Maintaining “Stability” Intensified; Judiciary Goes Backwards
Wang Shengjun is President of the Chinese Communist
Party's (CCP) Supreme People's Court.
He highlighted an aspect of “Justice” in a work report in the
Two Sessions (the CCP's high-level internal meeting).
However, he didn't say any word
about “judicial independence”.
Scholars believe that if administration of justice belongs
to a specific department or a party group, then there is no justice.
Meanwhile, the root of judicial corruption will still exist.
Supreme Court President, Wang Shengjun delivered the
annual report to the National People's Congress (NPC).
The word “Justice” appeared eight times in his report.
He once mentioned “independent trial,”
but didn't talk about “judicial independent”.
At the beginning of report, Wang talked about strengthening
the criminal trial. This is to maintain “state security” and “social stability”.
Zhang Zanning, Prof. of Southeast University School of Law,
said that “maintaining stability above all” is in fact undermining the law. It would mean that there is no law.
“Stability” is above the administration of justice and the
Constitution, that is an authoritarian regime; the “rule of man”.
Zhang Zanning (law Prof.): “The fundamental root
of “instability” is judicial injustice, and others injustice, such as administrative injustice and the injustice of the system.
That is the leading cause of fake and false charges and
the existence of activists.
That's why maintaining “stability” was launched. Maintaining
“stability”, in fact, is like “drinking poison to quench thirst”.
The more action taken to strengthen the so-called “stability”,
the more instability is taking place.
Only way to solve fake and false charges is justice,
and in this case, the injustices will be reduced.”
Scholars commented that in China, judicatory has
administrative characteristics, and has a state-character.
No matter who is a top judge of the Supreme Court, without
reform, “judicial independence” will not be achieved.
Chen Yongmiao (Beijing constitutional scholar): “Judicial
personnel management is controlled by the CCP regime.
In their hands, there is no way to achieve judicial justice.
Because of this, judicial corruption exists.”
Zhang Zanning: “In my view, the judiciary must
be independent. Otherwise, it is fake.
If a judiciary belongs to a specific department or a party
group, then there is no justice at all.
Chen Yongmiao predicted that if the judiciary is not
independent, next years annual report will be the same.
It will be possible to have more strengthening of control,
and intensifying of maintaining social “stability”.
Chen Yongmiao (Beijing constitutional scholar): “Without
judicial independence, judges cannot apply justice.
Even he (Wang Shengjun) mentioned good intent in the
report, but once it is operated under the Party system, it naturally will create judicial corruption.
Under the Party's leadership, this system will
remain unchanged.”
Zhang Zanning said that Judicial independence is the
foundation of justice.
For a country, when democracy is really implemented, and
people can truly elect their government, this government can be trusted by people.
The judicial system will allow justice,
and society will be stable.
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