採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/李若琳
Analyst: Hu Seeks to Control the Army
and Secure Hu & Wen Policy
As the infighting inside the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
becomes heated, the army’s support is deemed crucial.
After the Wang Lijun Incident, the regime has on repeated
occasions required the troops to "resolutely obey the command of Hu Jintao”.
The army’s top leaders have also constantly
renewed their pledge of loyalty to Hu.
After retiring from the post of CCP general secretary,
Hu Jintao is expected to stay on as Chairman of the
Central Military Commission for at least another two years,
according to German media reports.
Analysts say that since the CCP is not a legally
elected government, Hu’s intention to stay on as military head is his means of protecting himself
and of assuring the continued implementation
of the Hu & Wen policy in China’s government.
The Liberation Army Daily, the official newspaper of
the CCP’s Central Military Commission(CMC), recently pledged it’s loyalty to Hu Jintao.
In its continuous articles, the official media has required
that the army
"resolutely obey the commands of the Central Committee,
the Central Military Commission and of Chairman Hu.”
An article dated March 27 especially stressed:
"Without emphasizing the need to be politically-minded,
one may lose direction in a complex political struggle,
and also might be in danger of being swayed by considerations
of gain and loss when having to make decisions as to whether to advance or retreat.”
The Chinese edition of Voice of Germany thinks that
this quotation is a clear hint that “a power struggle is being staged in Beijing."
Hu Jintao is expected to maintain his position within the CCP
after succeeding in axing Bo Xilai, Chongqing’s CCP Secretary.
Hu is very likely to continue to serve as CMC Chairman
until 2014 or 2015 after he retires as the CCP general secretary, says the comment.
Commentator Wen Zhao points out that the CCP is not
a democratically elected government.
Therefore when infighting breaks out, the regime is unable
to resort to any form of judicial process or national referendum.
Therefore, for the factions within the CCP, the army,
as a tool of violence, will be the key to obtaining final victory, says Wen Zhao.
Wen Zhao says that: "Once there’s no way of reasoning with
the other side, and when all other means have been exhausted,
the strength of the CCP may be in rolling tanks onto the streets,
and even arresting all members of the other faction.
When force is used, the winning side shall swiftly be determined.
This is a well known feature of communist society."
Not long ago, Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang were reported to
have had an ambitious plan to seize power from the CCP’s top leaders.
Zhou is the current secretary of the CCP
Politics and Law Committee.
Bo had reportedly tried to secure his own power
in the military.
One example was Bo’s repeated attempts at hooking in
the leadership of the Chengdu Military Region after he began his reign in Chongqing.
After the Wang Lijun Incident began to unfold, Bo visited
the 14th Army Group in Kunming with specific intentions, according to reports.
The 14th Army Group of the People's Liberation Army
was formerly under the command of Bo Yibo, Bo Xilai’s father.
According to outside comments, the CCP’s frequent
demand that the army "obey commands"
is deemed to be a response to Bo Xilai’s buying over
the army in order to challenge the Central Committee.
Wu Fan, chief editor of the magazine China Affairs, points out
that the troops were formerly controlled by Jiang Zemin,
and that Hu Jintao has now managed to grasp power
over the military.
Reportedly, former CCP leader Jiang Zemin was confident
about waging a persecution against Falun Gong in 1999
despite a majority of opposition from all the other members
of the Politburo Standing Committee.
Seeing the failure of his persecution and fearing the eventual
punishment for his crimes,
Jiang had promoted a large number of members of
his own group to powerful positions in government.
This group consisted of Zhou Yongkang and other active
persecutors of Falun Gong, who have been labeled “the blood-debt clan”.
Jiang stayed on as the Central Military Commission Chairman
after he stepped down in the leadership transition in 2002.
Wu Fan points out that Hu Jintao is now also intent on keeping
his position as head of the Central Military Commission.
Hu aims to protect himself and also to assure the continuation
of the Hu & Wen policy into any future government.
Wu Fan continues: "Now that he has encountered
an attempt to topple him from power by others,
is it a surprise that he should be afraid of suffering
the same fate in the future?
As long as the CCP exists, left-wing extremism won’t
disappear altogether from government.
The extremists will surely oppose the line of Deng Xiaoping
and of Hu & Wen.
Even if Hu and Wen retire from their posts, left-wing will
always exist and will continue to oppose the Hu & Wen policy.”
The article in the Liberation Army Daily has warned the army
that the situation in the world, in China and inside the CCP has undergone profound changes.
The article states that the CCP is facing many
new challenges and new dangers.
Wu Fan tells us that: "This is telling us that the CCP
isn’t welcomed.
The entire world’s economy has slowed down,
people’s lives have become much harder.
The army’s remuneration isn’t acceptable, and so on.
A variety of problematic situations have presented themselves.
This shows us that the CCP are unsympathetic…
they just don’t like us.
In this scenario, the CCP is desperately attempting to control
the army, to avoid being overturned. That is the inner meaning (of the official article)."
Wu Fan stressed that military personnel have increasingly
been uncomfortable with CCP policies.
There are even some senior generals who have advocated the nationalization
of the army and have refused to be the CCP’s watchdog.
Wu Fan thinks that this is why the CCP has kept up the
pressure on the army, requiring that it’s personnel absolutely obey the commands of the leadership.

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