對於北京城在「兩會」期間,調動軍警70萬人加強警戒,城區要道交通管制,民眾不滿軍警擺出如臨大敵的陣仗 。
鐵流:「最好是不要開,最好不要這啥東西人大,全部不解決任何問題,一開人大北京說堵車,一開兩會,人們都成兩太,不是兩會叫兩太,就堵車,都得給它讓道, 人民代表你知道不?好多是貪官呢,書記,市長你說又貪官,又當代表,又當民意代表,這不是吧?人大是民意機構啊,不應該是當官的。」
Renowned media workers jointly sign for Press legislation before the “Two Meetings”
Last year, some Chinese celebrities including Xin Ziling,
Dai Qing, and Tie Liu initiated a signature movement,
calling for news and press law-making as soon as possible.
They drafted a public letter to the National People's
Congress (NPC) Standing Committee. Due to political reasons, the letter was not sent.
Right before the “Two Meetings” in 2012, the letter was
again brought to the public's attention.
The famous writer Tie Liu, who is the representative of over
1,400 retired officials and media workers recently accepted an interview from NTDTV.
Let's have a listen to his words.
Tie Liu is a writer from Sichuan, as well as a veteran journalist.
He was labeled a “rightist” during the “Anti-Rightist Movement” in 1957.
Recently, he wrote a letter to the NPC Standing Committee as the
representative of a large group of people from various fields.
Tie Liu expressed that without establishing the Press Law
there's no real freedom for writers and journalists;
the authority can arrest anyone at any time, thus
it's impossible to write freely especially when revealing the
dark side of society, corrupt politics, or monitoring the power
from doing evil or bullying the civilians.
(Tie Liu): ”Have you ever heard the name of Xie Zhaoping?
He had been working as a prosecutor for twenty years, but
was arrested without any legal reasoning.
Therefore we need a law for the news and press industry.
Though sixty-three years have passed since the CCP took
power in this country, there's still no law on news and press, which is extremely abnormal.
This is why we, as the old generation of media workers, are
trying to stand out and speak up for ourselves.”
Tie Liu revealed that most of the signatures are from
retired media workers, including the presidents, chief and
vice chief editors of party mouthpiece media such as
People's Daily and PLA Daily.
(Tie Liu): ”We had planned to submit the letter and
signatures during the NPC last year.
But as the jasmine revolution exploded, the authority thought
our request was related to the event and arrested some of us.
Finally we compromised and delayed to announce our letter.
Now that one year has passed, we decided to pick up where we left off.”
Tie Liu said that he chose to announce the letter during
the “Two Meetings” session to be a voice for freedom of speech in China.
He expects nothing from the “Two Meetings” itself because
the “People's Congress” was not elected by the people and therefore never stood for them.
The Internet writer Jing Chu made a similar comment, saying
that the “Two Meetings” indeed represents the bureaucratic class.
(Internet writer Jing Chu): ”The “Two Meetings” are in no
sense a “People's Congress.”
They should be called the “Bureaucratic Congress” instead.
Although they always make some resounding oral
announcements during the meetings, in general no problems have ever been solved by the congress.”
During the “Two Meetings” session, as many as 700,000
armies and police will be vigilant in Beijing.
The traffic on many roads will be under restriction.
Civilians have complained about the wartime-like layout.
(Shanghai Lawyer Li Tiantian): ”Isn't it funny to see that
730,000 security forces are necessary to guard 3,000 congress members?
Such a large number (of security forces) show us how
this congress is against the people's will.”
A professor of China University of Political Science and Law,
He Bing, recently wrote on his Weibo that the meeting of
3,000 “People's representatives” can be seen nowhere else
in the world.
He suggested combining the People's Congress with its
standing committee and reducing its size to around 300 to 500 members.
(Tie Liu): ”It would be best to cancel the so-called People's
Congress because it never solves any problems.
Furthermore, during every session the traffic is terrible
in Beijing because roads have to be cleaned for congress members.
You know, “People's Representatives” are mostly venal
officials or party secretaries.
For example, a mayor can represent his residents when he is
a corrupt bureaucrat. How is this reasonable?
“People's Congress” should represent the people's will, not
the officials'.”
On the other hand, Chinese netizens also agreed that
“People's Congress” is indeed a “Bureaucratic Congress.”
Some of them ridiculed the fact that many CCP officials
send their children abroad for education.
They said, “Imagine if those countries such as the United
States held parent-teacher conferences at the same time as
the “Two Meetings” session, the CCP's meetings would
probably be canceled due to absence of a majority of members.
Tie Liu further said that the civilians are under fortified
restrictions and face harassment during the “Two Meetings”
session every year; other than that, the meetings don't deal
with any real problems.
In conclusion, he again recommended canceling the
annoying annual “Two Meetings.”
NTD reporters Li Yun and Sun Ning

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