林佳龍台北開國際記者會 正式向EAOC提申復案

林佳龍台北開國際記者會 正式向EAOC提申復案
【新唐人亞太台 2018 年 07 月 30 日訊】中共主導東亞奧林匹克委員會(EAOC)取消台中市2019東亞青年運動會主辦權,事件引發國內外關注。台中市長林佳龍今天(30日)下午1點30分,在台大國際會議中心召開國際記者會,正式向EAOC提出申復,並同步向各會員國家地區代表表達嚴正立場。現場記者爆滿,包括日媒、美媒、法新社等多家國際媒體都到場關注。以下是林佳龍在記者會上的說明:
Dear friends from the press, good afternoon. I am Taichung City Mayor, Chia-Lung Lin.
First of all, I would like to thank each of you for following the developments of the cancellation of the 1st East Asian Youth Games (“EAYG”) in 2019. Thank you for being here today.
As the mayor of the host city for the first East Asian Youth Games (“EAYG”) and the president of the Taichung 2019 EAYG Organizing Committee, I am holding this international press conference in the hope that the voice and demands of the citizens of Taichung can be heard by the international community. At the same time, I would like to urge the international community to recognize the severe pressure and suppression that we have been subjected to.
On July 24, 2018, the East Asian Olympic Committees (EAOC) held an Extraordinary Council meeting to cancel the 2019 EAYG, which was slated to be held in Taichung. It was a major disappointment for the young athletes from the 9 nations and regions, including Taiwan. Taichung City was informed of this crude and abruptly-made decision very suddenly. All of the citizens of Taichung city as well as Taiwan do not accept nor understand this decision, and the Taichung City Government finds this unacceptable.
In order to protect the rights to athletic competition for the athletes as well as safeguard the Olympic spirit, the Taichung City Government and the Taichung 2019 East Asian Youth Games Organizing Committee have formally lodged a complaint to the EAOC, requesting that Taichung continue to host the 2019 East Asian Youth Games. This complaint letter has also been delivered simultaneously to other eight EAOC member National Olympic Committees (“NOCs”), including Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, Guam and China. I hope that such unfair treatment towards Taichung can be recognized by the international community. I hereby urge our friends in the international community to jointly speak on behalf of the athletes from all participating countries and regions including Taiwan and to protest against this unfair and illegal resolution.
On July 24th, starting from the moment that we received the notice, we Taichung City Government immediately initiated discussions with related agencies and academic experts and professionals, in the hope to find out feasible remedies. After extensive discussion, the Taichung City Government has lodged a complaint based on four major points as follows:
First, the spirit promoted and upheld by the Olympic Games encourages athletes from countries and regions around the world to conduct exchanges through fair competition. I believe that all of the participating nations and regions for the EAYG also see this arena as a great opportunity to groom young athletes and to provide them with a place to exchange with their fellow youth athletes. As such, the abrupt cancellation of the 2019 EAYG in Taichung by the EAOC, not only went against the Olympic spirit, but it also violated the EAOC’s Constitution, which explicitly stipulated “to promotethe Olympic Movement in East Asia” as its mission.
Secondly, prior to the resolution on July 24th to cancel the 2019 EAYG, EAOC did not formally inform the host, Taichung City, of any violation of or failures to perform according to the Contract, the EAOC’s Constitution or commitments that we had made. Conversely, over the past three years, the EAOC has ever visited Taichung with delegations led by its President, Liu Peng, to learn about the organizing status of the first EAYG as well as to exchange opinions with each other. During the visit, the delegation also acknowledged the efforts and achievements made by the Taichung City Government and the Organizing Committee. The EAOC’s decision to cancel the games was not only abrupt but also irrational.
Thirdly, under the Host City Contract for the 1st East Asian Youth Games in 2019 (“Contract”), signed by Taichung City (and Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee) and EAOC on October 24, 2014, Article 24 stipulates that “any dispute … shall be resolved through amicable consultation.” However, during the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on July 24th, the Taichung City Government was not given any opportunity to explain or defend against the accusations. Prior to the resolution, the Taichung City Government was never invited to participate in any form of consultation and negotiation. This Council meeting clearly violated the Contract and directly infringed upon the rights of Taichung City Government as the signatory of the Contract.
Fourthly, in the letter from EAOC addressed to the Taichung City Government/Organizing Committee on July 25th, not a single mention was made regarding the substantial reason behind the resolution, nor did it explain any violation on the part of the Taichung City Government. Moreover, it failed to convince the citizens of Taichung and the people of Taiwan the rationality and legality of this crude cancellation of the Games.
In particular, soon after the EAOC made this resolution, the Taiwan Affairs Office of China’s State Council released an official statement, claiming that EAOC’s cancellation of next year’s EAYG was due to the “name-change” referendum campaign started by some of Taiwan’s citizen for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, publicly and formally acknowledging that the Games were cancelled due to political factors.
The people of Taiwan cannot accept such a ridiculous reason that the political force could disrupt sports and prevent the games from being held. I want to further stress that in a democratic country, it is more normal than ever for the people to demonstrate the public sentiment through referendums. China’s unilateral claim that the cancellation of the Games is due to a referendum, which was incidentally organized by the citizens and not yet formally put for voting, precisely demonstrates China’s lack of understanding, fear and zealous defensiveness towards Taiwan’s democracy and also proves that we need to be united in the efforts to fight for our rights.
Based on the four aforementioned points, as the host city of 1st EAYG in 2019, Taichung City Government and the EAYG Organizing Committee have formally lodged a complaint to the EAOC, requesting that Taichung continue to host the 2019 East Asian Youth Games.
From October 24, 2014, Taichung City took on the role of hosting the first East Asian Youth Games. Over the course of three years and two mayors, the Organizing Committee have been hard at work in preparing for the games. In terms of building sports arenas and organizing the games,more than NT$672 million (US$21.87 million) have been investedto date. All of the preparation was on time and the efforts was recognized by EAOC. The first EAYG was planned to be held between August 24th and 31st, 2019, and close to 2,300 athletes and delegation members from nine countries and regions were expected to participate in 14 competitions. This would have been the first time that a sports event under the Olympic Committee System to be hosted in Taiwan. It is a fantastic opportunity for the athletes from the East Asian Region to exchange and compete with each other. It is also a sports event that the citizens of Taichung and the people of Taiwan have been highly anticipating. All of these efforts should be respected and not neglected, nor should it be nullified due to political factors.
We cannot let everyone’s efforts go to waste, nor should we ignore anticipation from the Taichung citizens and the youth athletes and let them down. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the support and efforts from the central government, the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and all related agencies. This is a difficult moment, and it is also a time we need to remain united. We will not give up, and we will put all our efforts in fighting for the rights of the Taichung citizens, people of Taiwan and the youth athletes.
I would like to lodge a protest towards the EAOC and also urge the international community to join us in following this matter as it develops. For Taichung, we are not just experiencing the loss of hosting the games, but facing a highly unjust, unfair and crude treatment. It is the violation and interruption of sports by political power, and it is a disgraceful chapter in the history of international sports. I trust that this is not a situation that the international community is willing to witness. I sincerely urge our friends in the international community to hear the voice of Taichung, speak on our behalf, join us in fulfilling our commitment with the world, and join us in fighting for the universal values of sportsmanship. Thank you.
2018-07-30 12:51:31歡迎回來。針對2019東亞青年運動會主辦權被取消!台中市長林佳龍,今天(30日)早上以主辦城市首長的身份,正式向EAOC提出申復,來看稍早的訪問。
東亞青運申復失敗 林佳龍:明年仍辦國際賽
2018-08-13 20:59:34因為中共打壓,台中主辦的2019東亞青運被迫停辦。市府雖然全力申復,但今天(13日)東亞奧會的回函表示,取消東亞青年運動會的結果並未改變。市長林佳龍回應,即使沒有東亞青運,也會舉辦一場國際運動會,捍衛選手權利。
2019-06-05 21:37:16國道五號往來台北宜蘭,逢年過節總是塞塞塞,有人還建議雪隧開放給大貨車,甚至部分路段提升限速,但交通部長林佳龍說,雪隧會管制車輛、車速是基於安全因素。目前已同步推動北宜直鐵,甚至透露正研議讓高鐵延伸到宜蘭,引起熱烈論戰。
柯文哲.林佳龍同台 不多談選舉合作
2018-09-12 20:58:00台中市長林佳龍,為即將開幕的台中花博,來到台北宣傳,並與台北市長柯文哲、基隆市長林右昌同台。活動中,柯文哲和林佳龍互動並不熱絡,但在臨近選舉時間點同台,兩人互動,格外受關注。
【直播回放】迎接2022 各國跨年煙火秀線上看
2022-01-06 17:35:56為了迎接2022新年的到來,大紀元、新唐人將聯合直播全球各地跨年倒數計時和煙火秀。我們將在此直播的有新西蘭(紐西蘭)奧克蘭、澳洲悉尼(雪梨)、台灣台北、香港、泰國曼谷、迪拜(杜拜)等城市,讓觀眾一睹各國慶祝跨年的盛況。
2020-05-11 07:49:44台灣交通部推防疫旅遊、安心旅遊,為國內旅遊復甦做準備。10日,交通部長林佳龍、指揮中心指揮官陳時中,共同出席捐贈醫護搭車金活動,媒體詢問,防疫旅遊計畫啟動時程,林佳龍表示,如果連續一個月沒有本土的感染案例,就會啟動。
台中海生館上樑 預計2017年底開幕
2017-05-16 22:43:23台中市海洋生態館,16號舉行上梁典禮, 由市長林佳龍親自主持,台中海洋館去年4月重新啟動興建工程,預定今年底完工,屆時將串聯高美濕地與梧棲觀光漁港,帶動成台中海線觀光。
中共威脅無用 !布拉格與台北締結姊妹市挺民主
2020-01-14 07:19:16再來看到,勇敢拒絕中共的「一中」政治框架,布拉格市長賀瑞普,今天在臉書上公布正式與台北市締結姊妹市的消息,賀瑞普並公布與來訪的台北市長柯文哲,兩人的握手合照,賀瑞普在發布的貼文中,打上三次中華民國旗與捷克國旗符號,並寫上,這項姊妹市關係對雙方都「最為有利」,因為雙方「擁有共同民主價值,而且尊重基本人權和文化自由」。賀瑞普昨天在德國週日世界報發表評論,指出中共「滿腔憤恨」,並試圖左右捷克的輿論。
2021-12-31 21:25:182021年最後一天,台灣抵抗疫情有成,全台各縣市都照常跨年活動,台北101大樓煙火倒數,是每年跨年夜的壓軸重頭戲,外交部將透過國際衛星訊號向全球轉播。今天從下午三點開放入場,不少民眾排隊等候,晚會從七點開始,帶您直擊北市的跨年現場。
2017-04-25 21:00:23根據統計,台中因為颱風或是修剪樹枝,所產生的廢棄樹枝,還有1萬零600公噸 急需處理,為了減少廢棄樹枝堆置,台中市與中興大學專利技術合作,只要3個小時,就可以將木屑變成有機肥。
水墨畫家杜簦吟個展 用藝術暢談人生
2020-06-23 21:47:3195歲花鳥畫家杜簦吟,用一隻畫筆彩繪出不平凡的人生,是台灣近代水墨繪畫,尤其是花鳥繪畫的重要傳承者。他的花卉素稿在台灣的藝術雜誌刊登,從1977年開始,前後8年時間,集結成《百花圖錄》,是水墨畫初學者的最佳學習範本。而他在沉潛了43年後,第二次展出40多年來的創作。帶您一起去欣賞。
韓國團長肯定台北世大運 感謝台灣給支持
2017-08-26 20:05:21好,韓國目前金牌數領先,位居第一,而世大運上一屆,就在韓國光州舉辦,台北世大運組委會今天邀請韓國代表團,分享這次在台北參賽的感想。
2017國慶晚會 促觀光首度移師台中
2017-10-06 19:06:35雙十國慶晚會,今年移師到台中盛大舉辦,還有停辦兩年的國慶煙火也將在台東施放,搭配4天連續假期,希望能藉由國慶活動,帶動中部觀光與商機。
2019-06-17 07:09:51好,香港昨天兩百萬人上街反送中,紐約與台北也同步舉辦聲援活動;台灣民間團體在立法院外,集結超過萬人拿標語聲援,齊撐香港反對送中條例,譴責港府暴力侵犯人權,並呼籲台灣各政黨與總統擬參選人,應明確承諾「拒絕一中和平協議」,團結守護台灣的民主自由。
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2019-11-18 08:17:2311月17日來自台灣及世界各地的部分法輪功學員,近7千人齊聚在台大體育館,舉行修煉心得交流會。20位學員分享他們在修煉中的受益、心性的提高,以及法輪功仍舊遭受中共迫害下,向世人講清真相的體會。
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今早規模5.2地震 最大震度宜蘭4級 台北有感
2020-05-25 09:39:47觀眾朋友今天早上是否有感到地牛翻身呢,今天上午6點31分,宜蘭外海發生規模5.2有感地震,震央在宜蘭縣政府南偏東方 46.7 公里 ,位於台灣東部海域,深度17.6公里;宜蘭縣地區最大震度4級,台北有感搖晃,雙北震度2級,不少人在睡夢中被驚醒,目前暫時無傳出災情。不過,公路總局表示,因為連日多雨土石鬆軟,地震後山區道路容易發生坍方、落石,如果非必要,請勿進入山區道路。
2017-12-21 21:20:30今年北市府跨年,信義商圈預估將吸引數十萬人潮,市府今天公佈管制措施,市府、信義商圈周邊路段,跨年夜從晚間7點到隔天元旦凌晨3點,將有大規模的三階段交管。為了疏運人潮,台北捷運也照例不打烊。
國道塞爆 林佳龍「聰明用路說」被轟失言
2020-06-26 22:27:07端午連假首日(25日),國道5號連續32小時塞爆,交通部長林佳龍呼籲民眾「做個聰明用路人」的說法引發抨擊。林佳龍今天解釋,他不是歸責給民眾,而是請用路人與交通部,一起透過智慧交通,改善國道交通情況。
2018-02-26 21:41:02歡迎回來。台灣十多位國內外教育界的教授學者,25日下午,組團觀賞美國神韻國際藝術團,在台北的演出。政大俄羅斯研究所教授王定士說,神韻讓心靈淨化,返璞歸真,他的內心深受震撼。