採訪/易如 編輯/許旻 後製/孫寧
Bo-supporting faction arrested thousand Internet users to fight back
As Bo Xilai’s dismissal induces turbulence in China’s politics,
more and more corruption scandals inside the CCP have been exposed online.
Recently, the Bo-supporting faction who still holds the power
on “stability-control agencies” took the move to massively censor the Internet.
Since mid-February, thousands of netizens had been arrested
under the excuse of “online crime”.
More than 200,000 online messages were deleted.
Sixteen websites, including “Meizhou Window”, “Xingning 528
forum”, ”Dongyang hotline” and ”ejmsw.com” were closed with six relevant persons being detained.
The Web sites: sina.com.cn and qq.com were
also disciplined.
Sina has forbidden users to comment on the Web
between March 31st and April 3rd.
Commentators remarked that, though the CCP authority
suppressed the space for speech to hide the truth,
there will probably be more information revealed
from unofficial resources;
the corruption and evilness of the CCP will only become
more and more clear.
The power struggle inside the CCP leader group has become
much more intensive as Bo Xilai was dismissed from Chongqing party secretary.
On the Internet, there had been rumors saying that the
Bo-supporting faction had moved troops into Beijing for a coup.
In the evening of March 19th, Li Delin, an editorial board of
Securities Market Weekly magazine wrote on The Web that,
“military vehicles can be seen on the Chang』an Avenue.
Plain-clothes police are at every crossing. At some place even iron bars have been set up.”
Just because of these words, Li was then detained by
the authority for seven days.
Zhu Xinxin, a former editor at Hebei People Radio Station
said that, the CCP should not have the exclusive power to judge what is true or not.
He later confirmed the rumors saying that,
there were absolutely troops driving towards Beijing.
Zhu Xinxin: ”I had witnessed some (of what the rumors said)
by myself.
I was also told by other witnesses that,
there were a lot of military vehicles driving on the highway.
You know Hebei is very close to Beijing, so some witness
directly told me that the troops were directing there (to Beijing).
I think this just a basic fact.”
A Beijing lawyer Jiang Tianyong said that, it was ridiculous
for the CCP authority to claim the behavior of “spreading rumors that troops entered Beijing” as “violating the law”.
He remarked that, any citizen has the right to speak out
his opinion about what he has seen in public;
how can some words be called “a rumor” just because
it is not favored by the CCP government?”
The renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei remarked that,
if “Something is wrong in Beijing right now” is defined as a rumor,
then the Chongqing Government’s announcement “Wang Lijun
took medical leave” despite his defect can be called an “official rumor”;
if any talking on “a coup” is a rumor, then any talking on
“political reform” should also be a rumor.
According to some Chinese official website, more than 1065
have been arrested since the CCP started a round of “online crime crackdown” on February 14th.
More than 3000 websites were officially warned and
over 208,000 messages were deleted.
Outside remarks said that, Zhou Yongkang and his ruled
Politics and Law Committee were afraid that their crimes would be further exposed,
hence tried to silence Chinese people by a custody threatening.
On March 26th, a Guizhou netizen Yang Zhengwei was put
into detention for five days because of his speech on the Internet.
Yang revealed that, he had been intimidated by the authority,
who said they would “talk to him” later on April 2nd.
(Guizhou netizen Yang zhengwei): ”(They said that,) 'you
should be obedient and follow whatever we tell you to do;
don’t try to defy us, otherwise we will have “some procedure”
waiting for you.' This is how they intimidated me.”
Internet writer Jing Chu said that, the biggest rumors were
always from the Propaganda Department, the People’s Daily and CCTV;
those are indeed what need to be cleaned up.
(Internet writer Jing Chu):”The Chinese people’s speeches
and minds are the resources which the CCP will stick to control till its last minute.
If the control over speech is released, the corruption, evilness,
and anti-humanity in the CCP’s history will be completely revealed to the world.
This is what they are truly afraid to see.”
Zhang Zanning, a law professor of Southeast University
remarked that, the Chinese people were able to tell the fake from the real, and the wrong from the right.
It is of no use for the CCP strengthening its control over
the Web with the excuse of “spreading rumors”.
With numerous resources and even software to circumvent
CCP’s Internet blockade available,
it is impossible to control the freedom of speech
in an Information Age.

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