【新唐人2012年3月30日訊】中國內部發生的政壇地震擴散到了國際,歐美及日本媒體近來紛紛關注薄熙來事件。《產經新聞》3月28號報導,中共將在5月份的重慶市黨代會上,肅清薄熙來在重慶的勢力。而歐美學者也針對薄熙來事件的發展發表評論,其中英國《衛報》提出,中國需要的改革不是薄熙來的「重慶模式」。那麼,中國未來需要的是一個甚麼樣的體制模式呢? 下面請看專家學者的分析。
臺北《中央社》 27號發自華盛頓的報導說,「加州克雷蒙特麥肯納學院」(Claremont McKennaCollege)政治學者裴敏欣接受「美國外交關係協會」﹝Council on Foreign Relations)訪問指出,「薄熙來案」並非中共意識型態之爭,而是權力鬥爭。
The Sankei Shimbun: Bo‘s followers in Chongqing Will be Cleared by May
The political earthquake within the CCP induced by the
Bo Xilai incident has drawn worldwide attention,
and recently both western and Japanese media
have been covering it closely.
On March 28th, a Japanese daily newspaper,
the Sankei Shimbun, wrote an article claiming that
the CCP Central Committee would root out all of Bo’s
followers in Chongqing during the city party congress this May.
Western scholars also made remarks regarding
the development of the Bo Xilai incident.
A British Guardian article conveyed that the Chongqing
mode pushed by Bo is not the kind of reform China needs.
Then what should the future government in China be?
The Sankei Shimbun article cited an internal source who
claimed that
Bo Xilai‘s central politburo membership will be abolished
if he is found guilty of the accusations currently being established.
Furthermore, this would probably take place in the 7th Plenary
Session before the 18th CCP National Congress this coming autumn.
The leadership group of Chongqing, however, has already
changed many times after Wang Lijun’s attempted defect, especially since the dismissal of Bo Xilai.
Chen Cungen, director of the city Organization Department
and one of Bo’s close associates,
was deprived of his membership in the CCP’s city standing
committee on March 26th.
The Sankei Shimbun remarked that the dismissal of Chen
marks the loss of control of the Bo Xilai faction.
(Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng):”I believe that to restore
Chinese society to its normal state, all corruption has to be eliminated.
Clearing Bo Xilai himself won’t make things change much.
If the CCP wants to deal with this in a thorough way,
it has to step down from governing China. Then a new government will be established.
Only complete political reform, can possibly be the solution
to eliminating corruption and other issues.”
(Claremont McKennaCollege)﹝Council on Foreign Relations﹞
On March 27th, the Taipei-based Central News Agency
reported from Washington that, Pei Minxin, a political scholar
from Claremont McKenna College, said in an interview
with the Council on Foreign Relations that what the Bo Xilai
incident induced inside the CCP is a power struggle,
not an ideological conflict.
(Wei Jingsheng): ”This is to say, the savage and unreasonable
ways of the dictatorship is not only a threat to civilians, but also to most officials and businessmen.
The Chongqing model, with its 『singing red songs』
and 『anti-corruption campaign,』is retrogression to an extreme dictatorship regime.”
On March 28th, the Guardian UK published an article
on its website remarking that, Bo Xilai’s “Chongqing model” is not the kind of reform China needs.
(Wei Jingsheng): ”All the CCP’s political movements
in the last several decades have taught us you can』t trust any kind of reform.
In the end it’s always the civilians who suffer most
and the dictatorship regime never changes.
Neither of them is what Chinese people would like to see.
In my opinion, the worst thing about the 『Chongqing model』
and Jiang Zemin’s governing is that they made the one-party
dictatorship take a step back and even strengthened
the regime.”
Wang Beiji, Executive Director of the New York Democracy
University, recalled that the CCP never said they would
democratize China’s politics; instead they only mentioned
“reform and opening up.”
(Wang Beiji): ” China’s political regime needs
to be democratized rather than reformed.
So how can you expect the CCP to accomplish this?
The long-term propaganda has introduced this type of thinking
- shall we accept “Wang Yang model” or “Bo Xilai model”? No, we want neither.
What Chinese people need is a non-CCP regime,
and to eliminate the CCP from China.
Once the CCP no longer exists, the Chinese people can
organize new political parties under the guidance of the intellectual and elite group.
We can manage our nation through democratic,
legal, and reasonable procedures.”
Wang Beiji further remarked that the entire CCP is the chief
culprit of disturbing Chinese people’s lives; although
Bo Xilai’s crime is grievous; it can’t be compared to the suffering
of billions of people caused by the CCP over its 60 year reign.


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