採訪/常春 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇
UK Media Confirms Zhou Yongkang now Under Control
The world is waiting for the next big move by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) regime, after its purging of Bo Xilai.
UK's Financial Times quoted sources as saying that
Zhou Yongkang has been under control for some time.
“Bo was under house arrest while his wife was taken away
to help with an investigation into suspected corruption.” said the report.
None of this information has yet been confirmed by the regime.
Analysts identify the news about Zhou Yongkang as reasonably
accurate, Judging by information so far received in official CCP reports.
After Bo Xilai was removed from office, the spotlight was
focused on his open supporter Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou was the CCP Politburo Standing Committee member
and Secretary of the Central Political and Law Commission.
Many varying versions of the "Beijing coup" have been
circulating on China's internet over the past few days.
All postings' are focused on Zhou Yongkang as the
chief protagonist in the affair.
On March 21, UK's Financial Times reported that
the Wang Lijun incident had caused a political earthquake inside the CCP.
It was “the most important political purge in decades”.
One source with close ties to CCP's security organs
has revealed that
Zhou has been ordered not to make any public appearances
nor attend any high-level meetings, according to the report.
Zhou is "already under some degree of control".
Zhang Weiguo, chief editor of Hong Kong's Trend magazine
says there are some features shown in CCP official reports.
On March 19, Zhou Yongkang was alone when he chaired
the National Political and Law Conference.
Yet the same meeting of 2011 was attended by
both Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.
On the same day, the CCP top leaders showed up in another
far-less-important meeting about civil affairs administration.
Attendee leaders included Hu Jintao, Wenjiabao, Xi Jinping,
Li Keqiang and Xu Caihou, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission.
This fact shows an important signal that the CCP Politburo Standing Committee has started disintegrating, after Bo Xilai's removal.
According to the CCP's official media reports dated March 21,
over 3,300 CCP Secretaries of regional Politics and Law
Commission are to be given centralized training.
The CCP Central authorities are allegedly expecting these
cadres to improve their leadership and management capacity.
Zhang Weiguo tells us that: "The Central Committee
is going to hold a training session for the Secretaries of Politics and Law Commission across China.
But the entire report of Xinhua News Agency contained no
mention of Zhou Yongkang.
Can this be interpreted as proof that Zhou Yongkang is now
under some form of control?
And could it be that the plan is that the remaining mess that
Zhou has left behind will be somehow cleared away
by way of training regional Politics and
Law Commission Secretaries?"
According to Dwnews.com reports, the Central Committee's
summoning of 3,300 Politics and Law Commission secretaries
is aimed at seeing them formally declare their political loyalty.
The same tactic was employed earlier on for convening those
Chongqing officials to Beijing during the handling of Bo Xilai's case.
Voice of Germany reported the fall of Zhou Yongkang's
curtain on March 22.
The article said that, Zhou was notorious for his severe
clampdown on activists, dissidents and media reporters.
Zhou is also known as the leading persecutor in the repression of
Falun Gong practitioners, and of protesters in Xinjiang and Tibet.
China's internet was blocked on orders from
Zhou Yongkang and Li Changchun.
These two were the top-level shove behind Google's
withdrawing from China in 2010, according to the report.
Medial professional Wang Yiming points out that
Zhou Yongkang fully controls the armed police.
Yet Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao can only partially command
the armed forces.
Wang feels that the final showdown may
not come as quickly as would be desired.
Wang also says that if the system of one-party dictatorship
does not change and soon, It will not be a good for the Chinese people.
Wang Yiming goes on: "The CCP's internal split and
fractional infighting must accelerate its demise.
If Zhou Yongkang can be kept under control, this situation
will be fortunate for Hu's administration.
However it may not necessarily be fortunate for
the whole country.”
Jin Zhong, chief editor of Hong Kong's Open magazine,
is not expecting a big change in China's political progress,
despite the seeing of Zhou Yongkang's downfall.
Defeating Zhou does not necessarily signal the beginning of
China's true political reform, according to Jin Zhong.

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