英國《金融時報》報導溫家寶呼籲「平反六四」的新聞,最近在華人網絡世界引起極大反響。 21號,中國大陸網民突然發現國內網站被解禁,可以搜索到有關「六四」的部分內容。
採訪/常春 編輯/唐睿 後製/孫寧
"Redressing June 4 Tiananmen Massacre" Shifts Burden
Wen Jiabao's call to “redress June 4th” has become the most
recent popular news.
Within the past few days, Chinese netizens realized there were
lifted bans on Chinese websites.
They were able to search for contents related to Tiananmen
Massacre on June 4, 1989.
Some outside opinions say Wen Jiabao wants to take clear the
bloody burden of “June 4th” off the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) before he steps down.
Analysts expressed that even if “June 4th” is redressed, the
CCP cannot escape responsibility.
This includes its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
The UK Financial Times reported Wen Jiabao calling to
redress “June 4th”.
This caused huge uproar amongst Chinese netizens.
On March 21st, Chinese Mainlanders found an internet ban
had been lifted.
They were able to search for information related to “June 4th”.
However, analysts believe that after Bo Xilai's dismissal,
and that many other Chinese party officials who were
involved with the June 4th incident have stepped down has
meant less resistance to redress June 4th Incident.
This does not exclude the radical steps Wen Jiabao took
during his last year as Prime Minister.
Fang Zheng, a victim of June 4th Incident
was crushed by a tank.
Fang claims that oppression is the CCP's most commonly
used method.
Under the current Communist regime, it would be difficult
to redress June 4th Incident.
Fang Zheng: “I feel that the CCP's most commonly used
method is using historical issues to play as poker cards in the game of power struggles.”
Prof. Ding XueLiang, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology Sociology, spoke in an interview with the BBC.
He said Wen Jiabao's call to re-evaluate “June 4th” will allow
the CCP to put down the bloody burden of June 4th Incident.
Wang Juntao, Prof. of Politics at Columbia University,
believes if “June 4th” was really redressed, then the Falun Gong persecution should be redressed as well.
However, the CCP acts upon what they deem
politically necessary.
Wang Juntao expressed if Wen Jiabao really wanted to
redress June 4th Incident, then it will cut ties with the past.
This does not follow the principles of the CCP.
Wang Juntao: “For example, Jiang Zemin's persecution of
Falun Gong, and Deng Xiaoping's repression on June 4th.
He can just say call this a “file” and put it away. After filing,
it would be a part of the past that's cut off.
Then he will have to focus all his attention to deal with
the enemies he has to face now”.
Wang Juntao also pointed out that after Bo Xilai's dismissal,
the faction wanting Bo ousted points conflict towards Wen.
They believe Wen Jiabao is actually using the excuse of
“redressing June 4th Incident” as a sword to point towards Bo.
Lan Shu, Current affairs commentator, expressed that these
are actually not the main reasons for Hu and Wen attacking Bo and Zhou.
The main reason is the package Wang Lijun left.
As Chongqing chief of police, he probably has a lot of
information, which really gives the CCP something to fear.
Lan Shu: “Who is willing to take responsibility for the results
to come?
So after the Wang Lijun incident, whether or not Wang LiJun
had said it out loud, all Party officials know in their hearts, but they are afraid to talk about it.”
Since Feb. 6th, Wang Lijun has been missing after he was
taken by Beijing officials following giving the American Embassy a package.
Lan Shu expressed that the package left by Wang LiJun most
likely contains information about the organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.
Currently, nobody is willing to, nor has the courage
to take responsibility for this matter within the CCP.

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