胡軍:「 在這個體制內,他們就利用這個環境相互打壓,....他們政改的趨向我看還沒看到,他們主要還是為他們的對手。451-507如果他們要求政改的話,要求還權予民的話,這股力量非常大,他們很簡單的做一點事情就可以了,就是放開輿論。」
採訪/編輯/李韻 後製/朱娣
Netizens Urge Release of Jailed Guangdong Demonstrators
Guangzhou Human Rights activist Shi Xiaoyong and a few
netizens were arrested by Guangzhou police
because they had asked people on the street to support
political reform and urge the state leaders to reveal their personal financial information.
Ge Xun, who is currently traveling in the U.S, started an
online petition urging for Xiaoyong's release.
Legal experts also pointed out that, the police have no reason
to arrest them; and that such arrests are against the law.
On March 31, a few young demonstrators carried banners
on Longdong street,
to support Wen Jiabao's call for political reform and to urge
Hu Jintao to publicly reveal details of his personal wealth.
Human Rights activist Shi Xiaoyong walked by the scene
at the time and saw the crowd of people watching and
supporting political reform, so he took some pictures and
uploaded them onto the internet.
On the afternoon of April 2, state security agents arrested
Xiaoyong and several other young men who had participated in the demonstration.
Xiaoyong's house was searched and his computer was taken.
On April 3, Xiaoyong's wife got a copy of an arrest warrant
from Guangzhou city police department, claiming that
Xiaoyong had been detained for participating in
“unlawful assembly” and is currently held at Guangzhou City's first detention center.
A netizen, Tufu(屠夫) who knows about the incident wrote,
“This is absurd, Xiaoyong got arrested for simply watching
the demonstration and taking some pictures.”
Tufu said, “Doesn't Wen Jiabao talk about political reform
all the time? When will people awaken?
Then these people responded to his call and expressed
some wishes,
this should be seen as sensible, reasonable, and legal,
didn't cause any social issues or traffic jams.
This was a natural street demonstration,
and the taking of some pictures, Xiaoyong only took some pictures and got arrested for that.”
Beijing lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan pointed out that,
Guangzhou police had no reason to arrest these people. This was a violation of the law.
Liu Xiaoyuan, says that “Any action against a suspect
must be based on legal evidence,
you can't accuse people of a crime and arrest them
for simply holding up a few banners.
I suspect that the police arrested them fearing that
even more people would hold up banners and protest.
Right now, The (Chinese regime) place 『stability』 over
anything else.”
On April 3, overseas Chinese Ge Xun who currently lives in
San Francisco started an online petition urging the Chinese regime to release Xiaoyong.
Many netizens have supported his effort.
On April 5, lawyer Wang Yajun went to Guangzhou's
second detention center to meet Xiaoyong, but his request to see him was denied.
A state security agent with the surname Wang said that
this case is classified.
Founder of the Human Rights Campaign in China
Hu Jun expressed the view that,
the regime knows that the general public is furious,
so they are afraid of protests.
Fearing losing their control,
they are scared of any small thing that people do.
While Wen Jiabao indeed mentioned political reform,
under the Chinese Communist Party's system,
there has never been any sign of real political reform,
it's not as simple as people holding up some banners.
Hu Jun continues, “Inside this system,
they use their environment to fight each other.
I don't see their willingness to commit to reform,
they are mainly just attacking their opponents.
If they really want political reform,
and want to give control back to the people,
then the force for this argument is very strong,
so they don't have to do much, just open up to the freedom of speech.”
On April 6, Henan human rights activist Wang Yi also
urged people to help bring Xiaoyong home, getting support from many netizens.
Those who participated in the street demonstration on
March 31 include: Huang Wenxun from Huizhou, Guangdong;
Ou Ronggui from Guilin, Guangxi; Yang Chong, Mr. Luo
and others from Jiujiang, Jiangxi were arrested.
Netizens with screen names Xiao Liu, Lao Tian, Li Zong,
Xiao Juan and others are still unaccounted for.

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【禁聞】毛派開班唱紅 外媒:批毛者居多



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