李天天: 「如果僅僅只是利益的話,他們不會去殺人,恐怕就是......是不是牽扯到政治利益,是不是人家知道他家事情太多了,薄熙來怕影響到他們的政治前途,人家拿這個要脅他,威脅到他的政治前途,壞他們的計劃,是不是因為這個殺人滅口了。」
Heywood Case Secrets: Bo Badly Beat and Sexually Abused Gu
British businessman Nigel Heywood was considered
a “core member” of Bo Xilain's family team.
Details related to his mysterious death are rising
to the surface recently.
On April 12, Heywood's Chinese wife, Wang Lulu went
to the Beijing British Embassy to seek help to escape China.
Wang Lulu fears those who killed her husband might
go after and kill her and her children.
It was disclosed by an American mediator that Heywood
told his friends that he had left documents with his British lawyer detailing overseas investments of Bo's family.
In addition, insider information suggests that Bo's wife
Gu Kailai was frequently beaten and sexually abused by Bo.
Gu has had sexual relations with a couple of men
and Heywood was one of them.
The Wall Street Journal reported British journalist Reed
and Heywood dined together on November 8th, 2011.
Heywood didn't mention any plans to go to Chongqing.
Later Heywood was summoned at short notice to a meeting
in Chongqing with representatives of Bo Xilai's family.
Heywood had told one of his friends he was “in trouble,”
but he did not disclose what the meeting was about.
As described by that friend, Heywood was left waiting alone
in his hotel room when he arrived in Chongqing.
He was not able to reach those people he would normally
maintain contact with. Heywood felt nervous.
He told his friend that he had left documents detailing the overseas investments of Mr. Bo's family with his lawyer
in Britain as an "insurance policy" in case anything happened.
On November 15th, Heywood died suddenly in the hotel
in Chongqing.
Local officials said he had died from excessive alcohol
consumption, quickly cremating his body without autopsy.
Mr. Heywood's family, however, was told he died
of a heart attack.
People with insider information told “Mingjing News” that
Bo Xilai himself gave orders to “his people” Zhang Xiaojun to fatally poison Heywood. Gu Kailai was an accomplice.
It was also said that Gu Kailai was frequently beaten
and sexually abused by Bo Xilai.
Also bothered by sexual scandals surrounding Bo Xilai
with other women, Gu Kailai suffered from depression.
Gu Kailai had sexual relations with a couple of men
and Heywood was one of them.
Gu Kailai was reported to have cried in front
of Heywood's wife, Wang Lulu.
Bo Xiai gave orders to kill six people, four of whom
had sexual relations with Gu Kailai.
Based on the analysis from Lawyer Li Tiantian, it's impossible
for Bo Xilai to kill Heywood based only on allegations of sexual relations with Gu Kailai.
Bo Xilai abused his power to seek personal gain
And are suspected for involvement in quite a few murders.
Gu Kailai herself has even transferred 8 billion
Chinese Yuan overseas.
The fact that Heywood had known too many inside stories
about Bo's family might have led to his untimely death.
Li Tiantian: “If it's only for economic interests, they didn't
have to murder Heywood.
I am afraid that political interests might be involved.
I wonder if Heywood had known too many insider stories
about Bo's family.
Bo worried that Heywood might affect his political future.
If others threatened him with those insider stories, it would
threaten his political future and destroy his plan.
I wonder if that's why they committed the murder. ”
One quote shows Mr. Heywood saying he was under
"intolerable pressure" from the Bo family.
He told several friends he was planning
to leave China next year.
Before Heywood was fatally poisoned in November, he told
his friends that Gu Kailai also knew he had the detailed
information on the overseas investments of Bo's family.
Hu Jun is the originator of the “Rights Movements.”
If Heywood left documents with his lawyer detailing the
overseas investment of the Bo family,
he thinks more information regarding corruption of
CCP senior officials will rise to the surface.
Hu Jun: “Zhou Yongkang, Jiang Zemin, Li Changchu,
Zeng Qinghong and a lot of other CCP senior officials' family live overseas.
The huge amount of wealth they have transferred overseas,
and the innumerable crimes they have committed should
all be disclosed, so that ordinary people in China can get
to know what this evil party has been doing.”
Hu Jun also thinks that from the “Wang Lijun incident” to the
“Bo Xilai incident”, it's getting more and more interesting.
The shady deals committed by CCP will be disclosed
more and more.
The disintegration of the CCP is like a historical ride
that can't be stopped.


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【禁聞】傳胡錦濤擬恢復七常委 徹底清江派



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