
【新唐人亞太台 2017 年 06 月 07 日訊】臺灣原創動畫《天庭小子 小乾坤》再傳捷報!入圍提名瑞典斯德哥爾摩獨立影展(Stockholm Independent Film Festival),《小乾坤》將在7月與多國角逐「最佳動畫 」。





評審Skickat:「《小乾坤》是很棒的動畫,充滿深度的想像與創意,具有傑出的原創故事情節。」(The note the judge wrote is: HeavenKid is a great animation - digs deep into the imagination with a lot of creativity! Stands out  a very original storyline, which is nice to see!)

「《小乾坤》是一部令人振奮的動畫,特別是當豆豆和阿雅由棋盤上(現實生活)的爭論轉場到時空門(虛擬世界)的時候。 高超的視覺技術加上扣人心弦的劇情,讓這部娛樂性十足的短片,相當引人入勝。」(Heavenkid is an exciting animation that follows Toto and Ahya’s crisis when a chessboard gets transformed into a Space Door. The technical visual animation is in line with the strong and gripping script that keeps the audience member on the edge of their seat throughout this entertaining short animation film. )




受訪評委:Jonathan Jeffrey(左) Henrik Friis(右)
受訪評委:Jonathan Jeffrey(左) Henrik Friis(右)


