《博訊》報導,據知情人士透露,王立軍交給美國領館的錄像資料中,有薄熙來和周永康和女孩淫亂的內容,這些女孩是「大連實德公司」 董事長徐明安排的。錄像中還有周、薄兩人討論如何推翻習近平,以及如何應對其他政治局常委。
採訪/常春 編輯/王子琦 後製/李若琳
As Zhou Yongkang's Dark Secrets are about to be Revealed, Hu and Xi are Determined
Bo Xilai has been suspended from the politburo and
central committee. His wife Gu Kailai is under investigation.
People say that the progress of these bizarre events
is more soul stirring than a thriller novel.
The characters involved in this event feel vulnerable
and are trying their best to protect themselves.
Recently, Media quoted sources as saying in order to avoid
the death penalty, Gu Kailai is going to expose Zhou Yongkang,
the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s Political
and Legislative Affairs Committee, and his coup plan.
Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily reported sources revealed that
Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, was involved in murders,
and is very possible she will face a death penalty.
Bo Xilai was also found to have “other issues”, and may lose
his party membership.
On April 12, Boxun Net quoted an inside source as
saying that Gu Kailai accused Zhou Yongkang as being
the mastermind behind the coup to overthrow Vice President
Xi Jinping and other members of the central committee.
She even accused Zhou Yongkang as being the “Bad Guy
in the Central Committee.”
Wu Jianguo, an internet writer, thinks the case of Gu Kailai
is very serious, as she may be linked to several murders.
With the collapse of Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang can no longer
protect himself.
So, Gu Kailai may reveal important evidence
to protect herself.
Wu Jianguo: “I think this is certainly true because she
is attempting to save her life now,
which will make her turn on others and reveal the most damning,
convincing evidence most capable of explaining issues.
She is like Wang Lijun, who exposed the most powerful
evidence in order to save his life.”
Boxun reported that, according to insiders, the documents
that Wang Lijun gave to the US consulate includes
a video of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang committing
adultery with promiscuous girls.
Xu Ming, the chairman of Dalian Shide (a powerful business),
allegedly arranged the girls.
Videos also show how Zhou and Bo discussed overthrowing
Xi Jinping as well as deal with other members of Politburo Standing Committee.
Zhang Tianliang, a Chinese issue expert and Professor
at George Mason University in the US said Zhou Yongkang's coup plan can't stay under wraps any longer.
Zhang Tianliang: ”This kind of information will come out
sooner or later.
The US government knows it will be revealed.
That's the reason that Zhou Yongkang can't be protected.
If Zhou Yongkang can't be protected, then Jiang Zemin
must fight with Hu, Wen, Xi, and Li if he wants to protect Zhou.
In this kind of situation, it's easier for Jiang Zemin to let
Zhou's case go and cut ties with Zhou.”
Sources also revealed that Zhou Bin, the son of Zhou
Yongkang, is allegedly involved in a court case.
He received 200million RMB to release the leader
of Gansu's second-largest gang from prison.
This leader cut open a living person's chest and cut out
the heart, which led the person's death.
This case was recorded in Gansu court
and Beijing Supreme Court.
Zhang Tianliang analyzed that the CCP is not relying on
the ballot for power, but rather relying on a compromise to this internal gang-style battle.
The person who wants to be the leader must guarantee
he is the most powerful one.
Otherwise, others will pull him down at any time.
Zhang Tianliang thinks both Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping
definitely want to move Zhou Yongkang aside.
Zhang Tianliang: ”So, with firm determination, Xi Jinping
and Hu Jintao want Zhou Yongkang to go away.
Jiang Zemin has no way to compete with Hu Jintao
because the military is loyal to Hu.
In this case, the wisest solution for Jiang is to give up on Zhou,
which means he too has surrender.
That way, he will protect himself from the trouble ahead.”
However, Zhang Tianliang pointed out that, if the civil
requires Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao to disintegrate the CCP,
the CCP can't be upheld and Jiang Zemin can't be protected

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