陳奎德:「 有人已經對中共現在這個軍隊制度、軍事制度非常的不滿意,認為希望能夠有軍隊國家化的立場出來,就是全國納稅人的錢來養的軍隊當成是一黨的軍隊,叫做黨軍。軍隊裡面也直接表達了一些不滿的意見,是不是他(胡錦濤)也表達對這種意見的一種壓制。」
陳破空:「因為中共現在中南海裡面沒有權威人物,包括胡錦濤也不是權威人物,因此誰也不服誰,誰也不怕誰,因此各自為政。溫家寶在閉幕之後的記者會上(按文稿裁剪)嚴厲的公開批評現任的重慶市委市政府,這和周永康的調子完全不一樣,周永康全盤肯定重慶,這就可以看出中共高層已經四分五裂,更不要說中央和地方。 」
陳奎德: 「大家都知道,權力的塵埃落定,要到中共的18大之後才能夠塵埃落地,所以說兩會就是各自、各個力量乃至向前探路,以及對外、對公共場合進行某種試探的這樣一個會,基本上就是一種探路的,或者是18大之前的一次最後的亮相的一個聚會。」
Two Sessions: Standing Committee Nine Each Sing
Different Tune. Overall Situation Difficult to Control.
The two sessions of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) have ended in Beijing.
The focus and momentum of the two sessions
came thick and fast:
Nine members of the Standing Committee, such as
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. Respectively took part in group discussions of each delegation.
However, all sang different tune. They paved the way for
their own political forces in the 18th Party Congress.
Scholars have pointed out that the CCP has abandoned
the unified argument of the Mao Era.
There are no real so-called authority figures in Zhongnanhai,
and the high-level CCP leadership has fallen apart.
The two sessions of CCP is different from the past.
It is the last meeting before the change of
National People's Congress (NPC) and Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in March 2013.
The deputies of NPC and members of CPPCC tried
to be first to foster trusted followers
This was in order to make steps for their next term.
The nine members of the Standing Committee are reluctant
to show their weaknesses.
They want to make a foundation for their power
after their term changes.
Hu Jintao wants to guarantee the stability of Tibet.
He required the army to absolutely obey the CCP, and paid
close attention to direct military affairs according to law.
He strictly directed military affairs, so that it can constantly
improves national defense.
Kuide Chen, Executive Chairman of Princeton China Society,
thinks Hu Jintao requires the army to absolutely obey the CCP,
which was related with his hope of reappointment
as central military president for two years.
Another possibility is that there recently existed a voice
for a nationalized army from troops.
Chen Kuide: “Some people are extremely not satisfied
with the CCP army and military affairs system.
They hope the position of nationalizing the army
will emerge.
That is to use all taxpayers' money to foster the army
as the CCP's army, and call it the party army.
People in the army also directly show some
malcontented opinions. Does he also show his pressing for this opinion?”
However, Wen Jiabao continued his reform dream.
He not only stressed political reform, especially reform
of the party and state leadership, but also mentioned the Wang Lijun event.
He hoped the Municipal Party Committee and municipal
government of Chongqing would rethink and draw a lesson from it.
However, He Guoqiang visited the Chongqing delegation,
and was concerned with Bo Xilai (Chongqing Party Secretary),
as well as other Chinese officials.
They performed a "Small Town Story".
Cheng Pokong, a visiting scholar of Columbia University,
told NTD the nine members of the Standing Committee expressed their own view.
They have abandoned the argument of the unity
of the Mao era. The CCP leadership has been torn apart.
Cheng Pokong: “Because there aren't CCP authority figures
in Zhongnanhai, including President Hu Jintao,
they refuse to accept each other and aren't afraid of each other.
They hang separately.
Wen Jiabao publicly criticized the current municipal government
of Chongqing Municipal in the press conference after the closing of the two sessions.
The tone is completely different with Zhou Yongkang who
gave comprehensive support to Chongqing.
This can be seen that the CCP leadership has been
torn apart, both the centrally and locally.”
Quande Cheng said that the two sessions of the CCP is a
big party, and a political stage show.
Quande Cheng: “We all know that attribution of rights
will be finally defined after the 18th Party Congress.
So the two sessions is a meeting to showcase their
various forces,
as well as a test publicity as it is their last appearance
before the 18th Party Congress.”
Cheng Pokong believes that China's democratization and
pluralism shouldn't be controlled by a person's will.
Nor is it controlled by the ruler.
If the CCP doesn't change, it will lead to a dead end.
He hoped that China will be able to follow the world trend and
leave individuals or groups who obstruct and refuse reform far behind. This includes the CCP.


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