最近,中國網路不僅可以搜索到 「六四」的相關文字照片,連網路上的「趙紫陽紀念館」也不再被管。有網友說用特殊方式還可以搜索到「六四」的歷史照片,包括坦克開入長安大街、民主女神像立在天安門廣場照片。
採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/郭敬
Does “Vindication of June 4th” helpful to the CCP's Political Reform?
With the lifting of the ban on information about the June 4th
1989 Incident on Baidu, China's major internet search engine,
the Chinese internet has seen a vast amount of messages
about the mourning of Zhao Ziyang as the Tomb-Sweeping Day nears.
Beijing sources reportedly say that the Central Committee of
the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) intends to adopt Premier Wen Jiabao's proposal of "political reform".
The vindication of June 4th Incident may be taken
as the trump card for political reform.
Outside commentators think that the CCP's recent ban-lifting
of online keywords is testing for its intended implementation of further political reforms.
Will the "vindication of the victims of the June 4th Incident"
help the CCP to regain trust from the Chinese people?
Where does the path ahead lie for China's reform?
Let's see what the experts and citizens say.
In recent days, text and photos about the June 4th Incident
have been freely searchable on the Chinese internet.
Even the information about the Zhao Ziyang Memorial Hall
was recently made available to Chinese netizens.
In a special way, historical photos about the June 4th Incident
can be searched online, Chinese netizens say.
The available photos include images of tanks
moving into Chang'an Avenue
and the Statue of the Goddess of Democracy standing in
Tian'anmen Square.
Fang Zheng, a victim of the massacre on June 4th, 1989,
lost both of his legs after a tank rolled over him.
Fang says that the CCP's ban-lifting on the June 4th
is only aimed at resolving the existing crisis.
It is not done as a genuine political reform to meet
the public demand, Fang assures us.
Fang Zheng adds that throughout its history the CCP has
continually launched political movements in China in order to persecute the Chinese people.
Next, the regime has always used a tactic of "vindication"
to fool the public.
I It's only purpose in speaking of “vindication“
is to preserve the stability of its own ruling position.
Today, if the Chinese people still cheer on the CCP's
"vindication", Fang Zheng views it a sign of their immaturity.
Fang Zheng adds that: "As for the issue of the June 4th
massacre of 1989,
it was a deliberate and complete crime committed by
the regime and the army against the Chinese people.
Such a crime can't be downplayed or forgotten by the word
Those guilty of any such serious crime should face trial and
punishment, and should give compensation to their victims.
The regime should be dealt a final criminal punishment
so as to assure a thorough, sincere and definitive apology.
If this is agreed then the legitimacy of the CCP's
ruling position will inevitably be terminated.”
Expert on China issues, Zhao Yuanming,
says that over decades,
the Chinese people have suffered in varying degrees
due to the tyranny of the CCP's political movements.
The CCP's persecution over many years was responsible
for the breaking up of innumerable families
whose members were dispersed, died,
or were never heard of again.
Zhao says that if Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao are able to
seize the opportunity of this present crisis to eradicate the CCP from China,
they will surely gain respect and support from
the Chinese people.
Zhao Yuanming: "If Hu and Wen can truly disintegrate
the CCP or fundamentally change its nature by their efforts,
I believe that they will get the entire support and
affection of the Chinese people.
A real reform should begin with setting up multi-party
political system;
Then the realizing of the freedom of the press should follow;
Thirdly, the need for the strengthening of the rule of law
should be recognized and acted upon.
Any individual, any organization and all of their acts
should be subject to the law of the land."
Liu Yinquan, Chair of the Chinese Social Democratic Party,
says that any political reform needs a complete institutional restructuring first.
Liu Yinquan suggests that: "The current healthy forces
within the CCP could form a new political party to continue their administration.
Setting up a bipartisan checks and balances system.
Of course, there is a premise of all this —
the“vindication of Falun Gong.”
This is because Falun Gong advocates
Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, which qualities will uplift morality and purify society.
In this way, the basis of a clean and righteous ideology
can be founded.
Let's imagine, with a situation of an uplifted morality
across the whole of China,
it will not matter who is in power, because
China's situation can only be better and better."
In-exile-overseas Wang Dan, one of the student leaders
in the June 4th event, twittered:
"Foreign media have reported that Wen Jiabao has said that
he would promote a vindication of the victims of 『the June 4th』 massacre.
Do you believe it? Personally, I do not believe it at all! "

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