 5th.

How is the Lei Feng card going to work in today’s moral

chaos under CCP ruling

where the society lacks integrity and people question

CCP’s ruling status? Let’s hear expert analysis.

Beijing Municipal Office issued a document on the 28th

stating starting from March, Saturdays

are the “Day to learn from Lei Feng’s volunteering” and

primary and secondary school students must write a journal entry about Lei Feng.

This Beijing office was responding to the press conference of

Central Propaganda Department on the 27th

in regards to the spirit of Lei Feng:

Make learning from Lei Feng a routine activity.

Director of the Shenzhen Institute of Contemporary

Observation, Liu Kaiming, said that

decades of Chinese moral collapse are precisely

due to 50 years of learning from Lei Feng.

Director of the Shenzhen Institute of Contemporary

Observation, Liu Kaiming: "In the past few decades,

the Communist Party created examples such as Lei Feng and

Kong Fansen. Most importantly, they are far from real.

They represent mostly lies and they are not consistent

with actual daily life.

Therefore, this type of presentation won’t save morals or

function as an example of a moral role model."

At present, the downhill slide of Chinese social morality

is of great concern.

Food safety issues and an old man lying on the ground that

no one dared to help and more have been in the spotlight.

The CCP was directly questioned about the cruel reality of the

Foshan girl who was run over by cars and ignored by 18 passers-by last year.

PRC Premier Wen Jiabao publicly recognized the severe

downturn of morality,

and lack of credibility in the Chinese society,

as well as the dissatisfaction among the people.

Epoch Times political commentator Ren Baiming: "It (CCP) is

now passively carrying out this 『learn from Lei Feng’ to fix its integrity issues.

Because they have seen a phenomenon which not only is

affecting the stability of the civilian social life, but also threatening its regime."

Xia Gui Qi, a retired professor of Zhejiang University,

believes that cultivating good moral relies on religious beliefs.

CCP's "atheism" is the opposite, it believes in Marxism-

Leninism, and engages in class struggle.

Xia Gui Qi, retired professor of Zhejiang University: "The

man of faith was able to maintain morals.

Take Jeremy Lin as an example, why does he attribute

all the credit to the team, not to himself?

Because he believes everything he does is for God.

With this belief, he is able to play with high morals."

Xia Gui Qi pointed out that the CCP has fought against faith

for over 60 years, and became more ruthless

since the emergence of Falun Gong and its cultivation standard,

truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

According to the survey data, in the 12 years of persecution of

Falun Gong, there has been more than 3,500 Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death,

and still hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners


Ren Baiming: "The good people have been locked up in

prison, and then they ask people to start learning from Lei Feng, isn’t this ridiculous?"

Recently, Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai, who fell into a

political crisis due to the Wang Lijun incident, is also promoting “Learn from Lei Feng.

Chongqing Daily reported that while meeting squad leader

and comrades of Lei Feng in Chongqing on the 27th,

Bo Xilai specifically introduced activities involving

“singing red tunes and learning from Lei Feng.”

Bo Xilai’s motivation in utilizing Lei Feng is believed

to be part of his struggle to secure his status while facing a resignation predicament.

NTD Reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Jing and Sun Ning