【新唐人亞太台 2019 年 09 月 26 日訊】民間記者會(25日)公開三封寄自流亡台灣的「反送中」運動抗爭者,給香港人的家書,他們為無法繼續留港抗爭致歉,鼓勵香港人堅持作戰到底。其中一封全文及英文翻譯轉載如下。
Dearest family and fellow fighters for freedom in Hong Kong,
I must apologise to you all first and foremost for having left you alone in this fight against injustice. The guilt and shame of having somehow exonerated myself from this turmoil and fled kill me every day - I must have left behind a piece of my soul in Hong Kong to redeem itself.
Ever since I can remember, father has always strived to strike a man out of me: ‘I’m not asking for you to understand everything; what I’m asking if that you don’t understand nothing!’ His words still ring in my ears today; I still remember how he wielded the old clothes hanger with trembling hands, and how his eyes were brimming with tears. I was a difficult child, and never quite understood how he could be so stern with his son. But as I grew up, I began to see why: he was teaching me to stand up to injustice and fight for what is right. Isn’t this exactly the case with Hong Kong today? How could anyone still turn a blind eye to all that is undue and unjust?
Dear family, all is fine with me in Taiwan, please don’t worry. I will take good care of myself, and live up to father’s teachings and your expectations.
I will and can never forget those days in Admiralty: how threads of tear smoke snaked up into the air; the endless sea of black and yellow that filled up Harcourt Road; the determined look in the protester’s eyes… Adrenaline rose, amplifying the pounding of my own pulse until it resonated within the soundscape of the battlefield, and fleshing out every breath as it crashed into the thick air. I revisit this scene every night - my dreams consist of a cacophony of the broken chants of the protest slogans, the cries for help of the injured, the siren of ambulances, and the sound of gunshots that emblematise tyranny; I can even smell the acidic tear gas in my sleep. I am locked and grounded in this perpetuity of nightmares, never to be released.
This resistance movement was born from a moral calling. The more indifferent the authorities, the louder our outcry. And yet for me, I found the will and courage to fight from the belief that I was abiding with justice, even if it places me on the edge of the law and even if it means death.
Remember that you are the only light in this darkness.’ What Hong Kong has displayed to the world is not the coldbloodedness of our Government nor the abhorrent crimes of our police force, but each one of us ablaze and shining as a beacon of humanity through the darkest of hours.
But flames are easily snuffed by the strong hands of dictatorship. On this path to truth and freedom, there is neither a beginning nor an end. Perhaps it is time for us to free ourselves from the chains of dogmatism and shake off the fear of our lack of bargaining counters. All we can do now is to give it one best go with all we have at attaining what we deserve. We must do this on our own, but we must also have faith in our time and believe that our spirit will be bequeathed, for ‘where there is injustice, there is resistance’.
I went to visit the Lennon Walls around Taiwan earlier with the thought that I must have already desensitised to the emotional blows that they bring. But seeing our Taiwanese friends queuing up to attach their memo notes in support of our cause, and bowing in tribute to our martyrs and fallen heros, I found my face laced with tears yet again. I couldn’t even cry out loud - all the emotions had to be contained behind the mask that I wore to conceal my identity, and be compressed into a quiet weep. What more can we do?
這週末,在台灣,有 9.29 台港大遊行。面對香港如斯情境,在台灣的我們,至少還能站出來,還慶幸有身邊的台灣朋友同行,聲援血淚中的香港。
The Taiwan-Hong Kong Grand Parade is going to take place this Sunday in Taiwan. In the face of our homeland being lashed with blood and tears, the least that we can do from abroad is to step up in solidarity with Hong Kong along with our Taiwanese friends.
Hong Kongers, I can confidently tell you that the people of Taiwan fully sympathises with your ideas and actions. Please know that the world is with you in this war between the free world and totalitarianism. We have the world on our side, and they will never let us stand alone.
What Hong Kong needs now is a complete reformation of the sociopolitical system - this is our only way out. May we see through to the day our beautiful city is reborn.
Hong Kong is forever the one and only home to Hong Kongers - and thus I am not an exile abroad, but a traveller who has left to return. I need to thank all and everyone of you fighters at home. I promise to never give up on myself while I am away, and to always fight alongside you. The day will come when we meet at the ‘bottom of the pot’ - mask-free.
Until then, my friends.
All best,
A Hong Kong protester
反送中3周年 港人抗爭犧牲喚醒世界認清中共
2022-06-11 21:07:152019年香港政府欲修法《逃犯條例》,將港人曝在隨時有可能引渡到中國,受中共審判的風險之下,爆發了百萬港人走上街頭抗議,卻是遭到港警暴力鎮壓。新聞帶您看到,3年前引起國際極度關注的,香港反送中。
歐洲議會壓倒性決議:杯葛2022京奧 確保台灣民主
2021-07-09 13:22:388日,歐洲議會以578票贊成、29票反對,壓倒性通過一項決議,呼籲外交杯葛2022年北京冬季奧運會,並且制裁嚴重侵犯香港人權和國際法的個人和實體。決議內容還寫到台灣,表示強調其願意與國際夥伴合作,以幫助確保台灣的民主。
反送中電影入圍2項金馬 《少年》預告片:香港不能公映
2021-10-12 22:39:49帶您看到,以2019年香港反送中為背景,由港人任俠與林森共同執導的電影《少年》,入圍了這次金馬獎最佳新導演以及剪輯兩個獎項,在11日釋出了2分半的最新預告片,不過本應交代的上映日期,卻只能以字幕「香港不能公映」,在影片最後發出無聲抗議。
直擊七一前香港逃難潮 港人機場哽咽不捨
2021-07-01 08:14:51今年,港警不僅禁止七一遊行,並突然抓捕了支聯會副主席,加上禁飛令即將生效,使得大批港人選擇盡快移民他國。
何韻詩被潑漆案 台北地院判主嫌賠償40萬元
2022-10-25 16:57:29香港歌手何韻詩108年在台北參與遊行時遭潑漆,被告胡志偉被依毀損罪判刑3月確定。何韻詩另提起損害賠償訴訟,台北地方法院今天判決胡男應賠償何韻詩40萬元,可上訴。
國安法下奔他鄉 港青:中共抹煞了我們的未來
2022-07-01 22:11:322019年中,香港爆發「反送中」運動後,隔年7月1日,中共推出了《香港國安法》,進一步侵蝕香港的民主自由。許多抗爭者不得不離開,奔赴他鄉,一位逃到了加拿大的香港女孩說,25年後的香港,年輕人已經看不到未來。中共抹煞了他們的未來。
90歲陳日君被捕 中共為何害怕一位高齡主教?
2022-05-12 22:11:57香港國安處11日,以違反香港國安法為由,逮捕5名「612人道基金會」的信託人,其中,也包括高齡90歲的天主教香港教區榮休主教陳日君,有分析指出,他被中共視為威脅,是因為他不受中共影響,而且鼓舞人心的力量非常大。
甄子丹暴動論引不滿 兩百人聚奧斯卡場外抗議
2023-03-14 17:07:18出任中共全國政協委員的香港動作明星甄子丹,受邀擔任第95屆奧斯卡頒獎嘉賓。近日他將香港反送中運動稱為「暴動」、抗爭者為「暴徒」的言論,引發近兩百名海外港人和民運人士,於上週日(12日),在好萊塢奧斯卡頒獎典禮場外集會抗議。來看報導。
奧斯卡無視10萬人連署 甄子丹爭議中亮相頒獎
2023-03-13 20:37:03奧斯卡頒獎典禮在台灣時間上午8點登場,武打演員甄子丹在爭議聲中,擔任頒獎來賓。甄子丹出任新一屆中共政協委員,他早前曾在宣傳新戲時聲稱,2019年香港反送中運動並不是一場抗議,而是「暴動」。這番言論引發超過10萬網民簽署,促請奧斯卡取消甄子丹擔任頒獎嘉賓,但奧斯卡官方卻沒有回應。對此,中國民運人士王丹等200多人,今天也到頒獎現場外面集會舉牌抗議,王丹並在臉書PO文表示,「抱歉沒能阻止住甄子丹參加」、並且直言:「很遺憾奧斯卡主辦方還是向中共叩頭了,但我相信他們會付出代價。」
香港七一移交25週年 外資富豪加速離港
2022-07-01 16:36:00香港過去擁有「東方之珠」稱號,不過近三年,香港政經環境巨變,經過港版國安法、疫情防控等接連打擊,如今香港經濟是黯然失色,根據投資諮詢公司數據,多達3000位百萬美元以上高資產人士,今年將撤出香港,不少外商企業對中共介入下的香港經濟,抱持悲觀。
多國媒體關切黃耀明被捕 林夕連發六帖
2021-08-03 07:59:53香港知名歌手黃耀明8月2日被廉政公署拘捕及起訴,包括,英、美、日、德、義、韓等外國媒體都相繼報導。廣東歌三大詞人林夕、黃偉文、周耀輝先後發帖,而已在台灣定居的林夕,更在一小時之內連發六帖,稱黃耀明被捕的消息是「國際醜聞」,「看似飛霜襲人」,林夕還分享黃耀明為「反送中」抗爭而寫的歌曲《自由之夏》、《非心》二字的書法;林夕還寫到,學不會逆向行走,就不做地震前夕流竄的大象。不做風吹草動中逃亡的羚羊。不做棋盤上被人舉起的棋子。不少網民留言勉勵林夕「要保重」。「我們香港人全部都要努力生存下去」。
港片在台灣金馬舞台發光 看見更真實香港社會面貌
2021-11-24 23:30:10今年是中共封殺金馬獎的第三年,香港商業大片缺席金馬獎,但紀錄片《時代革命》以及以反送中抗爭為背景的電影《少年》等多部觸動港人心底傷痛的香港電影,都在台灣的金馬獎獲得入圍肯定,讓外界看見更真實的香港社會面貌。
動畫《瑞克和莫蒂》藏玄機 現香港反送中運動密碼
2022-10-07 22:51:50正在熱播的美國科幻情境喜劇動畫「瑞克和莫蒂」,最新一集上架後,網友發現其中暗藏玄機,竟然有2019年香港民間反送中運動的口號。
港府修法「反起底」 臉書.推特.谷歌不滿擬退出香港
2021-07-06 07:51:20外媒報導,臉書、推特和谷歌,日前警告香港政府,如果當局修改「數據保護法」,讓這些公司對網上分享的信息承擔責任的話,它們可能會退出香港市場。
曾為公義批評港府 醫生學者移英後憂難再回港
2022-07-01 14:22:14過往香港人移民後可隨時回港探親,如今在國安法下,有些人移民後對回港感到不安和恐懼,只因他們曾為公義、為港人福祉發表與政權不同的意見,即使已離港,心靈也難完全自由。
媒體報導法輪功撤離 香港法輪佛學會:假新聞
2021-08-13 18:50:55週三,一個假冒「香港法輪大法學會」的社交媒體帳號,散布假消息,稱「香港法輪功學員決定撤出香港」。對此,香港法輪大法學會公開闢謠,強調法輪功沒有撤出香港的打算。
鄭州暴雨瞞報死亡人數 網友群情激憤|中國一分鐘
2022-01-22 21:17:34河南鄭州去年7月底暴雨,造成嚴重死傷,中共國務院在1月21日公布災害報告聲稱,截至去年9月底,鄭州市因災難死亡失蹤380人,但鄭州官方瞞報死亡失蹤人數139名。隨即鄭州市委書記徐立毅遭到免職。鄭州瞞報水災死亡人數新聞,也迅速登上微博熱搜榜首,網民群情激憤。另外根據去年空拍照顯示,當地一處廣場排滿超過4千輛泡水車,網友估算京廣隧道全長5千公尺,每車按8公尺佔道,單車道630輛,6車道就3800輛車,以每輛車2人計算,這個隧道的遇難者至少就有7600人。
會見洛杉磯港人 王丹:紀念館銘記抗共歷史
2022-07-01 12:41:51週三(29日),八九學運領袖王丹來到洛杉磯,與海外香港人見面。他表示,希望透過開設紀念館,講述六四和反送中真相,揭露中共。
港府強推APP「安心出行」 港人買專用手機避監控
2021-11-02 13:08:19香港政府11月1日開始,強制市民進入政府大樓等特定場所,必須安裝名為「安心出行」的手機應用程式,記錄個人去向。雖然港府曾表示「安心出行」僅用於防疫用途,不會用來監控市民的行動,不過,仍有不少民眾擔心個人隱私外洩,拒絕安裝或是購買專門手機用於「安心出行」掃描二維碼。
藝人黃耀明遭捕後獲釋 港廉政署稱違選舉法惹議
2021-08-02 13:15:16香港歌手黃耀明傳出今天上午被廉政公署拘捕,藝人何韻詩、杜汶澤都在社群上表達關切,香港廉政公署上午發布新聞稿證實,前立法會議員區諾軒及歌手黃耀明2人被落案起訴,週四(8/5)將在東區裁判法院答辯。大量網友也湧入黃耀明臉書留言,期盼黃耀明平安。稍早,港媒稱,黃耀明已獲保釋。