【看新聞學英語】醫學院院長 神韻值得推薦給大家!
President of Medical School: “Shen Yun is worth recommending to everyone!“
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
By Daniel Chen, David Lee
1. Curtain [ˋkɝtn] n. 戲幕
2. Magnificent [mægˋnɪfəsənt] adj. 壯觀的
3. Earnest [ˋɝnɪst] adj. 認真的;誠摯的
4. Synchronize [ˋsɪŋkrənaɪz] v. 同步
5. Hand in hand ph. 攜手相隨
6. Blessing [ˋblɛsɪŋ] n. (神的) 祝福
Shen Yun Performing Arts gave its second performance at the Jeongsimhwa International Cultural Center Daejeon, South Korea.
The New York-based company touched the heart of Kim Myoungseok, a professor of industrial design from Korea’s KAIST University of science and technology.
[Kim Myoungseok, Professor of Industrial Design, KAIST]:
“When the curtain opened, I felt my heart jump and I was inspired. At first, I couldn't think about anything because of the huge impact of the show. In other words, all those magnificent scenes came to me. I can't explain it exactly. But my heart understood it and I was moved. I can't express it fully. I think all the members' all aspects can lead the world with their earnest minds.”
Choi Sihwan, president of Chungnam University Medical School, he would recommend Shen Yun to everyone.says
[Choi Sihwan, President of ChungNam University Medical School]:
"The dancing and music were perfectly synchronised and it touched my heart. All the different movements, the music, the expression - all the different stories touched me. I want to recommend this show to all people."
忠南大學醫學院院長周世萬說:「舞蹈和音樂完美的同步演出,觸動了我的心。各種不同的動作、音樂、表達 - 所有不同的故事都讓我很感動。我想向所有人推薦這個演出。」
One musician came several hours from Busan. Shen Yun’s performance of classical Chinese dance and music made a deep impression on her.
[Jeong Heesoon, Musician]:
"The harmony deeply touched my heart with a soft warm feeling. It was great. I was so happy...You know the dancers were able to just use their performance to communicate so much all over the world. I’d like to watch this show hand in hand with strangers. I felt God's blessing here."
Shen Yun Performing Arts will play in Anyang over the weekend.
1. When the curtain opened, I felt my heart jump and I was inspired.
2. All those magnificent scenes came to me.
3. I can't explain it exactly.
4. I can't express it fully.
5. I would recommend Shen Yun to everyone.
6. The dancing and music were perfectly synchronized, and it touched my heart.
7. All the different movements, the music, the expression - all the different stories touched me.
各種不同的動作、音樂、表達 - 所有不同的故事都讓我很感動。
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