方勵之曾經擔任「中國科技大學」副校長,是中國最知名的異議人士之一,在1986年的學生運動中,與劉賓雁、王若望一起成為三大領軍人物。 1987年三人被開除黨籍並受到全國性批判。 1989年六四大屠殺之後,方勵之夫婦進入美國大使館避難,一年後才得以離開中國。
採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/周天
China blocks News of Physicist Fang Lizhi's Death
The astrophysicist and Chinese pro-democracy activist,
Fang Lizhi, who was an exile in the US due to the 1989 Tiananmen incident,
died suddenly in Arizona on April 6.
He was 76.
While many mourn his death and plan to organize
a large-scale commemoration, news of his death was blocked by the mainland authorities.
Analysts pointed out that people must not have any illusions
about the CCP due to its evil nature and owing countless debts of blood.
According to a Twitter message, on the morning of Friday
the 6th, Fang Lizhi was on his way to teach.
Shortly before leaving, he coughed,
fell in his chair, and died.
Fang Lizhi was Vice-President of the University of Science
and Technology of China.
He was one of the best-known Chinese dissidents.
He, Liu Binyan, and Wang Ruowang were the three leaders
of the 1986 student movement.
All three were expelled from the CCP in 1987 and subjected
to national criticism.
After the 1989 massacre, Fang Lizhi and his wife sought refuge in the U.S. embassy and left China a year later.
The sudden death of Fang Lizhi comes as a shock to many.
Many people have expressed their condolences, and prepare
to launch a commemoration.
Liu Yinchuan, former professor at Shandong University
and host of China Social Democratic Party Central Committee,
indicated to NTD TV that,
as a leader of the Chinese democracy movement, Fang Lizhi
contributed greatly to the Tiananmen movement of 1989.
Fang Lizhi continued to contribute to the democracy movement
in China after he exiled in the United States.
Liu Yinchuan said that his death was a great loss
to the Chinese democracy movement.
Liu Yinchuan also indicated that it's sad that Fang Lizhi,
Liu Binyan, and Wang Ruowang,
the three pioneers of the Chinese democratic movement,
have all died outside of China, respectively.
Liu Yinchuan: "As far as I know, all three gentlemen wanted
to return, to promote the democratization of China, but none of them were able to achieve their aspiration.
The one-party rule of the CCP has caused such an
aspiration impossible to achieve."
In recent years, the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao
has repeatedly discussed reform of the political system.
There was also news about Wen Jiabao's proposal
to vindicate the Tiananmen movement.
Former China University of Political Science lecturer
Wu Renhua, an exile due to the Tiananmen movement:
"The problem is that even cases such as providing
pension to the families of the victims,
cases that are relatively easy to carry out and
easy to express good intention, were not completed.
It is hard for me to believe that the CCP authorities
would conduct so-called 『vindication.』"
Chinese Democratic Party Committee Chairman Zhang Jian
also said that the CCP has too many blood debts to pay.
People must recognize the CCP's evil nature, and not rely
on the CCP's so-called "political reform.”
Zhang Jian: “Wen Jiabao may have a trace of guilt in his heart,
and maybe some conscience, but I believe it is instantaneous.
What remains eternal is maintenance of this system.
Do not have any illusions (about the CCP)."
Contrary to overseas, reports of Fang Lizhi's death
were fully blocked in mainland China.
There was no report in the media, and information forwarded
by Internet users was also deleted by authorities.
Zhang Jian: "With the current situation of the CCP’s
18th National Congress and
the ambiguous relationship among Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang,
and Wang Lijun, this is a critical time, and they are very fearful.
Fang Lizhi has a very significant impact in the domestic
knowledge domain. We can say that he is the leader of an era.
At this time, the Chinese Communists certainly do not want
to spread the news of Mr. Fang Lizhi‘s death."
Fang Lizhi was a Professor of Astrophysics
at the University of Arizona.
For his important work in cosmology and physics of the early
universe, Fang Lizhi was elected in 2010 for the American Physical Society Fellow.

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