Made-in-Taiwan Fully Automatic Bolt Nut Assembly Machine with Easy Process Change Function
【新唐人亞太台 2018 年 03 月 16 日訊】Taiwan continues to enjoy rosy export of locally-made screws. The bright outlook has carried over to the new year from the sharp increase in export volume for the month of December last year. As a result, related machinery companies have benefited as well. Precision screw products for aerospace and automotive industries likewise have enjoyed hot demand. In the face of continued trend and demand, a collated screws company in Taiwan, has become a leader in the industry, after rolling out its own fully automatic bolt nut assembly machine. With its own process patents, the push of a bottom can change the entire assembly process of its machine.
Tsai Deng-en, general manager of the collated screws company: “Whether the washer is inside or outside, it can be set simply with the push of this bottom. And all is done.”
Washers, spring washers, screws and other components can rapidly manufactured with the fully automatic bolt nut assembly machine. On average, 11,000 components can be assembled every eight hours, a reduction of time by as much as 2.5 times compared with manual assembly. Regular bolt and nut assembly machine can be set up to run only one single process, and can only run a different process after the machines is halted and adjusted. The collated screws company, through its own research and development, has created a fully automatic bolt nut assembly machine with a patented flow process, which drastically improves the assembly rate.
Tsai Deng-en, general manager of the collated screws company: “Currently for other machines out in the market, they do have their own measurement technique, but they cannot [automatically] remove substandard components. These machines all need to be halted before these components can be removed. Our machine, on the other hand, can automatically remove substandard components. In other words, QC departments can place our machine at their production site, since the machine can do what we call full inspection.”
Taiwan’s export of screws and nuts, especially those used in aerospace and automotive industries, has enjoyed strong growth. In the face of high demand, the collated screws company, has become a leader in the industry with its own fully automatic nut bolt assembly machine. Additionally, the company also sells a line-up of different CNC automatic fabricating machines, making possible of CNC fabrication without any manual labor. All of these different machines have performed well in processing automobile and aerospace components. The company’s machines have been welcomed by many foreign companies.
Tsai Deng-en, general manager of the collated screws company: “Companies in other countries often face different demands. And so they will talk to us about different problems. Meanwhile, we have our own expertise. So with these discussions and our expertise, the resulting products are surely excellent. And these products always meet the demand of our customers.”
With over 30 years of research and development, and the focus on international market, including Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe and the United States, the company has predicted that for the next three to five years, screws and nuts made in Taiwan will continue to enjoy healthy growth.
NTDTV AP Dennis Yeh Jin-Jin Li reporting from Kaohsiung, Taiwan
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