"Lhasa 3.14" Incident Review, Protests Escalate to Self-immolation
Few years have pasted after deadly unrest of
2008 "Lhasa 3.14 incident" in Tibet.
In order to continuously protest of the Chinese Communist
Party's (CCP) Tibetan policies, more Tibetans and monks self-immolated.
Recently, Sichuan officially announced they'd send thousands
of officials into Tibet to "aid Tibetans and maintain stability."
The CCP's attempt on Tibet and Xinjiang's policies
have once again provoking outsiders'attention.
March 10th is the 53rd anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day.
It is also a sensitive time for commemorating
the 2008 "Lhasa 3.14 incident."
On March 10th, an 18-year-old monk from the restive Kirti
Monastery in Aba, Sichuan, self-immolated to protest the CCP's Tibetan policy.
This is the third self-immolation incident since this March.
28 Tibetans self-immolated since Feb., 2009.
Dawa Tsering, Chairman of the board of the Dalai Lama
Religion Foundation, said that the CCP's patriotic re-education
forces Tibetans to go against their faith, and is the leading
cause of protest.
However, the CCP uses armed forces to crackdown, resulting
in more protests.
Dawa Tsering,"All Tibetans'demands, such as to respect
their nation, beliefs, personality or dignity,
are branded as crimes, terrorist acts separating the country
or endangering state security."
Dawa Tsering pointed out that in Tibet, the police have
unrestricted power and Tibetans lack protection by law.
Many Tibetans disappeared or were assassinated.
Thus, Tibetans self-immolate to highlight their anger towards
the CCP's rule.
On March 10th, 2008, 300 monks held a peaceful protest
in Lhasa to commemorate the 49th Tibetan Uprising Day.
Authorities intervened and 50-60 people were arrested.
The next day, 600 monks, urging for the release of the detained monks, demonstrated in the street.
Riot police used tear gas to quell protesters, and
three monasteries were blocked by army forces.
On the morning of March 14th, over a hundred monks from
Ramoche Temple in Lhasa held a protest.
However, it was brutally repressed, so in response,
tens of thousands of Tibetans held a large protest in the street,
to which the authorities responded by sending more troops
to intervene. Lhasa was full of military vehicles and armoured cars.
Armed forces used tear gas, shot protesters, and blocked
specific areas, killing and arresting people, and placed Lhasa under curfew that night.
Dawa Tsering said that since the 2008 "Lhasa 3.14 incident,"
500 protests took place in Tibet.
On March 12th, the CCP mouthpiece media Xinhuanet
reported that two years ago, 1,000 officials were sent to the Tibetan region and
this year they will continuously send 1000 more officials to
the Sichuan Tibetan region to strengthen and maintain the so-called stability and develop weak areas.
Dawa Tsering: "More than half of officials are non-Tibetans.
They control over 75% of economic power in Tibet.
That is to say, Tibetans are marginalized both
economically and culturally.
They became second-class citizens on their own land.
It's a fact that the CCP is reluctant to have outsiders find out about it."
Dawa said that the CCP doesn't let outsiders see what a
true Tibetan is.
They utilize propagandas and lies to depict the Tibetans'
as hateful towards China to instigate inter-ethnic hatred.
Dawa said that Chinese people don't like the CCP, but
are deceived by the CCP into thinking CCP's ruling in Tibet may be good for the interests of China.
So they keep silent on CCP's crime in Tibet
or unknowingly become accomplices.

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