“315” fraud websites profit under the banner of protecting consumer rights
As “World Consumer Rights Day” on March 15th approaches,
the topics of anti-fraud are hot all over mainland China.
The most popular fraud cases take place on the Internet.
Although consumers expect their rights to be protected, fraud websites continue to profit.
Under the name of “protecting consumer rights,”
they sell consumers' complaint messages to the corresponding companies, who are frightened by exposure.
Each message can be sold for as much as nearly a thousand
Yuan on average, which turns the Consumer Rights Day into a money making day for those lawbreakers.
Recently, more than a hundred fraud websites emerged
in Beijing.
These companies first collect complaint messages from
consumers under the banner of protecting rights.
The sites know that some companies who receive complaints
would rather pay instead of being exposed,
so they blackmail companies for money in exchange for
deleting the relevant complaints.
A Beijing News journalist contacted nearly 20 websites
including “315: Voice of consumers,” “315: Complaint Portal,” “315: Rights Protection”, and “Special Zone of 315.”
All of these sites disclosed that companies can pay a fee
to have complaints erased.
According to the chief of one 315 website, there is little
overhead in setting up such a website. Webmasters can work at home or in a rented room.
The sites can earn upwards of tens of thousands Yuan
by deleting 30 to 40 complaint posts per day.
For each deletion, the company needs to pay from hundreds
to as much as ten thousand Yuan. The income from 3 to 5 deletions will pay for the website.
Therefore, even if the website is shut down, the blackmailers
can easily register another site with the several hundred Yuan and continue with the business.
When searching for “315” or “Consumer Protection”
on the Internet in China, results yield hundreds of websites with names starting with “315.”
Low cost, low risk and high profit are the driving forces
behind the many 315 websites.
The speaker of China's Tianwang, Pu Fei, pointed out that
such fraud has appeared as early as 1995.
(Pu Fei): ”For many years, there have been fake “315”
or “anti-fraud” websites which charge companies for unlawful services.
The itemization on the receipt is usually “keeping secrecy” and
all sort of consultation or planning fees. Since the Internet's appearance in China in 1995,
a constant stream of this website business has existed.
Even now, many large-scale fraud websites still exist.”
Pu Fei further commented that the legal system and relevant
regulations in China are severely flawed, which provides room for fraud to exist.
(Pu Fei): ”The number of such fraud websites is quite large,
which also provides room for more to exist.
At the same time, some of them are disguised as rights'
activists, which has brought great trouble to the real ones.
They also leave the public with a negative impression
of the law-related professions such as lawyers.
The inaction of the authority helps intensify the
illegal activity.”
One common link with fraud websites is that no contact
information can be found except a link to a QQ number.
A chat window pops up with a click of the link.
A customer service representative from the website
“315: Complaint Portal” revealed that some 315 websites
cheated their “customers” as well.
After the company paid the site to delete a complaint,
the site spread others themselves.
(Pu fei): ”All of the illegal 315 websites aim only at
money and fame.
Although they help erase some negative messages online,
many of those messages are indeed produced by themselves.
If a client is willing to pay, they will stop spreading negative
information about their services or they can spread them about your rivals.
On the other hand, if you don't pay, they create false
The 315-related websites should provide help in law
in response to online consumer complaints.
However, the rampant fraud has turned March 15th
into a money making day for lawbreakers.
A former Shandong University professor, Sun Wenguang,
commented that the flawed legislation in China is the reason behind these radical frauds.
Since there is no independent, responsible legal system
to protect civil rights, room has been left for the fraud websites to survive and prosper.

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