【新唐人2012年4月5日訊】 【看新聞學英語】
Chinese Lawyer Tells of Bo Xilai's Torture Methods
By Daniel Chen, David Lee
1. Tell of ph. 講述
2. Torture /t'ɔrtʃɚ/ n. 酷刑
3. Oust [aʊst] v. 驅逐;攆走
4. Defendant [dɪˋfɛndənt] n. 被告
5. Alleged [əˋlɛdʒd] adj. 嫌疑的
6. Falsify [ˋfɔlsə͵faɪ] v. 偽造
7. Convict [kənˋvɪkt] v. 判罪
8. Extract [ɪkˋstrækt] v. 提取
9. Trial [ˋtraɪəl] n. 審問;審訊
Bo Xilai launched a campaign to wipe out organized crime.
Li Zhuang was subsequently convicted and sent to prison.
Li Zhuang was freed after an 18 months sentence.
He and his client were tortured into giving confessions.
Ousted Chongqing Communist Party Chief Bo Xilai was at the peak of his career when he launched a campaign in the mega-city to wipe out organized crime. Now with Bo Xilai removed from his position, some are speaking out against the questionable methods he used during his campaign.
One of those accusing Bo of using torture is the lawyer Li Zhuang. Li became a defendant himself, when he took on a case of an alleged gang leader. Chongqing police accused Li of persuading his client to falsify torture claims, and Li was subsequently convicted and sent to prison.
Li, freed after an 18 months sentence, says both he and his client were tortured into giving confessions.
[Li Zhuang, Lawyer Accusing Bo Xilai of Torture]:
"Not allowing someone to sleep, not allowing them to drink water or eat, disguised methods like these also count as extracting a confession through torture. All of the statements and material extracted through torture like this are illegal and should not be used in court. But just look at how the Chongqing gang trials were carried out."
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
10. client [ˋklaɪənt] n.當事人
11. Handcuff [ˋhænd͵kʌf] n. 手銬
12. Fall out ph. 吵架
13. Trigger [ˋtrɪgɚ] v. 引發
14. smash [smæʃ] v. 粉碎
1. Some others were not allowed to move for up to ten days.
2. Both he and his client were tortured into giving confessions.
3. How long can it carry on like that?
4. The cost is too high.
5. Wang Lijun fled to a US Consulate last month.
Li says some others were not allowed to move for up to ten days. Li’s own client was hung up to the ceiling by handcuffs, with only his toes touching the ground.
Bo Xilai and his then Chief of Police Wang Lijun were praised for their anti-crime campaign, known as “beat the black.” The pair was credited for apparently making Chongqing safer, but Li Zhuang questions at what cost?
[Li Zhuang, Lawyer Accusing Bo Xilai of Torture]:
"Under Hitler, public security was at its best—you know what I mean by this—but how long can it carry on like that? The cost is too great. Misleading the public, smashing the law and the legal system, attacking lawyers and the system of client defense—the cost is too high.
控告薄熙來酷刑律師李莊說:「在希特勒的領導下,公共安全是最好的時候 – 你知道我這個意思,它可以像這樣持續多久?成本太大了。誤導民眾、粉碎法律和制度、攻擊律師和當事人辯護系統…,這成本太高了。」
Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun are now believed to be in the hands of the Chinese regime’s central authorities. Wang fled to a US Consulate last month after a falling out with Bo. That trip has triggered one of the largest political scandals in the Chinese Communist Party’s recent history, and has likely ended Bo’s political aspirations.
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