【新唐人2012年3月13日訊】3月11號,英國《星期日泰晤士報》頭版登出了有關中共派出間諜,多次侵入英國軍工巨頭BAE系統,盜取西方最先進戰鬥機F-35 JSF的大量研發機密消息。屢屢爆出的間諜醜聞,讓「間諜」這一名詞已經成爲中共標籤。有評論指出,情報部門主要是爲了國家安全服務,而中共的情報部門卻是優先爲了黨的統治服務。中共之所以大量竊取西方情報來發展高尖端科技,是因為暴力統治的危機感讓它想頑抗到底。
CCP Spies on F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
On March 11, the UK’s Sunday Times carried on its front page
news a report about cyber spies of the Chinese Communist Party.
Chinese spies’ have conducted repeated cyber invasions into
the computers of leading arms firm BAE.
They have stolen a vast amount of details of the
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter said the report.
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is currently the world's
most advanced fighter jet.
Espionage is deemed the CCP’s label for the repeated
exposures of its spy scandals.
Comments say that intelligence agencies should mainly serve
state security, but in China, serving the CCP is the top priority.
The vast extent of the CCP’s theft of Western intelligence
is aimed at developing an advanced technology.
Analysis shows that apprehension over the recent crisis
which has been created by its own violent rule makes it clear
that the Chinese Communist Party is attempting to
resist to the end.
The Sunday Times has reported that the news was revealed
by an executive of BAE in 2011.
These cyber attacks have lasted over a period of 18 months.
UK-based BAE Systems was rated as the top largest
arms-producing company in 2010 by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI).
The £200 billion F-35 JSF is the world’s most advanced
fighter jet and is part of a multinational project.
I searched the online information showing the ranking
was for the year 2008 instead of the year 2010, please confirm.
Former CCP intelligence officer, Li Fengzhi, discloses that
intelligence on technological and military data is what the CCP is most interested in.
The UK and other major Western countries are the
regime’s most important targets.
Li Fengzhi goes on to explain the three major intelligence
departments of the CCP regime.
Li Fengzhi explains that: "The first section is the
State Security Ministry and its branches.
This system is the major one, involving all intelligence work
and that of the military.
The army has its own intelligence services. One service
operates manually or through other comprehensive means;
another is audio surveillance, which may now be realized
via satellite network;
the 3rd one is related to other departments,
and embraces the public security system.
The army follows military orders, so they are supposed to
focus the most on cyber espionage.
Intelligence and counter-intelligence departments are
set up in most countries in the world.
Yet the CCP’s intelligence agencies prioritize their services
uniquely for the CCP’s rule, says Li Fengzhi.
Li Fengzhi says: "It is supposed to be that when the
two conflict, that is,
the national security and the CCP’s interest,
the choice is always the (CCP)Party.
Serving the CCP is always the priority,
this is a major characteristic in China."
The Chinese embassy in London has called it a
"baseless allegation".
However, the CCP’s espionage is not news to Tang Baiqiao,
president of the Democracy Academy of China in New York.
According to media reports in January 2011, the CCP’s
F-20 stealth fighter may be using the same high-tech specification as the US F-117 Nighthawk fighter,
since part of that fighter’s wreckage was
acquired by the CCP.
Tang Baiqiao tells us: "The CCP’s spacecrafts like Shenzhou 5,
Shenzhou 6 and Shenzhou 7 basically were all made by
stealing technology from the West, especially from the U.S..
A large number of CCP military spies and high-tech spies
have already been sent abroad.
The figure given for the number of CCP spies that the
U.S. government has caught is still only the tip of the iceberg."
According the U.S. Congress’ report on March 8,
some large Chinese communications companies that
work on foreign projects have close ties to the CCP military,
it is these Chinese partners that gave the cutting-edge scientific technology to the CCP’s army.
Victims of the CCP cyber invasions include the US military,
the US government and the private sector.
This could easily become a real danger for the U.S. military
on their missions, according to the BBC reports.
Tang Baiqiao has analyzed the reason behind the CCP’s huge
theft of Western intelligence.
The purpose is for its cutting-edge technology development.
While the root cause of the need for such intelligence
is the CCP’s long-term sense of crisis which keeps it on a knife edge and nervous.
Tang Baiqiao adds: "All this is because the CCP owes a
blood debt over the June 4 massacre, the Cultural Revolution, and other movements.
This includes the crimes that Jiang Zemin committed against
Falun Gong practitioners;
The crimes that the regime has committed against Tibet and
it’s people, etc..
Any one of these many serious crimes can be punished
with the death penalty.
The (CCP) criminal gang has loudly declared that it will
fight to the end, so it has to strengthen its ruling power, including of course its military.”
So far, the CCP has not yet responded to the report.


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