時事評論員趙培:「現在我們看到胡溫,包括習近平在內,他們也不斷的在測試,他們怎麼樣能夠渡過這場難關?那麼,胡溫他們應該考慮的就是 『現在,我如果放棄共產黨的話,我仍然能為中國人帶來甚麼?我會被中國人所記住!』這應該是對胡溫個人來講,是一個明智的選擇。」
Wen Should Abandon CCP, Experts Say
Will the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continue
the reform and opening up after its 18th Congress?
Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao has repeatedly
talked about the issue of political reform.
At the last press conference of the Two Sessions, Wen Jiabao
addressed the issue in response to the Wang Lijun incident.
He asked the then Chongqing Municipal Party Committee
and government to conduct a profound self-examination.
Wen set indirectly the tone for the "Chongqing Model”
as a wrong path, reversing the Cultural Revolution.
How will the CCP move forward with its reform? Experts
recommend a clear path for Wen Jiabao: abandon the CCP.
Apple Daily reports that rumors from Beijing indicate
the CCP Central Committee (CC) has a new plan.
It intends to accept Wen Jiabao’s idea for "political reform"
and re-evaluation of the June 4th incident.
It is said that the reform plan is about
introducing a new "political system" in 3 steps.
The political system will be similar to Japan’s
"one-party dominance” with inner-party fractions.
Former Hebei Radio editor-in-chief Zhu Xinxin:
"I don’t think it is guaranteed to be as steady as
the CCP wishes, like the relatively stable Japanese system.
I think it should be like the reform and system in Taiwan.
It must go that far.”
North American Chinese language newspaper World News
spoke in an editorial on March 25th on the CCP’s reform.
CCP should focus on two levels’ political reform: the central
level leadership system must change, as proposed by Wen.
This may imply substantial tests of the inner-Party
implementation of democratic reform in the future.
High-level leadership should not be picked by leaders,
but include those with the ability and political integrity.
Grassroots level should perfect the "Wukan Model" test,
and let villagers have real grass-roots democratic elections.
China expert Zhao Yuanming thinks if China is to conduct
a reform, the first step is to replace the one-party dominance.
Zhao Yuanming: “One way is to disintegrate the CCP and
establish other parties. Another is to fully change its quality.
There is no communist country with adopted democracy.
So to the CCP, this is a huge obstacle.”
News commentator Zhao Pei thinks CC’s so-called new
political system is to just patch things up here and there.
This is only to delay its full collapse.
However, it will not bring real hopes for China.
Zhao Pei: "Now we can see that Hu and Wen,
and Xi Jinping is included, are constantly testing things.
How will they go through this difficult time?
Hu and Wen should think, "If I abandon the CCP, what’ll
I bring to the Chinese people? They will remember me!”
This would be a wise choice by Hu and Wen.”
During the Two Sessions, CCP mouthpiece Global Times
suddenly released some public opinion survey results.
They show that more than 60% of the Chinese people
support or do no object the path of Western-style democracy.
World News editorial says, this is to support Wen’s
political reform from the angle of public opinion.
Zhao Pei: “China will not be in turmoil
by abandoning the CCP.
CCP is like a monster with several heads, each with
a strong power, but they can’t lead CCP to a better future.
So they are still watching. Therefore, Chinese people should
accelerate the pace of "withdrawing from the CCP."
And Hu and Wen can then hear the voice
and see the will of people.”
Zhao said, CCP keeps “testing” people with things as lifting
the ban on sensitive words like “June 4th,” “Falun Gong,” etc.
Zhao Pei thinks the CCP wants to ease people’s anger
through actions such as vindicating “June 4th.”
This is to prevent its collapse right away. However, CCP
is the ultimate cause of social instability, thinks the expert.

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