同樣星期日那天,數千人聚集在中國西部青海省的藏人居住地區,為抗議中國藏區政策而自焚身亡的農民索納塔吉舉行葬禮,並抗議中共當局對藏人的壓迫。據說這是當地發生的最大規模的抗議示威。 44歲的農民索納塔吉星期六在青海省同仁縣隆務鎮的中心附近自焚。上週三至週六,四川和青海藏區至少有三名藏人及僧侶自焚。
Red Song in Beijing's Jingshan Park was Banned
After the Auditorium Plaza of Chongqing set up signs
banning red songs, the Red Song in Beijing Jingshan Park,
which had lasted for many years, was also
banned at the weekend.
March 18th was the first Sunday since Bo Xilai was
removed from his position.
"Apple Daily" reported that, every Sunday, people used to
get together for singing and dancing in Jingshan Park.
A large number of people, as always, went to the park,
singing opera, dancing, playing games and so on.
However, there are no Mao portraits or banners,
neither any singing in unison, but only a band playing there.
According to several people who came along earlier,
some people were arrested and taken away.
Also on Sunday, thousands of people gathered in the region of
Western China's Qinghai Province, where Tibetans are living.
They were holding funeral for Resona Taji, a farmer who
died as a result of self-immolation in protest against China's policy in Tibet.
They were protesting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
authorities' oppression of Tibetans and Tibetan culture.
It is said that this was the largest of the local protests.
Resona Taji, a 44-year-old farmer, self-immolated on Saturday
near the center of Longwu town, Tongren County, Qinghai Province.
From last Wednesday through to Saturday, there were at least
three Tibetans and monks who self-immolated in the Tibetan regions of Sichuan and Qinghai.
In addition, the media in mainland China has reported that,
on March 18th in the early morning,
a Ferrari sports car was involved in an accident at the east
approach road of Baofusi Bridge in the Fourth Ring Road of Beijing,
causing the death of one male occupant and injury of
the two female occupants of the car.
Although this news was at first open, it was quickly shielded by
what are known as the four portals in mainland China, Sina, Netease, Sohu, Tencent, in a short time.
Chinese netizens had their suspicions: surely there must be secrets
for the Ferrari car accident story to be blacked out so quickly.
It widely rumored that the deceased is the son of a CCP minister.
Some even say that the dead man may be Bo Xilai's son, Bo Guagua.
A netizen named “@ wenyunchao” said: a few years ago,
the Hong Kong media disclosed the fact that Jia Qinglin,
CPPCC Chairman of CCP, had an illegitimate child.
Now he should be 20 years old, which is a good age for drag racing.

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【禁聞】王立軍骨牌在繼續 傳薄熙來被雙規

【禁聞】北京學者呼籲集體抗議 實行普選

【禁聞】高層內訌? 《解放軍報》高調喊話

【禁聞】薄熙來失腳 中共權鬥分崩

【禁聞】薄熙來僱寫手造輿論 建私人武裝

【禁聞】分析:王立軍事件 周永康或參與其中

【禁聞】薄熙來免職一週無說法 網傳北京風雨滿樓

【禁聞】薄熙來落馬 太子黨倒挺 分裂不一

【禁聞】政變滿天飛 英媒稱周永康被控制

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【禁聞】粵差額票決 18大政改投石問路?
