採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/薛莉
Clearing out Leftists? Liu Yazhong
Liu Yazhou, political commissar at National Defense University,
has been considered a pro-democracy and political reform figure in the armed forces.
On April 16, in an article published by a party magazine,
he stressed that the party's leadership is absolutely above the army.
Has Liu changed his stance under great pressure
or does he want to realize his ideals indirectly?
On April 16, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) published
an article written by Liu Yazhou.
Outsiders believe that this article is the second display
of the army indicating their loyalty to CCP and stance on Bo.
Prof. Zhang Tianliang at George Mason University in the US said
that Liu's display of loyalty to the CCP was an unusual move in the current situation.
In fact, it was to support Hu Jintao removing the leftist's
Bo and Zhou.
Otherwise Liu Yazhou's democracy and political reform can't
be implemented under the restriction of the Leftists' ideology.
Zhang Tianliang, “If you don't clear out the Leftists,
the military won't be able to be nationalized.
Liu seems to have changed his stance, but the purpose
is the same.
Military nationalization is to push forward reform
and neutralize the army.
So currently, the military support of party leadership
is to stabilize the situation and clear out the leftists first.”
Liu Yazhou is the son of Liu Jiande, a senior army leader.
Liu Yazhou's wife, Li Xiaolin, is a daughter of Li Xiannian,
who was one of the Eight CCP Elders.
Cai Yongmei, editor in chief of Hong Kong's Open magazine,
said that both Liu Yazhou and Bo were princelings, but Liu may not agree with Bo's behavior.
Cai Yongmei, “Another point is, on Bo's issue,
he (Liu Yazhou) is on the Hu-Wen side.
The princelings don't like Bo's style.
Commentary supports Liu's change of stance.
He supported democracy in the past, but now is supporting
the CCP.
I think this is just a simple statement.
It is hard to say that his stance has changed.
Because there is infighting among high-level officials,
he needed to speak out.
Doctor Yang Jianli, Ph.D., Political Economy, Harvard University,
believes that Liu Yazhou has supported democracy,
but under current sensitive circumstances, he had to show his stance
in order for the CCP to achieve one voice before the 18th Congress.
Yang Jianli, “Before the 18th Congress, the CCP needs to unify
with the same voice, or they will encounter an internal crisis.
So I believe Liu, under great pressure, had to take a stance.
This means the CCP high-level officials are very concerned
about maintaining a unified tune.”
Li Yazhou was educated in the U.S., and resided there
for about ten years.
During that time, Liu attended Independent Chinese Pen forums.
A few years ago, he began promoting his personal views
on global military analysis and reform.

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