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    【新唐人2012年4月2日訊】2月6號發生的王立軍事件使中共高層的矛盾浮出水面,並引發薄熙來被解職等一系列中共政局的變化。 “六四”學運領袖、宗教學博士封從德談近期中共政局變化,呼籲民眾拋棄對中共的幻想,依靠自己,推進民主。請看本臺舊金山記者對封從德的專訪。


    封從德: “我也注意觀察,解禁了很多。神韻藝術團,比如說,突然在百度就能夠搜索出來,而且到哪兒去訂票我都看得見了。整個的流量,從我的六四網站上來看,一下子增加了兩倍到三倍。這種狀況我覺得,表明中共高層在火併的時候,他可能要換班,中間有很多混亂的狀況,中間有些人,或者說在換班的時候,他有一個空檔期,或者主觀上他就罷工了,或者他騷亂來了,他就把一個窗口給打開了。把一些敏感詞的名單就給去掉了。所以一下子國內的網民就可以上到海外的這些網站上來。這是中共體制內的網絡警察,他們突然自己把窗口打開,類似於這種插播。這種狀況我相信,以後會越來越多。而且在中共越來越控制不住局勢的時候,互聯網的防火牆,這個大壩就會像柏林牆一樣被推倒。因為人總是有良心的,人總是需要知道真相的。人總是不喜歡自己一輩子都受騙的。”


    封從德:“一方面,它首先講國際主義,講無神論,這個是和中國的傳統文化格格不入的,甚至是嚴重衝突的。所以,初期毛澤東時代的時候,文革,是要把這些當作四舊,全部要砸爛的。 但是現在中共,要把孔子像給豎到天安門廣場,全世界又辦了那麼多孔子學院。這就是像剛才講的,毛左和鄧右的區別。毛澤東時代是破壞傳統的,鄧小平時代要利用傳統。但是他們根本並不是繼承傳統,更不是要發揚傳統。他是搞一個假的一個假象。你比如說孔子學院,如果孔子穿越空間,走到一家孔子學院,他馬上要氣死,又回到兩千年前。為甚麼,因為他一個字都不會認識的。因為裡邊全是簡體字麼。孔子學院為甚麼不教中國兩千年​​來一直用的這個正體字呢?”


    封從德:“我覺得它會產生一定的鬆動,但是希望談不上,因為扯著自己的頭髮永遠也到不了月球。土匪它的特質不可能自己把自己改變成不是土匪。它只是要把另外一幫內部的火併,另外一群威脅它權力的另外一群土匪給幹掉。他還是土匪。 ”


    封從德: “這一套黑暗的制度要把它徹底清除,所以不能寄望於中共自身的改革。我還記得,好多年以前,胡溫剛要上臺的時候,大家還在那兒吹噓,包括很多美國的這些學者,都在那兒期待說有甚麼胡溫新政,現​​在胡溫都快要交班了,有甚麼新政?所以現在大家又來期待著習近平有甚麼新政,在我看來是做夢。因為集權專制的結構,是讓任何一個人在那個位置上,​​他都可能隨便的去損害其他人的利益。 ”


    封從德: “中共如果是走獨裁的這條路,它的下場就可能是卡扎非,可能是齊奧塞斯庫。如果他們中間,另外一個極端,如果是溫家寶,天天喊,假裝要民主,要怎麼樣,如果他來真的了,他最好就是像蔣經國,最好的榜樣。第二個是戈爾巴喬夫。蔣經國現在台灣老百姓都還很懷念他,不管是藍營、綠營。都是覺得他對台灣有極大的貢獻。戈爾巴喬夫也是啊,至少民眾的威望,國際上的聲譽都是非常好。 ”

    採訪編輯/易聞 攝影剪輯/徐瑞

    Interview with Feng Congde Regarding Recent Chinese Communist Political Changes

    Conflict amongst high ranking Chinese communists has

    surfaced since the Wang Lijun incident on February 6th.

    Consequently, a series of changes in the CCP hierarchy

    has occurred, such as Bo Xilai being sacked.

    A student leader of the 1989 Tiananmen movement, Dr. Feng

    Congde, talks about the recent Chinese Communist political changes,

    and calls on people to abandon any illusion of the

    CCP and walk the path to democracy on their own.

    The following is our exclusive interview with Feng Congde

    in San Francisco.

    Recently, information related to Mr. Li Hongzhi and Zhuan

    Falun which CCP banned, could be viewed again on a Chinese web site.

    Feng Congde: "I have been watching, and a lot of banned

    information has been made available recently.

    Shen Yun Performing Arts, for example, is suddenly

    searchable on Baidu, even the ticket center is available.

    The internet traffic volume has also doubled and

    even tripled according to my website.

    I feel the infighting amongst high ranking communist

    officials represents a shift in the CCP leadership.

    With the chaos came a gap wherein while people are now in

    the state of strike or unrest, the ban has gone to the wayside.

    In this case, the internet police within the CCP system

    suddenly open the window just like the TV interception.

    I believe situations like this will take place more often.

    As the CCP is losing its control, the internet firewall

    will be torn down like the Berlin Wall.

    Because there's a conscience in people, people always seek

    the truth. No one likes to be deceived."

    Feng Congde believes the Communist atheism is alien to

    traditional Chinese culture.

    Feng Congde: "On the one hand, it (Communism) first talks

    about internationalism and atheism which are incompatible with, and even seriously violates, China's traditional culture.

    Therefore, there was Cultural Revolution early on in the Mao

    Zedong era, to smash what they called the four olds.

    But now the CCP is planning to set a Confucius statue in

    Tiananmen Square and Confucius Institutes around the world.

    This is what's called the “left Mao, and right Deng.”

    Mao era undermined traditions and the Deng Xiaoping era

    exploited the tradition.

    It's not about inheriting the tradition or carrying forward the

    tradition. The CPC engages in creating a false illusion.

    Take the Confucius Institute as an example, if Confucius,

    through another dimension, went to a Confucius Institute,

    he'd bound to be angry and return it back to (the way

    things were) two thousand years ago. Why?

    Because he would not recognize a word.

    There is only simplified Chinese available.

    Why wouldn't a Confucius Institute use traditional Chinese

    characters that have been used for the past two thousand years?"

    Will Hu and Wen and the Chinese Communist system reform

    bring hope to China?

    Feng Congde: "I think it will come loose, but not as far

    as the Chinese hope.

    No one will go to the moon by pulling himself.

    Bandits will never correct themselves.

    After it eliminates the threat of internal fights,

    the nature of a bandit still remains."

    He discourages any illusions about political reform

    within the CCP regime.

    Feng Congde: "This is a dark system that has to be completely

    eliminated. Do not place hope in the Communist Party reform.

    I still remember many years ago when Hu and Wen came

    to power, everyone bragged, including many US scholars,

    when looking to the new policies of both Hu and Wen.

    They are now in the end of their term, was there ever

    any new policy?

    Now everyone is once again placing hope to Xi Jinping

    for some new policy; I think it's just a dream.

    A centralized authoritarian structure is to allow anyone in

    that position to casually undermine the interests of others."

    Feng Congde believes Wen Jiabao should learn the lessons of

    his predecessors.

    Feng Congde: "With the dictatorship route, the Communist

    Chinese are going to be like either Qaddafi or Ceausescu.

    Among them, the other extreme, such as Wen Jiabao,

    pretends he wants democracy and calls for it everyday.

    If he plays the real thing, he'd be like Chiang Ching-kuo,

    the best example, or Gorbachev, the next best.

    Chiang Ching-kuo, regardless of his political stance,

    is still missed by the people of Taiwan.

    He was believed to have greatly contributed to Taiwan.

    Gorbachev is also enjoying public prestige and

    an international reputation."