【禁聞】溫家寶陽光篇 擒周永康前曲








荊楚:「 因為周永康這樣的人,太邪惡、太反人類了,可以說是中國體制幹部選拔出現了很大問題,周永康這樣人品卑劣的下作的人,沒有任何底線,為了達到目地不擇手段,這樣的人是非常的邪惡,非常的反人類的,一個中南海高層讓這樣的人進高層,本身就是就是很大的問題,這能把整個中國社會搞的暗無天日。」


孫文廣:「 他在這個情況下提到《權力要在陽光下運行》,他還是有他的意義,對這個司法有它的不公,司法黑暗啊,實際上帶有批評的意思,他對當前黨內的鬥爭,比較鮮明清楚,要透明、要公開,那麼這個和周永康作法是不一致的。從公開的講話中可以看到,他是及時揭露這個司法黑暗。」


採訪編輯/李韻 後製/葛雷

Wen Jiabao’s “Sunshine” Article is a Prelude to Catch Zhou Yongkang

During the media conference of this year’s “two sessions”,

Wen Jiabao pointed out that there’s a risk that the

“second Cultural Revolution maybe repeated”.

He said “Chongqing Municipal Party Committee must reflect”.

Then on the second day, Bo Xilai was removed.

The official magazine of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

published another of Wen’s speeches,

in which he sternly refuted Zhou Yongkang’s action

to investigate the so-called “rumors”.

Although the article was partly deleted, it was also published

in a special way. Analysts thought, Wen Jiabao gave a

a high-profile criticism of Zhou Yongkang, following his

example of criticizing Bo Xilai during the “two sessions”.

It’s inevitable that Zhou Yongkang will collapse,

and his end will be even worse than Bo Xilai’s.

On 16th April, the last version of the CCP’s official magazine

“Seeking Truth” published an article titled,

“Let Power be Exercised under the Sunshine”.

This article is based on Wen Jiabao’s speech on 26th March

in State Council’s fifth anti-graft meeting.

Sources said, Wen Jiabao used very harsh words to criticize

Zhou Yongkang in the speech, but those contents and

anti-graft contents were deleted in the published article.

the article, Wen Jiabao said Zhou Yongkang launched

the so-called “rumors” investigation in exactly the same way as the Cultural Revolution,

which underestimates the wisdom of the people, but the fact of the matter remains

which can’t be hidden by anyone in the long-term.

Wen Jiabao also said there are many legends on the line,

but those are not rumors. On the contrary,

many words delivered by officials are lies and rumors.

Isn’t “Wang Lijun’s vacation style treatment” created

by Chongqing Municipal Government, a rumor, a lie?

Wen Jiabao thought the reasons why there are rumors

among people are:

one is the government didn’t disclose the information

which should have been disclosed.

Another is most of the rumors are not an attack from

hostile forces,

but a reflection that people are concerned

about the country, a reflection of people’s hope.

Jing Chu, an internet writer pointed out that the reason why

Wen Jiabao’s speech was deleted is, that the CCP won’t allow him to expose so many insiders.

For Zhou Yongkang, who killed his ex-wife, married the niece of Jiang Zemin

and sold himself to Jiang, suppressed petitions,

persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and other dissidents

through inhuman means.

He was promoted to chairman of the Political and Law Commission is based on

pools and pools of blood from others.

Jing Chu:”Zhou Yongkang is extremely evil,

extremely against humanity.

We can say Chinese officials’ voting system has a big problem

which selected Zhou Yongkang, such a despicable person without any bottom line.

He used all ways possible to reach his goal.

He is extremely evil, extremely anti-human.

Beijing allowing this kind of person to enter the leadership is a big problem.

This could put the whole of Chinese society into the dark.”

Sun Wenguang, a former professor of Shandong University

pointed out that now is the period that Hu-Wen use Bo Xilai’s case to clear Jiang Zemin’s faction.

Wen Jiabao’s high-profile criticism of Zhou Yongkang

has deeper meaning.

Sun Wenguang: ”In this kind of situation,

Wen Jiabao published 『Let Power be Exercised under the Sunshine’ has its purpose.

He criticizes the unfair judicial procedure,

the judicial darkness.

His criticism of the struggling within the party is stated very

clearly, and asked for transparency and openness

which is different from Zhou Yongkang’s actions.

He published the article to unveil the judicial darkness.”

Dr. Zhang Tianliang, a current affairs’ commentary columnist

said, many people said Bo Xilai’s political life has ended,

and he may be sentenced to death.

But Zhou Yongkang’s fate will be far worse than Bo Xilai’s.